Start With Lifting The Restrictions Chapter 98


Chapter 98 Rejoice

"You are looking for someone else."

Yang Chu's eyes are still chasing Harry in front of him Hart didn't pay much attention to this young white man who appeared.

The other party is too ordinary and ordinary. There are all kinds of ghosts in Hong Kong Island. There are all kinds of people. When I was in Lan Kwai Fong, I watched Yang Chu drink milk and eat baguettes. There are whistling thumbs up.

"Please look again, Soy Sauce Street, do you think so? Sorry, this is my first time on Hong Kong Island..."

A white man with very ordinary clothes and appearance The young man used some jerky Cantonese mixed with English, and continued to ask, with a rather friendly smile on his face.

While speaking, he moved the map in his hand closer to Yang Chu.

At this time, Yang Chu suddenly became vigilant. He suddenly retracted his gaze, grabbed the map in front of him with his backhand, and accurately grabbed the opponent's wrist hidden under the map.

A micro-syringe filled with a small half tube of potion was held in the hands of this white young man who looked like a traveler asking for directions.

A muffled pop.

When Yang Chu grabbed his wrist, the white youth suddenly stretched out his foot in front of Yang Chu, and the elbow of his left hand, moved towards Yang Chu's chest, fiercely hit it.

This movement is both quick and secretive. That kick is destroying Yang Chu's center of gravity, and this elbow instantly has the strength to penetrate a masonry wall.

Yang Chu's right hand was facing up, blocking the opponent's elbow attack, his left hand grabbed the opponent's right hand with a flick of his wrist, and his energy vibrated, throwing the white young man out.

But the white youth just took a step back, and the syringe in his hand didn't fall.

At this moment, Jason Bourne really felt the extraordinary goal of this mission.

His strength and speed have been tested data, far exceeding the average person, coupled with his extremely precise shot, such a sudden shot, it is almost difficult for anyone to guard against.

He has seen some relevant information about the target. In order to avoid a sudden attack from behind or beside him, it may arouse the target's instinctive intuition of danger, so he took this close distance and restrained all auras. common means.

In the courses he studied, the more simple and direct the way, the higher the efficiency and the greater the probability of success.

Especially when the target's attention is attracted by other things, this sudden interruption can often have unexpected effects.

But before he did this, the target had already noticed his intentions, which was a bit terrifying.

It is certain that the target's ability to capture information in the face of the surrounding is not inferior to him, or even stronger than him, and the judgment and decisiveness are amazing enough.

In addition, he had a hurried fight, and it was obvious that he had mastered the superb fighting skills for this task, and his strength and speed surpassed him.


Jason Bourne didn't hesitate at all. After taking a step back, he immediately took a stride and came to Yang Chu again.

His left hand was still holding the syringe, and he seemed to want to move towards Yang Chu's neck. With a trembling of the fingers of his right hand, he made a move to grab Yang Chu's shoulder.

The reaction speed and the speed of the shot are extremely fast.

Almost at the same time as his brain makes judgment and analysis.

After Yang Chu swayed Jayne Bourne away with one move, he was a little surprised when he saw that the other party only took a small step back and jumped up again.

With his current way of exerting his strength, after clarifying the many skills of kung fu, only this time, the female FSB agent known as the bird of prey like Hei Yuan, half of his body softened.

But this white young man looks ordinary, but his strength and speed are considered to be one of the most outstanding people he has ever met.

And the skill of unloading force, the speed of action, is almost a complete instinctive reaction.

In a flash when the white youth rushed in front of him again,

Yang Chu's eyelids twitched, keenly capturing the abnormality in the opponent's movements.

It looked like a very simple action, but there was a murderous intention hidden in it.

The syringe and the potion in the syringe are real, but they are just to attract his attention. The real ultimate move is a ring on the middle finger of the other's right hand.

There is a fine needle on the ring facing the palm.

"The other party is trying to arrest me!"

Yang Chu immediately came to the conclusion that this white young man and that Harry Hart had similar intentions in the beginning. He wanted to use these secretive tricks to catch him and capture him alive.

