Start With Max-Level Divine Art Chapter 155


Chapter 155 Arrives

Mo Chengkong...

These three words are extremely unfamiliar to Su Mo .

However, when Liu Mo and the three heard it, their reactions were different.

Seeing Su Mo's suspicious expression, Liu Mo explained softly:

"This is indeed the pseudonym of Wuzhidaotongyun, and there is even a record in Yuejiang Pavilion.


"We also followed this clue, and we traced it all the way to the present. "

Su Mo hearing this is frowned: "Yuejiang Pavilion? "

"It's really reading..."

Liu Mo was about to nodded, but suddenly paused, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes: "That's not right. "

"What's the matter? "

Fu Hanyuan couldn't help asking when they all looked like this.

Feng Baichuan's eyes were more cold, and the murderous aura seemed to be heavier...but Su Mo Liu Mo and Liu Mo already know about his state.

This person is probably even more confused.

"Tong Yun's various actions in Dongcheng in the past were all investigating one thing. .

"With the words of Huaishan and Five Tigers in front, this matter should be greatly implicated in that curling score.

"And when he was doing these things, he used It is the pseudonym Mo Chengkong. "

Liu Mo looked strange: "Even, he used the same name when he found the Five Tigers of Huaishan and wanted to rob Purple Yang Escort. The reason why the Five Tigers of Huaishan discovered his true identity was when he shot a sneak attack..."

Speaking of which, he glanced at Su Mo.

Su Mo smiled: "When he sneak attacked his father, Shen Bu was shocked with the sword of immortality. From this, the foundation was leaked... However, the situation since then has undergone a great deviation.

"He should know that he was unable to succeed with his father at that time, and the Five Tigers of Huaishan must be able to infer his identity according to the figure.

"But after this incident , he did not kill a witness to silence them.

"Not only that, he even left his pseudonym in the Yuejiang Pavilion...

"Is this a bit unreasonable? "

Fu Hanyuan immediately nodded: "That's right, since it's a secret thing, and it takes a lot of time to change the name and surname, why leave a clue for us to find?" As a result, the previous twists and turns are not justified? "

Feng Baichuan said coldly:

"Martial Ancestor...what do you want to do?" "

"Then don't know. ”

Su Mo shook the head, deep in one's heart more waves.

The words of the scar-faced man directly pulled the origin of all this back to twenty years ago .

It was even more implicated with the Yu Clan clan whose whole family was wiped out.

He suddenly thought about it, when he returned to Sunset City from the Heavenly Blade Sect and passed through the river, Xu Lukui stole the mandarin ducks at night.

The person who would connect with him was an unknown expert.

At that time, he felt that this situation seemed familiar.

Now that I think about it, on his first trip to the forest, he encountered a black clothed person who entrusted a brocade box to 'Wang Xianglin' at Fowl Cry Station. The four people who robbed darts on the way were not all rivers and lakes without any names. Is he an expert?

It's just that after that incident, Su Mo experienced too much, but he forgot about it.

Only Qilin swordsman jumped up and down in front of him from time to time, It's impressive...

And now, is it possible that the Three Absolutes Sect has something to do with the Yu Clan clan being extinguish sect?

It is indeed possible

There are three gates of Heaven, Earth and Human. The ones encountered in Heavenly Blade Sect should be the ground gate or the herringbone gate.

Aoba Alliance Leader and the monks, according to Li Siyun, should come from the Tianzimen.

Among the three juemen, Tianzimen is the most complicated, Tianzimen sect master unfathomable, and the most unfathomable. It's unpredictable.

On the basis of what he knows so far, it seems a little insufficient to blame it all on the Three Absolutes Sect.

But what is certain is that, It is absolutely difficult to get rid of the Three Absolutes Sect and this matter.

And judging from the words of this scarred-faced man, there are too many things that don't match with what he knew earlier.

He shook the head and looked towards Liu Mo and the others:

"What are your plans next? "

Liu Mo looked at Fu Hanyuan and Feng Baichuan.

