Start With Max-Level Divine Art Chapter 157


Chapter 157 The tiger has returned to the mountain

Above the ring, the Disciple competition of Haoran Academy is still going on.

On the high platform, Yang Yizhi stared at Su Mo with a sullen face.

After a while, I just silently took the text deed and put it in front of me, eyes suddenly shrank the moment my eyes fell on the text.

Suddenly looked up and looked towards Su Mo: "You mean, this dart was received at Wufangji?"


Su Mo nods.

"The person who handed this dart to you, do you know where he is now?"

Yang Yizhi suddenly asked a question that seemed completely irrelevant.

The victim is escorting the escort, and a few escorts will pay attention to it. Where is the escort now?

Su Mo glanced at Yang Yizhi and shook his head lightly: "I don't know."

Yang Yizhi looked at Su Mo quietly, and then said:

"You come with me."

After speaking, he ignored the youngster of the Xuanhu Pavilion, the expert of the Purple Yang Sect, and even the head of the Haoran Academy. Never took a second look.

Each minding their own business is totally supercilious.

Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun had no choice but to cup one fist in the other hand to everyone, the old man said with a smile:

"After a while, the business is over, don't go. Ignore that surnamed Yang, the three of you come back and watch the fun.

"Our competition at Haoran College is very interesting. "

The young Master of the Xuanhu Pavilion nodded again and again, saying that the old head was right.

The Purple Yang Sect looked at Su Mo quietly, and finally retracted it. Glancing his eyes, he looked at the fight again.



Yang Yizhi led the way, but did not say a word.

Su Mo Yang Xiaoyun and Zhen Xiaoxiao followed behind him, and there was nothing to say.

After going around, he left this place of battle, not a moment However, he came to a courtyard.

I pushed open the door, Yang Yizhi stepped inside, and the guards in the courtyard immediately paid respect to Yang Yizhi.

When I looked up, I saw Yang Xiaoyun and Su Mo.

Subconsciously, I was a little surprised, but thinking about what happened in the Iron Blood Escort Bureau earlier, I didn't dare to cheer.

It was just a cautiously greeting.

Su Mo looked around for a while, but was a little curious.

Yang Yizhi went out with Wu Daoyou, catching the cloud Xu Roushen didn't know where he died, Yang Yizhi stayed in the Haoran Academy to investigate the matter, but why didn't he meet Wu Daoyou?

This thought just turned around in my mind, but I didn't take seriously

Yang Yizhi pushed open the door and entered, letting Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun come in.

"Little one, wait for us here. "

Su Mo explained.

"Okay." "

Zhen Xiaoxiao agreed, Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun followed into the room.

Yang Yizhi, who was standing with his hands behind his back, turned around suddenly and looked towards Su Mo and Yang. Xiaoyun: "Close the door. "

Yang Xiaoyun gave Su Mo a subconscious look.

Yang Yizhi sneered suddenly: "What? Now what I say, is it not as effective as a look from your good husband? "


Yang Xiaoyun complexion sank, turned around and closed the door, turning back to glare at Yang Yizhi.

Yang Yizhi was cold. looked at Su Mo: "You were deceiving the old man just now, right? "


Su Mo smiled: "Why did chief Yang escort say this? But there's something wrong with this dart? "

Yang Yizhi didn't say anything, just quietly opened the box, compared one after another, and finally took out the roll of mandarin duck music and put it in his palm.

The light became more and more cold and severe:

"Still telling the truth? "

"Su did not understand what Yang escort chief meant?" "

Su Mo said with a smile: "This single dart has now been completely handed over to Chief Yang escort. If there is something missing in the dart, please ask Chief Yang escort to speak." ”

Yang Yizhi suddenly looked towards Su Mo, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at Su Mo.

Su Mo answered calmly, without the slightest unease on his face.


The two looked at each other and gradually became deadlocked.

"Enough! "

Yang Xiaoyun suddenly stopped drinking: "What are you doing? "

Su Mo and Yang Yizhi subconsciously turned their heads, and after a while, Su Mo lightly let out a breath:

"Yang escort chief, it's a bit clear if you dare to ask. "

"Exactly, Escort Chief Su name is not in vain." "

Yang Yizhi coldly said.

