Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 95


Chapter 95 Shots

"Jason Bourne."

Kai Tak Airport, Immigration Checkpoint At the guard booth, a female staff member glanced at the photo on the American passport in her hand, looked up and compared it with a young white man standing in front of her, affixed an entry stamp, and handed the passport back to the other party, "Welcome Coming to Hong Kong Island!”

“many thanks!”

Fluent and standard Cantonese, dressed in ordinary clothes, looks ordinary, carrying a shoulder bag, looks like most The young white man of the tourist took the passport, gently nodded, and thanked him.

Before putting the passport into his arms, he glanced at the information on the passport again. The photo was an ID photo he had taken before, but the home address, age and name were all new. .

"Jason Bourne."

This is the name in the passport's name column. I stuffed my passport into the lined pocket of my shirt and walked out of the checkpoint.

The crowd of people walking around and various shops, noisy voices, conversations, arguments at the immigration checkpoint, all kinds of information came into his mind.

In a small newsstand outside the immigration, he took out his wallet and bought a newspaper and two maps. He did not leave in a hurry, but walked to a row of seats next to the immigration and sat down. .

He first took a look at the two maps, comparing the Chinese and English maps. He had a general understanding of the map of Hong Kong Island before, but he was not familiar with the specific streets and details.

The comparison of the two maps gave him a general idea of many areas on Hong Kong Island. Although there are more than tens of thousands of place names in detail, he did not immediately remember them, but they are generally important. Buildings and areas, as well as some streets, have quickly made an impression in this short period of time.

He is still in the learning stage of Chinese learning, but whether it is traditional or simplified, or even some Cantonese spoken and written expressions, he already has a certain foundation during the period from Thailand to Hong Kong.

In fact, in addition to Chinese and his native English, he can speak French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Dutch, and even some dialects of Southeast Asia, some of them reached a level of proficiency.

After that, he flipped through the newspaper he bought at random. There was a black and white photo in the middle of the page. The angle of the shooting should be taken from the top. In the middle of the photo was a high-rise building similar to a tower. The two silhouettes were suspended from the building by ropes.

"Welcome to Hong Kong Island!"

While Byrne was flipping through the newspaper, the voice of the female staff member who knocked on the immigration stamp in front of him sounded again.

He intuitively lifts the head and glanced at him, who came in through the immigration checkpoint was a bald man in a white shirt and a black suit with a red tie on his chest.

The complexion is pale, the temperament is stern, and the height is between 185-190cm. He seems to feel Bourne's gaze, and the man also glanced at Bourne. His eyes vaguely sensed something.

Byrne didn't mean to look at the other party, and turned his head to the side as if nothing had happened, but just glanced at the other party when he left.

640509-040147, this bald man has a weird barcode on the back of his head. Below the barcode is this string of numbers.

"640509, this looks like a date of birth, but what do those numbers mean?"

Byrne just glanced at this stern and unusually bald man's brain. There is a guess on the number below the barcode, but the other 040147 does not understand.

However, Byrne was only curious about the bald man for a moment, and soon he noticed a middle-aged man watching him not far away.

The middle-aged man, who looked like a local from Hong Kong Island, was carrying a bag and dressed casually. He came to Bourne and sat down, as if he was picking up someone.

Only after it got up, a thick file was left in its original seat.

Byrne noticed that no one around noticed him, picked up the file, got up and walked outside.


Guanghua Hospital, brain surgery room.

Yang Chu stood quietly not far from the operating table, watching the surgeon, with the help of the Microscope, cautiously open a part of the patient's skull to reveal the location of the lesion.

Today's operation is a cerebral hydatid disease operation, which is a very high-tech operation on Hong Kong Island at this time.

This kind of brain disease is mostly caused by canines as the source of infection, and surgery is the only radical treatment at present.

The main method is to separate out the hydatid cysts in the patient's brain and remove them completely.

This operation lasted for a full four hours. During these four hours, Yang Chu had been watching carefully, and even one of the three assistant doctors was half a beat slower. , When he got the wrong tool, he lightly touched the other party and reminded him once.

After the operation, Yang Chu quietly left.

He has seen quite a few surgeries in Guanghua Hospital, from appendix surgery to some emergency surgeries, and some relatively complicated ones, such as today's brain surgery, even as a fake doctor. read a lot.

Actually, the hospital does not feel particularly strong about having a person like him. Guanghua Hospital has many departments and people come and go. Under the cover of masks and clothes, he often appears and disappears unpredictably. He often appeared quietly after the procedure started, watching onlookers without making a sound. Sometimes after an operation, no one even noticed his existence.

After leaving the operating room, Yang Chu went directly to the small reading room of Guanghua Hospital.

He has read a lot of books that he is interested in in this small library. The system is complex, the content is rich, and the content is obscure. Even his memory and understanding ability are still the same. I think it's just a glimpse.

However, during his time at Guanghua Hospital, Yang Chu really came into contact with various diseases that made him feel wonderful.

For example, in a peculiar condition called musculoskeletal ossification progressive, the muscles and tendons of the patient's body will gradually become a skeleton, until the joints of the whole body cannot move.

Also called hyperostosis, a strange condition that can occur on any skeleton. Others include porphyria, progeria, hyper-amnesia, and painless diseases like Unit 701, which do not feel pain.

Many of these symptoms are malignant and bad lesions, but Yang Chu has seen the wonder and peculiarity of the human body.

"Dr. Yang, I'm reading again. It's rare to see people who work hard like you these days."

In the small reading room, a middle-aged woman in charge of cleaning With a mop and bucket, he walked in from the outside, looking like he was going to clean the reading room.

"Aunt Li, haven't you got off work yet?"

Yang Chu glanced at the middle-aged woman who walked in, and asked casually, but she was still flipping through the pages. The surgical book for this Essentials and Blind Spot series.

He hasn't had much contact with doctors and nurses in the hospital these days, but he still has a certain intersection with the cleaning and security staff at the bottom.

Naturally, because of the fake certificate Xu Xi gave him, these people would not be suspicious of his identity, and it would be easier to confuse him.

"It's not over yet, but it's not as easy as your doctor."

The middle-aged woman in charge of cleaning was laughed, holding a mop dipped in water and mopping it seriously Get up.

Just when the mop in the middle-aged woman's hand was about to touch Yang Chu's feet, Yang Chu suddenly turned his head, stared at the middle-aged woman, and laughed, "Make-up and imitation. Your level is so high, are you finally unable to hold back because the black man left?"

(end of this chapter)

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