Fu Hanyuan rolled the eyes: "I will definitely listen to you." "

"You call the shots." "

Feng Baichuan didn't hesitate at all, and directly pushed the question to Liu Mo.

It is not difficult to understand why Liu Mo can say so when we meet again. Now...

Fu Hanyuan is a tool man in this industry after all, he wants to clear his suspicions and avenge himself.

And the relationship of trust leads to His words are not taken seriously.

Naturally, he can't make up his mind at all.

As for Feng Baichuan...he is hard to say, and his words are often incomprehensible.

In the end, I can only rely on Liu Mo.

At this point, if Liu Mo is still taciturn, cherish words like gold, then many things will be impossible.

Liu Mo lightly let out a breath:

"For the present, all the clues are basically cut off. However, since that dart was sent to the Yu Clan family, maybe there will still be some traces left?

"Now I can only try one's luck."

Fu Hanyuan and Feng Baichuan were immediately nodded, and now there is really no other better way.

And they came here this time, not to investigate the truth of the year, nor to find any music scores...

They were just to find Tong Yun.

Therefore, after Su Mo pondered for a while, he said:

"If this is the case, I'm afraid you have to be careful.

"Su Mo Along the way, I also discovered some situations, and I said too much for fear that you would be involved in the incident and it would be difficult to escape.

"So here's a reminder for you all, if things don't go well, you'd better get out as soon as possible... lest you get too deep into it and find it hard to extricate yourself."

He After hesitating again and again, he still did not explain the series of things about the Three Absolutes Sect and the mandarin ducks to them.

The purpose of each other is different, Heavenly Blade Sect even has no nostalgia for the golden jade cone, their line is just to find Tongyun.

I can't find it, it's just a knot in my heart.

If you tell them about the Three Absolutes Sect, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not have other effects on them, and thus kill their lives.

Therefore, for this sake, the reminder is enough.

Sure enough, Su Mo's words shocked Liu Mo and the others.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately cup one fist in the other hand: "Since Escort Chief Su said so, then we will naturally understand."


"That's good."

Su Mo lightly sighed: "Su Mo has something important to do this time, otherwise, let's go with you to the Yu Clan clan. But nothing is impossible, but now I can only hope that every bad luck will turn into a lucky one, and everything will go smoothly.”

“What is Escort Chief Su saying.”

Liu Mo said with a smile: "This matter has nothing to do with Escort Chief Su..."

"It didn't matter in the past, and I'm afraid it's hard to say now."

Su Mo's expression is a little bit eccentric.

Liu Mo and the others heard this, and they were also nodded.

Who would have thought that when they investigated Tong Yun, they found out from the mouth of this scarred man that Purple Yang Escort had escorted a curly score.

This score has a lot to do with Tong Yun.

Furthermore, there is another mystery in the matter.

Tong Yun's later actions are all different, is it also related to this matter?

Did Su Mo's father catch up with that Tong Yun?

If it doesn't catch up, it's fine. If it catches up, what happened?

Did the conversation between these two people change some of Tong Yun's decisions?

That's why he later gave up on chasing and killing the Five Tigers of Huaishan Mountain, and even decided to leave some traces of his past in the East City in Yuejiang Pavilion.

In this way, twenty years later, they are only able to find these clues by following the map.

Although this idea is somewhat wishful thinking.

But it's not impossible.

It's just these kinds of speculation. Only after finding Tong Yun can we get the answer. Now, even if we guess, the result is nothing but an increase in trouble.

There was no more to say immediately, and Liu Mo held the five tigers of Huaishan with a broken arm in his hand. If there is any problem on the way, it is convenient to ask.

Su Mo set the scar-faced man's body on fire, and said goodbye to Liu Mo and the three of them cup one fist in the other hand by the fire.

After watching Liu Mo and the three leave, Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun withdrew their gazes and looked at each other, but they were speechless for a long time.

“Uncle Su…”

Yang Xiaoyun glanced at Su Mo: “It seems different from what you and I imagined?”

Su Mo exhaled In one breath, laughed:

"Between the wave of the hand, like the scorching sun rising in the sky, the martial arts is so strong that people almost mistake it for the Purple Yang Sect sect master...