"That's good." "

Su Mo said with a smile: "If this is the case, then Su and the others will not dare to stay for long, let alone delay chief Yang escort's major event, let's go back to Sunset City, and Chief Yang escort please print on this deed. ”

After Yang Yizhi was silent for a while, he took out a seal from his arms, flicked it in the air at the place of the ink pad, melted the ink pad on it with Inner Strength, and immediately buckled it.


“many thanks. ”

Su Mo stretched out his hands.

Yang Yizhi looked at him quietly, then picked up the text from the table and handed it to him:

"Take Wen Qi and get out of my sight. "

"What Yang escort chief said doesn't make sense. "

Su Mo said with a smile: "In the world of rivers and lakes, where you, Chief Yang escort, is there, is it possible that there is no place for the two of us to stand?" "


Yang Yizhi suddenly looked towards Su Mo: "You are worthy of saying this to the old man?" "

"Has chief Yang escort forgotten about the battle within the Iron Blood Escort Bureau?" "

Su Mo said indifferently: "Su only needs chief Yang escort to know that where Su is, Su can leave if he wants, and stay if he wants." In the past, Chief Yang escort was able to call the shots for Su, because Su respected that you are an elder and the father of Sister Xiaoyun. It was the person who called me 'Uncle Yang' through childhood.

"However, the current Yang escort chief is not qualified to make Su follow orders."


Yang Yizhi sighed He shouted angrily, and in a flash, he was already in front of Su Mo, and his hand was a palm.

Su Mo delivers with one hand.

As their palms met, they heard a bang, and the strong wind crash-bang swept through all the windows in the room. In an instant, all the doors and windows were opened.

Yang Yizhi just stalemate for less than two breaths, and his body suddenly flew upside down, sitting directly on a chair under the wall.

I still want to stand up, but I only feel that my breathing is interrupted, and Inner Strength is no longer able to turn around.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Su Mo standing with his hands behind his back, took Yang Xiaoyun's hand and said lightly:

"Chief Yang escort, Su Mou is no longer today. In the past, please ask Yang escort chief not to...inviting humiliation to oneself."


Yang Yizhi wanted to say something else, but after saying a word, he It was a violent cough, and the words that followed were naturally swallowed back.

It's just that the eyes are still staring at Su Mo.

Su Mo didn't say much, just looked at him quietly, took out the jade pendant he bought for Yang Yizhi with Yang Xiaoyun from his arms and put it on the table superior.

Finally, he pulled Yang Xiaoyun and turned to leave.

With such a big movement in this room, the surrounding escorts naturally all gathered around.

They didn't hear anything else, but they heard Su Mo's words. At this moment, a group of people were looking at Su Mo coldly, blocking the door.

"Get out of the way."

Su Mo said softly.

"Escort Chief Su...Is that just over?"

"escort chief is your elder after all..."

"younger escort chief..."

Everyone opened their mouths, but only saw Su Mo complexion sank, and with a wave of one hand, a gust of wind suddenly rose.

The escort in front of him suddenly stumbled.

" dare to impudent in front of me?"

Su Mo gave them a cold look: "Little one, go."


Zhen Xiaoxiao immediately rushed over with the one-legged bronze figurine, the three of them joined together, and moved towards the gate of the yard.

The gate of the yard was closed by someone, Su Mo flicked his sleeve from a distance, and the gate slammed open.

Scholar Liuyun stood outside the door. Seeing Su Mo's face sinking like water, he immediately put on a smile and was about to speak.

"Liu Senior Yun, Junior will say goodbye first. Wherever you have offended, you will go to Dongcheng in the future, and you must come to your door to make amends in person."

Before Scholar Liu Yun said anything, Su Mo It has already been said in advance.

"'s worth it."

Liuyun Scholar said quickly: "Then I'll send you out."

All the way to Su Mo The three of them arrived at the entrance of Haoran Academy, and followed Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun on their horses. Zhen Xiaoxiao took a big step to follow closely from behind, but they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Scholar Liu Yun sighed: "This...what is this all for."

He shook his head slightly and glanced at the stick one's head around to the door. look for The scholar who is watching the excitement.

"Read your book and guard your door."

After finishing speaking, he stepped into Haoran Academy.

The scholar laughed, while looking down at the book, he licked his finger in his mouth, scratched the book twice, and then tore off the page, forming a ball.