As for the purpose of arresting him, he can guess, but this is not the time to think about it.

Almost at the moment when Jason Bourne shot, Yang Chu's figure suddenly became slightly shorter, he raised his hand and quickly slapped the needle of the opponent's left hand, followed by a move to kick the joint in the hidden leg. Legs, moved towards Byrne's knee kicked in the past.

Jason Bourne immediately stopped and changed his moves, retreating with both hands, sideways avoiding Yang Chu's vicious kick.

But Yang Chu stood up suddenly, twisted his waist and swayed his legs, and swept his foot towards Bourne's waist.

Yang Chu's current melee combat ability, even if he does not overload his power, is already crushing a group of Peak experts.

Superior reaction ability and strong ability to capture surrounding information, a thorough understanding of the human body, and extraordinary dynamic vision,

Almost all fighting skills and skills, in his There are no secrets in front of you.

This kick was swept out with great power and speed. Jason Bourne didn't have time to dodge at all, but his instinctive short body covered his waist with his arms.


A loud bang.

Jason Byrne flew out from the sidewalk of Wylie Road like a cannonball, and fiercely hit the rear door and glass of a car parked on the side of the road.

Passers-by all stopped after the loud noise.

The confrontation between Yang Chu and Bourne in front was fast and secretive. In the eyes of an ordinary person, it was almost like asking for directions in the past, then the two moved a few times, and then Byrne flew out backwards.

Jason Bourne bounced back from the slightly dented car, barely stopped, and moved towards the street in the distance.

"He's different!"

Yang Chu looked at Jason Bourne after he was hit, and immediately stabilized his body, ran away from the back, tilted his head slightly, face Suddenly, a child's smile appeared when he saw his beloved toy.

Curious, delighted...

He doesn't know Jason Bourne's identity and origins, but to him, in this brief moment none of that matters.

The two fought fast and dangerously, Yang Chu obviously felt the unusualness of this white young man asking for directions, it was the real unusualness.

The opponent's strength is not particularly strong, it should be the maximum strength his body can normally exert, more than twice that of the ordinary person.

But the reaction speed is far more than that. Yang Chu guessed that it may have reached or exceeded the reaction limit of the ordinary person.

The shot is quick, the judgment is accurate, and even Yang Chu's movements can be captured.

This proves that the opponent can also have super information capture ability in the fierce battle.


Yang Chu glanced at the dented car on the side of the road, how strong his foot was, a 200-pound sandbag should It can also fly seven or eight meters.

A kick on someone's body will basically result in a broken tendon.

But although Jason Bourne blocked it with his arm, the impact of his entire body on the vehicle was definitely not light.

With a more and more thorough understanding of the human body, Yang Chu can clearly understand what damage Jason Bourne will suffer under his sweep, and where the skeleton muscles will be affected , which he can clearly infer.

However, after Jason Bourne flew out, fiercely hit the side of the vehicle, and immediately it was like nothing was happening, and he could move towards the distance by pulling his legs.

The ability of the body to fight and beat is definitely not within the scope of ordinary people.

"Is he a superhuman that has been strengthened or transformed?"

The more curious the color in Yang Chu's eyes, the brighter the smile on his face.

As if a long-awaited happy event, suddenly inadvertently broke into his face.

Previously, Yang Chu also thought that there was a "reformation warrior" in the Soviet Union that removed pain like 701, so other countries or regions should have similar projects.

It's just that neither newspapers nor the media can find any information on public information.

This left him in desperation, so he could only choose to go to the hospital and go through various peculiar diseases to find something beyond the limits of the human body.

But now, a living superhuman who has been enhanced or transformed appears in front of him, and he is absolutely impossible to miss.

Glancing at Harry Hart, who had already run fifty or sixty meters ahead, and gradually merged into the crowd, Yang Chu had no interest in chasing him at all, and instead moved towards Jason Bo. En escaped in the direction, quickly followed.

At this moment, he just wanted to know the secrets hidden in this white young man's body.

It seems that it is not far from the top ten of the new book list. Ask the big guys for monthly tickets!

(end of this chapter)

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