Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 71


Chapter 71 Knives

“Uncle Hua——”

The youngster dressed in hip-hop, swallowed saliva and said, his face turned pale, and he subconsciously shrank his body towards the old man with the goatee.

The old man with the goatee, Uncle Hua, didn't comfort him this time, his slightly cloudy eyes staring at Yang Chu, as if he wanted to see through the intruder.

"Ai, I'm not a member of the Number Gang, who I'm looking for has nothing to do with me."

Just as everyone was deterred by Yang Chu's imposing manner, Jiang, an old man in Tang suit who was always in the corner Zuo, suddenly came out, "I'm here today to talk to the big guys of the Number Gang. Since I can't talk today, I'll change the appointment tomorrow."

"Fan Dang Jiang, you ——"

A Zidui talker not far from Jiang Zuo, seeing Fan Dang Jiang's performance, he immediately scolded him.

"Let him go!" Uncle Hua, the old man with the goatee, turned his eyes and waved his hand, suddenly said, "This is none of his business."

It's just that as soon as these words came out, the scolding character piled up and said, "That's none of my business, and I don't open a fan stall, and they didn't come after me."

After saying this, the person also glanced at Yang Chu, with a smile on his face, his body slowly leaned against the wall, and ran out quickly.

Yang Chu didn't care about the matter of sitting in the hall, and just stared at the two men, Kuang Shao and the four-eyed snake.

In fact, he didn't care about other people at all. Whether it was stunned, pretending to be dead, maimed, or really dead, he didn't care.

As long as it doesn't get in his way.

"Aiya, I've had a bad stomach at noon, and I have a stomach problem."

Another old man sitting in the hall with a pile of characters, seeing that someone really ran away in front of him, immediately hunched over, Covering his stomach with one hand and pulling the youngster next to him while holding a stool, "Ajiu, hurry up, take me to see a doctor."

There are two more people who are over 60 years old sitting in the restaurant. people, react.

"Wow, I remembered that the clothes drying at home haven't been collected yet, let's go first." One of the people said erratic words, as if he didn't see anything around him, and trotted towards the door. .

"Old ghost, what are you doing, you still owe me a hundred thousand dollars last time you played cards..." Cursing at the one in front of him, but his footsteps were more sluggish than many youngsters, and he chased after him. After almost running out of the house, he didn't forget to turn around and yell at one of his attendants, "Shenzi, what are you doing, don't hurry up and ask me for a debt."

The rest Those little horse boys, with quick brains and timidity, quickly followed along when they saw that the person who was sitting in the restaurant had run away.

But the others didn't move, they were all waiting for their own words in the hall to speak.


The hip-hop dressed youngster standing behind the long round table, and the four-eyed snake behind him, were momentarily dumbfounded.

The two were not only shocked by Yang Chu's astonishing martial power, but also surprised by how quickly these characters changed their positions.

"These few have no sense of loyalty, but there are such people in any club."

The old man with the goatee next to him, facing such a situation, his face Yes, it was a bit gloomy again, but he didn't open his mouth to scold or save anyone.

If these people are all in their twenties and thirties, they may still have a bloody courage.

But now most of the people are old and old, and they control huge industries one by one.

Moreover, although he is the "leader" in name, but everyone who sits in the hall knows that he is a puppet and a mascot, usually just to give some face, no Who would really listen to him at such a moment.

This kind of thing, in fact, don't talk about these few words. It is the "leader" Uncle Hua himself, who wants to leave behind Kuang Shao and the four-eyed snake and leave here.

But he can't really do that. First of all, he is the "leader", even if he is just a puppet in front of the stage, but the number gang can't fall. Second, if Kuang Shao, the youngest son of the former leader, is really allowed to die here, even if he can leave, the final result will only be a disaster for his family.

However, although it was the four-character pile of talking, there were still six or seven people who were sitting in the library, or because of face or other factors, they did not leave. .

"Then we'll talk next time, and we'll talk next time."

At this time, Jiang Zuo, the old man in Tang suit who was the first to ask to leave, spoke up again.

Although he was the first to say he wanted to leave, he ended up falling behind the four-character pile of words.

He didn't seem to be very agile when walking, so he didn't avoid Yang Chu as far as the others and fled against the wall. Instead, he got a little closer to Yang Chu's position.

But just as he passed by Yang Chu, Jiang Zuo's eyes flickered, his body suddenly dipped, his gray beard and hair spread out on his face, like a predatory tiger, moved towards Yang Chu and rushed over. .


This includes some other people who have not left the word pile, as well as the "leader" Uncle Hua, all of which are greatly surprised, didn't expect this outsider At this time, it will suddenly shoot.

Jiang Zuo, an old man from Heyitang, made his move, naturally not for himself. He came here this time to join the Numbers Gang. If he can make a contribution at this time, there is no doubt that he will join the Numbers Gang to deal with that one.