"It's amazing. what. "

However, both Su Mo and the person in Yang Xiaoyun's ears said that this person's martial arts was mediocre.

It was only because of the shadow of his parents that he was able to survive. Escort.

But the words of the five tigers in Huaishan clearly told Su Mo that what they knew was all false...

Su Mo's father was far from what they imagined It's as simple as that.

With these words, Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun also figured out some things.

How amazing is Yang Yizhi?

Dragon Spear made the Iron Blood Escort Bureau famous with one shot.

Why is it so close to Su Mo's father?

If two people make good friends, if Su Mo's father is really just an ordinary escort who can only rely on his father Yu Yin to support the escort. Can Yang Yizhi see it?

In Heavenly Feather City that night, the unknown black clothed person, who once described Su Mo's father as 'unrestrained and arrogant'.

In Li Siyun's mouth, Su Mo's father is even more 'heroic'.

Anyone who has been in contact with Su Mo father speaks highly of him.

However, the person who falls into the ears of Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun is mediocre.

If there is no problem with this, then I am afraid that no one will believe it.

However, what is hidden in it is still in the fog, and it is difficult to see it.


Su Mo pondered for a while, and then said:

"Li Siyun once said that starting twenty years ago, this volume of mandarin duck music was kept by him with him.

"More than 20 years ago, my father and Uncle Yang escorted Yuanyangpu to the Yu Clan family.

"There are probably some changes that we don't understand. "

"Yu Clan family..."

Yang Xiaoyun brows tightly frowns: "I am quite unfamiliar with this name. "

"It was destroyed more than ten years ago..."

Su Mo frowned slightly, ordinary people don't know about the Yu Clan family, but Su Mo is a Clear.

The Yu Clan family was extinguish sect because of Profound Principle Knot.

Yu Lingxin and the Qilin swordsman are both looking for opponents for this extinguish sect tragedy, and then take revenge.

In this way, Su Mo escorted the golden box to the Fowl Cry Station.

Just what was the purpose of Yu Lingxin's setting up in that scene, Su Mo didn't know much about it that day.

Nowadays, even if I want to think deeply, there is no trace of it.

And if Su Mo's father and Yang Yizhi sent the mandarin duck to the Yu Clan family, and later What happened?

The Yu Clan family was extinguish sect, is it also related to this?

And then there is, Profound Principle Knot...

Up to now, Su Mo always feels that the people who killed the Yu Clan family and plotted the Profound Principle Knot in the past have a huge relationship with these three sects.

Maybe it is the same group of people.

Then this Profound Principle Knot, will it also be implicated in this golden jade cone and the mandarin duck spectrum...

Li Siyun said that if he wants to open that secret place, Three things are needed.

The golden jade cone, the mandarin duck spectrum...and a map.

If this matter is related to the Profound Principle Knot, Su Mo immediately thinks of it The map is the one that appeared in the Yuqing Mountain View.

However, the map is hidden in the Jade Willow Mountain Villa and kept by Liu Suifeng himself, so far no discord has been reported. The news made Su Mo quite relieved.

It's just...if this idea is correct...

Is his cheap old man also with this? Profound Principle Knot or the Great Black Tortoise Library involved?

In the end rivers and lakes died tragically road?

What was the reason for his death?

Some things that were originally unrelated to each other suddenly have a wonderful connection.

"Xiao Mo, it's useless to think too much now. I can only wait until I get to Haoran Academy and ask my father in person..."

Yang Xiaoyun glanced at Su Mo and knew what he was thinking. .

Su Mo, however, looked at the head: "They have strictly guarded against it for so many years. Naturally, they have their own reasons. Let's rashly ask, and Uncle Yang will never say...

"But Now that he wants to get out of this matter, it is obviously impossible.

"Li Siyun naturally has his own reasons for sending this mandarin duck to Uncle Yang.

"And if he insists on protecting you and me from this matter, this After a trip, it is impossible to say that you will still do evil things, which will make you feel angry and leave.

"Don't let you and me get involved in this matter."


