Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 225


Chapter 225 Leaving

"Where are you going?!"

Just when Yang Chu and Jiang Cuiwei During the conversation, Fang Sheng and some other power users gathered around at some point.

At this time, the faces of these power users were quite embarrassed, many of them were pale, and there were even blood stains on the corners of their mouths.

Three strong-bodied flesh-system mutants, the rock on the Golem seems to be shattered, revealing the cracks of one after another. The other muscles that Fang Sheng found and the lizardmen who seemed to have awakened some kind of reptile gene had faint red bloodshots floating on the surface of their bodies.

The "air compression" ability that Jiang Cuiwei just displayed, although it was destroyed by Yang Chu's mind field in the blink of an eye due to the short time, still caused a lot of damage to these people.

It is conceivable that if it wasn't for Yang Chu's shot, it wouldn't take a while. Under Jiang Cuiwei's ability, these people would almost end up being broken.

At this time, many power users who gradually recovered their strength, all looked at Jiang Cuiwei with extremely bad eyes, with fear and anger, but looking at what agreement Yang Chu and the other party seemed to have reached, One did not dare to say anything else.

Only Fang Sheng, who was nominally the leader of their group, heard the last few words Jiang Cuiwei said to Yang Chu, and couldn't help but speak out.

Jiang Cuiwei glanced sideways at Fang Sheng, then turned to Yang Chu without speaking.

The speeder Ma Zheng beside him was also silent.

In fact, the two of them can already tell that the strength of these power users may be much higher than the information they received, but it is still difficult to attract the attention of the two.

Even with Fang Sheng's biological force field, this ability is quite good, and there is even considerable trouble for Ma Zheng, but in contrast, only the kind of almost crushing that Yang Chu shows. The strength of pressure is what makes the two of them unable to resist.

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

Yang Chu waved his hand gently, moved towards Fang Sheng and the other power users who came over.

He probably also guessed the thoughts of Jiang Cuiwei and Ma Zheng, and he didn't find it strange to think of the superheroes of these two audio companies.

A person enters the supernatural realm and acquires abilities far beyond ordinary people. It is unrealistic and illogical to say that he can still maintain the mentality of an ordinary person.

In a sense, power users are actually gradually differentiated from ordinary people. The more powerful power users are, and the ordinary person can even be said to be no longer a living being.

"You... are you going to abandon us?!"

Fang Sheng heard the unusual meaning in Yang Chu's words and immediately asked excitedly.

"Our goals are never the same."

Yang Chu said casually again, paused, and added, "However, you don't have to worry about it next, probably not who I will focus on you."

"What do you mean?!"

Fang Sheng was stunned for a while, then he soon had several points of understanding, and his eyes were slightly Glancing at Yang Chu.

Yang Chu did not speak any further. From the beginning to the end, he was not very interested in Fang Sheng's desire to lead them to subvert the Federation and fight for their rights.

Awakening of an android or a revolution, such a thing means nothing to him.

What he has been pursuing has always been the mysteries of the supernatural or the emergence of superpowers in this world. As for the others, he may plant some seeds if his ideas are not in line with him, but in fact these are cultivated to serve as The power user of the experimental product, no matter what he wants to do, he doesn't want to pay attention.

This is a class that was created out of thin air, and it may seem tragic, but in contrast, the real problem lies with the entire Federation.

Wei Wei was silent for a moment, Yang Chu ignored Fang Sheng, did not turn his head to look at the other power users, but looked at Jiang Cuiwei beside him, indifferently said: "Let's go, take me to see Insect nest, let me also see how strong the power users who occupy the high positions of the federation are."

Although Jiang Cuiwei solved Yang Chu's biggest doubt, that is the federation and news Why would the company, these consortium chaebols and the top officials of the federation carry out a long-term and huge experimental plan for artificially cultivating superpowers.

But many of the key points are still vague.

It's not surprising that a person has superpowers, inflates, wants to be a Sovereign, a monarch, an emperor, or even the adored Spiritual God.

From a sociological point of view, such things are very common.

But according to Jiang Cuiwei, this huge superpower training program was initiated by the top figures in the federation, and these people have benefited from this experimental program, not only becoming superpowers. Those who are capable, still firmly hold the authority.

The problem here is not simple.

It is no longer a simple individual, but a huge group, and in terms of the research direction of the No. 18 Cocoon Experimental Base, there are several points of leading the evolution of the whole people, or in other words, superpowers. Turned into a sign of general productivity.

With such a huge idea that is almost in the process of changing the entire social order, there are too many things that make Yang Chu feel curious and fail to fully sort out the joints.

In essence, although this "super power plan" has long been a part of artificially cultivated super power users, their purpose is actually to realize that the small group of people at the top of the federation will permanently The mastery of wealth and power forms an absolute class solidification.

In other words, it is directly creating God.

Completely separate this part of the top people from the people below.

From a historical point of view, there is no country that does not die, and there is no class that can always be firmly established at the top.

Once social changes are encountered, the family of aloof and remote may fall into the dust on second day and be swept into history.

But when the difference between human beings and human beings is no longer a species, and it has a strong power in itself, it can be truly stabilized.

Such a huge plan, and from the current point of view, it seems to have been completely successful, so what is involved here... Not to mention anything else, it is a simple distribution of benefits, that is, who I have shared the interests of this "super power plan" that has almost started since the establishment of the federation. Who becomes the powerful super power user, who becomes the weak one, or in other words, who achieves first, who succeeds later... What is involved here All aspects cannot be explained in a few words.

But these people can tacitly distribute this benefit internally, and hardly cause too much social unrest, which makes Yang Chu almost feel a little incredible.

"How did they reach such an agreement? Or is there an absolute core that forces everyone to compromise..."

Yang Chu could vaguely see that The problems behind this gigantic super-experiment program, but there are also many that have yet to be figured out.

He has experienced several worlds and learned a lot, but the asymmetry of information still has his limitations.

The strangeness of this world is that after he gradually got to know it, he found that there are all kinds of strangeness and problems in it.


Just as Yang Chu was thinking, Jiang Cuiwei didn't hesitate, suddenly got up and flew into the air, moved towards the far north direction.

Yang Chu waved his hand gently and controlled the speeder Ma Zheng through the psychic field, followed behind Jiang Cuiwei, and left together.

(end of this chapter)

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