The idea of crossing Jianglong can be realized.

One hand turned into a knife, Jiang Zuo's withered palm, moved towards the middle of Yang Chu's chest and abdomen, and the other hand spread out five fingers, like eagle claws, but it was grabbing towards Yang Chu's lower body key.

This movement was fast and fast, and among the rest of the people, except for that Uncle Hua, no one seemed to have expected it.

But Yang Chu's reaction to the outside world was far beyond ordinary people's imagination. Almost as soon as Jiang Zuo started, he kicked out.

This is the method of volleying in the gossip's dark legs. It is sinister and concealed. After Yang Chu uses it, the formidable power is even better than the original owner.

After kicking out, it was unexpected again. Jiang Zuo, an old man who was looking at his old age, turned sideways to avoid Yang Chu's kick, and stepped forward at the same time. Head moved towards Yang Chu and slammed.

"This move—"

Yang Chu was also a little surprised that Jiang Zuo could avoid his kick.

This move Jiang Zuo is not going to hit his lower abdomen with his head, but using this move like Iron Head Art to cover up the one-handed sneak attack to attack his lower body.

This kind of style of play can be used even for ordinary person fights. The speed and strength of martial arts practice is fast and powerful. If you really use it, I am afraid that it is some expert, and you will be caught by accident.

However, Yang Chu saw it at a glance, one kick was still in the air, the other leg suddenly bounced up, and his body jumped into the air, and Jiang Zuo was swept away with one leg sweep.

Jiang Zuo's aged body fiercely slammed into the wall on one side, his bones were broken and his tendons were broken. When he landed, blood was gushing from his nose and mouth, but his originally cloudy eyes shot out an unprecedented amount of energy. The brilliance, staring at Yang Chu almost muttered:

"Good kung fu, really good kung fu, even if I am thirty years younger, my skills have never been wasted, in your hands, I am afraid I can't make three moves... ...when I was in the Unity Door, I should have listened to Senior Brother..."

At the end, he was out of breath.

"Are you one?"

Yang Chu's listening ability is very strong, and he can hear the last few words of the other party.

He recalled the speed and rhythm of the opponent's shot. Although he could see at a glance that he was ignoring practice and lacking energy, the explosion at that moment was indeed far beyond the average person. When he watched Xiahou Wu's shot before the meaning of.

However, he has no interest in knowing the identity of this old man.

Today, don't say that it is such an old man who may have something to do with Xiahou Wu, even if Xiahou Wu stops in front of him, it is the same.

Yang Chu's eyes turned to the rest of the Conference Hall. Those people who didn't run away were sitting in the hall talking and looking at Yang Chu's eyes. At this moment, they suddenly understood.

They didn't run in front of them, and after the sneak attack at the fan stall, they didn't have any chance.


"Fight with him!"

The roar sounded, and several people in the library took the lead, like crazy The moved towards Yang Chu rushed over, some who fought for their lives, and some who wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

Yang Chu calmly raised the Beretta pistol in his hand, and aimed at everyone who rushed in front of him or ran past him, just a burst of pa pa pa shooting.

His shooting level is not high, but his super perception, and this Beretta pistol has been disassembled several times by him, and the accuracy is amazing.

The screams and the screams of pain are intertwined.

The people in the Conference Hall collapsed one after another.

After Yang Chu fired seven or eight shots in a row, the magazine was empty. He threw the gun at random, used the machete he grabbed, and chopped down the people who rushed in front of him. .

The movements are neat, not fancy, and every knife is almost wiped on the neck.

In just a few short breaths, in the huge Conference Hall, only a few were able to stand.

And just at this moment——

The "Dragon Head" Uncle Hua saw Yang Chu throw a pistol and move his knife towards the neck of a word. , suddenly pulled out an M10 revolver from his sleeve, aimed at Yang Chu's head and pulled the trigger.

This is his life-saving trump card and the opportunity he's been waiting for.

With Yang Chu's skills and the fact that he had a gun in his hand, if he took it out directly, Yang Chu would either rush in front of him and be hacked to death, or he would be shot in the head by the opponent.

Only at this time, Yang Chu's Beretta pistol is out of ammunition and is still attacking other people, this is his chance.

Two snaps.

Yang Chu slashed the neck of the last word, and suddenly felt the crisis.

Out of the corner of his eye, sparks flickered from the muzzle, the barrel was ejected, and everything seemed to slow down.



There are two sudden bangs.

The machete in Yang Chu's hand danced twice at an incredible speed.

Two grooves suddenly burst out on the far wall.

Uncle Hua, the dragon head holding the gun, and Kuang Shao and the four-eyed snake behind him, the three froze there, looking at Yang Chu as if they had seen a ghost.

Yang Chu held the machete in his hand, which was made of ordinary steel. At the edge of the blade, there were two small finger-sized gaps, and it was about to break.

The knife splits the bullet.

(end of this chapter)

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