Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 77


Chapter 77 Dawn

Central Police Station, brightly lit.

Outside the building are roaring police cars, and inside the building are hurried plainclothes and uniformed police officers.

"...The elite soldiers from various police districts are temporarily organized into a special action group. This is the command center, Inspector Lv Mingzhe, and you are in command for the time being."

In a temporary Conference Hall, an old man with a high-level superintendent and hair grey-white stood in the middle of the conference and presided over a large-scale conference.

"Inspector Lin Xinzhong of Eastern District, Inspector Chen Guibin of Kowloon Police Station, and Inspector Li Ying of Tuen Mun, you three are the deputy commanders of this temporary operation square. The four of you are currently our Hong Kong Island Police Force solving cases. The high-level inspector with the strongest ability and ability to act, I hope you can work together to bring the murderers of these three extremely vicious cases to justice as soon as possible."

The old man with the rank of superintendent then placed the position Get out of the way, moved towards Lu Mingzhe, who is at the next head, nodded, "Inspector Lu Mingzhe, now you will preside over, in the next operations, the Action Division, the Mobile Force, the Major Event Division, the Traffic Management and Prosecution Division, the Public The Relation Section will fully cooperate."

Said, the old man with the rank of superintendent looked around the crowd again, without stopping at all, he led a few police officers behind him. Member, hurried out of this Conference Hall.

The inspectors, trainee inspectors, and sheriffs who were sitting at the scene all had serious expressions when they saw the old man leave.

At present, these cases in Central are the top priorities for them to deal with.

While the others are busy with the stability of the entire Hong Kong Island at the moment, almost all of the people who recorded zero were dispatched to strengthen the monitoring of the major associations and interviewed the people of the major associations.

The "leader" of the Number Gang and the people who sit in the hall with the seven or eight characters have all been wiped out. Whether it is internal turmoil in the Number Gang or other external organizations coveting the site, there is a possibility that it will be staged. A large-scale group scramble for territory.

"Okay, let's ignore other things, let's go back to our case, Sir Lin——"

Lu Mingzhe walked to the conference center and looked at the seated Inspector Lin Xinzhong of the Eastern District Serious Crime Squad at the forefront stretched out his hand and made a gesture.

"I'll introduce someone to you first."

Lin Xinzhong stood up from his seat and let out a short-haired man sitting on a chair next to the Conference Hall, "This is This is Mr. Wu Xiahou. Just now, the General Administration has hired him as the next martial arts instructor of our police force. In this case, since the murderer has a strong fighting ability, we made a special trip to invite Mr. Wu Xiahou to come over to do this time. Special advisor for action."

Xiahou Wu, sitting in a chair behind the conference table against the wall, with a stack of documents and photos given to him by Lin Xinzhong in front of him, stood up and faced the crowd without any hesitation. cup one fist in the other hand gave a salute.

Joining the Hong Kong Island Police Force to become a martial arts instructor, this was a plan he had long thought of.

Six Doors is good for self-cultivation. Today's era is not as good as before. If you want to become one door, it is not just a matter of punching and kicking.

He challenged the many kung fu experts on Hong Kong Island. Of course, he was fond of martial arts, but it was also for the sake of fame. With fame, he was able to attract attention. There could be forces behind him to protect and support him. Can take the opportunity to take the unity door to a higher position.

However, Xiahou Wu really didn't expect this opportunity to come so quickly, he just decided on the later capture expert, and he was invited over.

After getting up, moved towards everyone and said, "I probably looked at the photos and documents, the strength and agility of the perpetrators are far beyond ordinary people, especially the machete that was chipped by bullets, this should be It was caused when he slashed with a knife."

"Someone can slash a neutron bullet with a knife, is it unlikely?"

A woman's voice finished in Xiahou Wu, Suddenly he said.

"Ah Bo, I forgot to tell you, don't look at things with your inherent concept." Li Ying, a mature middle-aged man in a large suit, leaned slightly drowsily on the chair , and said something to the policewoman standing behind her.