Yang Xiaoyun hearing this is brows tightly frowns: "He Do you underestimate you and me by doing this?"

"Parents, no matter how talented you are in martial arts, will still treat you as a child.

"And If this idea is correct, it is not without reason that Uncle Yang is so fond of Falling Phoenix Alliance. "

Su Mo shook the head: "However, we have to see if it is true. As I just said, if Uncle Yang really reacts like this when he sees you and me, then let's just beat somebody at their own game.

"Since we asked him not to say anything, then we simply acted secretly."

"Acting secretly..."

Yang Xiaoyun's eyes shined: "How to act? "

"That's easy. If he drives us away, then we just leave." Go back and give him a sudden thrust..."

Su Mo winked at Yang Xiaoyun.

Yang Xiaoyun's eyes lit up, but the next moment shone the head:

"Father is Old Yu rivers and lakes, it's not easy to hide from him. when the time comes If it's discovered, it can't be said to make waves, but it's not beautiful. ”

“Then it’s up to you and me to find a way to mediate it…”

Su Mo laughed: “Anyway, let’s wait and see. "

"Okay. "

Yang Xiaoyun nods and rushes to the

, no more words immediately.

Bring Zhen Xiaoxiao together, and the three of them continue on the road.

p> Here we go to Haoran Academy. It is not far away, and a few days later, it has entered the bounds of Haoran Academy.

The secretly hidden Three Absolutes have not moved at all so far, and even recently, Su Mo has even joined them They can no longer feel the prying eyes.

It seems that they have really given up.

And after stepping into the bounds of Haoran Academy, I also find that the folk customs here are very different.


In today's era, martial arts are at their peak, and even an old farmer on the roadside can't say how to handle crops with three punches and two feet.

There is a saying that one is worthless and one is a scholar.

However, Su Mo feels that the reason for this sentence is that those martial arts experts deliberately put it out.

Let the people be less intelligent, so as not to go against them.

After all, if an expert, especially a famous expert, has extraordinary martial arts and mentality.

If you say you haven't read a book...that's not believable.

even more how, you can’t even read the Martial Arts Secret Book if you don’t know a single big character.

Fu Hanyuan’s work according to the internal strength of graphic and textual cultivation is very rare. Less.

However, the people in this Haoran Academy are quite different from today's world.

If you step into a town at will, you can see many scholars sitting and sitting Let's talk.

Even if you are an old farmer on the road, you can say a few words when you open your mouth.

There is an academy along the street, and there is the sound of children reading aloud.

There are even more scholars holding swords, walking on foot, with a dashing attitude.

"Haoran Academy belongs to the realm, and almost all of them have academies.

“These are all opened by Haoran Academy. There are two purposes. One is to broaden the wisdom of the people, hoping to introduce sage principles and prevent the people from being fools and fools.

“ Second, it is for Haoran Academy's inner courtyard to admit new ones.

"In every place, in the academy, there is a competition between civil and military.

"Every place has a quota, and the first few talents in civil and military are recruited and introduced into the Haoran Academy. hospital.

"Either Xiuwen, or Wushu, or Wenwu Dual Cultivation, therefore, Haoran Academy until now is full of talents.

"Although it is famous, it is far inferior to Seven Great Sects , but not to be underestimated. "

Yang Xiaoyun saw Su Mo's eyes full of curiosity, so he explained to him in a low voice, but when he said this, he said with a smile:

"Actually, Haoran Academy did this. It also caused a lot of criticism from many people. Overtly or covertly, they stumbled upon Haoran Academy...

"However, here in Haoran Academy, there are all kinds of means, emerging one after another. No one dares to come.

“It is said that honest people are weak to deceit, but the head of Haoran Academy has clearly told everyone in the past that a gentleman can be deceived, but if he is deceived, he can’t be deceived. , then return it with an old fist.

"The truth of sage goes hand in hand with fists, so that people can empathize."


Su Mo hearing this was stunned, then said with a smile: "If the head of the academy can get to know Master Hongyun, I can't say that I will feel like seeing each other late."

After a few days, the three of them finally arrived at the Haoran Academy.

(end of this chapter)

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