The Tuen Mun Crime Squad was the last to arrive and didn't arrive at the scene to understand the situation. When they arrived, they were directly in the Central District, and they hadn't read the information on some cases at the moment.

"It's still possible." Xiahou Wu did not defend the policewoman Ah Bo's doubts, but continued, "His explosive strength is extremely strong, his shots are accurate, he is proficient in human anatomy, and there is almost nothing Shortcomings, I can only see these for the time being."

"many thanks, Instructor Xiahou."

Lv Mingzhe, who is in the center of the Conference Hall, did not wait for other police officers to question again. , and then went on to talk about the case, "When we were looking for surveillance, we captured some content. Sima—"

Lu Mingzhe gestured to a police officer below the Conference Hall, The projection instrument in the Conference Hall immediately lit up, and three surveillance images appeared.

Two scenes were taken at the entrance of the police station's detention room, one was a picture of entering the detention room with his head lowered, and the other group was a picture of a person coming out of the detention room carrying a person. There is also a back view taken at the back door of Lihua Building.

"The murderer's appearance is not captured in several videos, only the gait is approximate. The murderer seems to be very clear about the location of these cameras, and intentionally avoids his face."

Lv Mingzhe stood in front of the Conference Hall and continued to talk about the case, "Through our preliminary investigation, including breaking into the police station and the detention room to rob the criminal, murder and wounding in the starlight nightclub, and the mass murder on the seventh floor of the Chan Palace Building These three cases should all be committed by the same person, and the murderer has a martial power far beyond ordinary people..."

"Lu sir——"

At this moment, A youngster ran in from outside the door, holding a drawing board and a sketch in his hand, "According to the descriptions of more than a dozen witnesses, I have drawn the person you are looking for."

"It's hard work. ”

Lu Mingzhe stopped explaining the case, made a gesture, and immediately the police officer in charge of projection stepped forward to take the drawing from the youngster.

"Hey, this is Ah Bo from last time."

Standing at the conference table, policewoman Ah Bo saw the youngster who came in, and lightly touched the Li Ying, "Sir Li, last time you said you were looking for someone to drink tea."

"Is there?" Li Ying turned slightly, seemingly completely forgetting the existence of this person, "I Why can't I remember."

"Forget it."

Policewoman Ah Bo curl one's lip, she is used to the lazy appearance of her boss, the former hot-handed detective, In the past few years, it has been either drinking or picking up girls. If it wasn't for the above arrangement this time, the other party would probably not be interested in running so far from Central.


The beam of the projection instrument lights up again, and a simulated portrait hits the curtain behind Lu Mingzhe.

In the Conference Hall, one after another looked at the curtain.


Xiahou Wu, who was called overnight and was still looking for a job, suddenly caught a glimpse of the portraits that appeared on the screen, froze for a moment, his lips moved slightly , murmured in a voice that is hard for ordinary people to hear, "A Chu!"

"Yang Chu!" Chen Guibin, who had the case information, also stood up.

The last time the 701 troops attacked Heipisha and took Yang Chu along with him. He later clearly understood the case, but there was no direct evidence, so he didn't go to Yang Chu.

Later, the case about Unit 701 changed direction. Xu Xi came over to have a candid conversation with him again, and even talked about the experience of attacking Xiong Ju, the Captain of Unit 701 with Yang Chu, and invited Yang Chu to help. , Yang Chu refused...

"Sir Li, this person...this person is like the passenger in the 'Butcher Driver's Case' we handled last time."

Female Police Ah Bo fixedly looked at the portraits that appeared and couldn't help but let out a cry.

"Really or not?" Li Ying, who has always been quite lazy, saw his most trusted subordinate say so, and his face changed, "Ah Bo, are you sure?"

Ah Bo didn't care about Li Ying, he moved quickly towards the youngster who drew the portrait and ran, "Ale, right? Does this person look like the one you drew for us last time?"


The loudest exclamation came from Fat Sha, who was almost dozing off at the conference table. The screen, looking left and right, yelled, "It's him! It's this person, I met at the gate of the police station, and he asked me for a question. Yes, my ID must have been stolen by him..."

The Conference Hall, which had a chilling and depressing atmosphere, suddenly seemed to explode.

"Feisha, have you seen this person?!"

Lv Mingzhe, who was standing in the middle, rushed down when he saw Feisha's excited expression.

But before he could walk to Feisha, Chen Guibin, who was beside him, grabbed him and said quickly, "Lv sir, the prisoner in the detention room you mentioned earlier was robbed. What's the case?"

"You know it too?"

Lv Mingzhe started again, and his response was very fast. This is what he will talk about later. For a while, he didn't care about Feisha, and immediately said: "It's a case of a negligent fight that caused death. The deceased was an actor named Liu Xu and a Dragon-Tiger Martial Master..."

After speaking, Lu Mingzhe hurriedly let the man die. Photographs of people associated with the case were shot on the screen through a projection device.

"Liu Xu?"

Chen Guibin quickly recalled everything related to Yang Chu in his mind when he heard the name, and when he saw the cross-eyed photo on the screen, He thought about it.

The first time he met Yang Chu when he was in the security dao chart library, he had seen this person come to see Yang Chu.

He understands.

"Brother Xu, it turns out to be Brother Xu!!"

Xiahou Wu stood there, looking at the portrait of Yang Chu and the photo of Liu Xu on the screen, feeling a little dazed for a while .

It can be said that Liu Xu felt kindness from strangers for the first time since he came to Hong Kong Island. In just a moment, he also understood that these people must be related to Liu Xu's death.

With the Yang Chu he knows, the other party is indifferent, but not out of the ordinary. Only when something irritates the other party to the point where he can't stand it can this happen.

"Sir Lin, I can't help you with this case."

Almost in an instant, Xiahou Wu made a decision, walked to the side of the Eastern District Major Crime Inspector Lin Xinzhong, and spoke. speak out.

"Instructor Xiahou, what do you mean? Do you know the murderer?" Lin Xinzhong's reaction was also very quick, and he could become the head of the serious crime team. can be seen.

Xiahou Wu didn't speak, just showed a habitually restrained smile, shook his head, and was about to leave this Conference Hall. The moment he saw Liu Xu's photo, he didn't know how Yang Chu was feeling, but there was a nameless anger rising in his heart.

"Instructor Xiahou!" Lin Xinzhong saw that Xiahou Wu was still about to leave, and shouted after him, "I'm not asking you to help us solve the case, but if you want to gain a foothold in the Hong Kong Island Police Force in the future, With the influence of the police force, I hope you will consider some things carefully."

"Don't be noisy!"

At this moment, Chen Guibin suddenly fiercely slapped the table, making a loud noise The Conference Hall, which had caused some boiling, fell silent.

Chen Guibin walked to the middle of the Conference Hall, pointed to Liu Xu's photo, looked at Lv Mingzhe and said, "Lv Sir, I hope to find out the inside story of Liu Xu's death as soon as possible. To the next move of the murderer we are looking for."

Xiahou Wu, who had reached the entrance of the Conference Hall, suddenly stopped when he heard Lin Xinzhong's words or Chen Guibin's words.

He turned his head and glanced outside the Conference Hall window, it was already bright.


"It's dawn!"

A voice also sounded from the Morrison Hill indoor swimming pool on Queen's Road East.

Yang Chu, who was floating on the water, slowly opened his eyes, watched the gradually brightening light in the room, and slowly stood up from the water.

He moved his right hand lightly and squeezed his fist lightly.

After a night of rest in the water, his overloaded right arm and related muscle skeleton have fully recovered, and after a night of alternate rest in the water, he also adjusted the state of his body to the best .

"It's time."

Together, these contents are finally finished

(End of this chapter)

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