Just throw it away, and throw it far away.

On the other side, an urchin who was playing, suddenly abandoned his partner, picked up the paper ball, and took it into his arms without even looking at it.

I walked away, but in the blink of an eye, I had turned an alley.

The skeleton crackle all over his body made a sound like popping beans, and in the blink of an eye, he changed from an eight or nine-year-old urchin to an adult about 1.67 meters.

And when he finished all this, he happened to hide in the alley.

With a swipe on his face, he removed a human-skin mask, revealing a rather beautiful face.

If Su Mo were here, he would definitely be able to recognize this person.

In the forest that day, after Su Mo killed the black clothed Sabrewielder, that is, the Old Man Shi Hen Disciple, the only woman who appeared out of the four...Hu Piaopiao!

She took the piece of paper out of her arms, and after unfolding it, she saw that the middle of the piece of paper had been torn open, and there were exactly four characters printed on it.

【The Tiger Has Returned to the Mountain】

Hu Piaopiao lightly let out a breath and ripped off the set of children's clothes, revealing the Tsing Yi dress inside.

I took off the hat on my head, gathered my hair back together, and secured it with a jasper hairpin.

Then slowly walked out of the alley.

There is also a child at the entrance of the alley who is sticking one's head around to look for his companion.

A woman came to the front and took the child's hand: "Little Danger, why are you running around?"

"Mom, someone has been with me just now. Play and run away all of a sudden. I'll see where he goes..."

"Have you found it?"


"People of unknown origin are not allowed to play together in the future. You go home and study hard, and then you will be sent to Haoran Academy to study. If you succeed in both literature and martial arts, then your parents will have hope in the future."

While speaking, Hu Piaopiao was walking past the mother and son.

hearing this I couldn't help laughing, rubbed my face, but stepped into a ready-to-wear shop.

The shopkeeper looked up and smiled, "This girl, what do you need? We have all kinds of samples, you can choose at will."

"Come on Two catties of silk, three pieces of Luoxia cotton, I asked a tailor to fix a coat for me, accompanied by five buckets of red dust water, and delivered it to my door in the middle of the night."

The shopkeeper's face changed slightly and whispered. : "There is no Luoxia cotton here, but it will be delivered soon, but I don't know where the carriage has gone."

"It should be almost at the city gate, and the shopkeeper will not come to greet you. Welcome?"

Hu Piaopiao smile faint.

The complexion sank of the shopkeeper: "Nonsense, are you entertaining me?"

Hu Piaopiao immediately laughed, turned and left.

The shopkeeper's posture is to chase after him with a broom, until he can stop at the door of the shop.

There are still a few people who choose clothes in the store. Seeing this, I can't help but joke: "Looking at a decent person, why is there no reason to entertain people?"

"I don't know where it came from. Crazy woman here."

The shopkeeper's laughed: "Don't worry about you guys, I'll go ahead and do something else, just tell the waiter if you need anything."

"Okay, okay, you from the shopkeeper are busy with your work. We are all regular customers, so you should take care of it."

The shopkeeper didn't say more, accompany them with a smiling face As soon as he entered the inner hall, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and he entered the house exclusively and entered the study.

Walk around the lampstand next to the bookshelf.

The bookshelf was moved away, revealing a corridor inside.

Wandering down the corridor, there are lights coming from below.

With the sound of his footsteps, the sound of footsteps in the dark room was messy.

The corner of the shopkeeper's mouth twitched slightly, and when he went to the door to look inside, he saw two rows of black clothed persons standing silently, all looking like a murderous aura Lingling.

However, if you look closely, you can see that there are still a few pieces of Pai Gow that have not been put away on the ground, and there are two pieces of silver in the corner that you forgot to put in your arms.

A black clothed person quietly stretched out his feet and stepped on the broken silver under his feet, as if relaxed.

The shopkeeper's expression was still, he walked into the crowd and said:

"The people from Sunset City are here, they will be leaving soon, they should be here soon. The city gate is over, go to five people and see if they are real or fake."


The black clothed persons said in unison.

I saw the shopkeeper's specialty pointing: ", you..."

Finally, I got to the one who stepped on the silver: "You!"

The man was stunned for a moment, then immediately raised his chest: "Yes! Ouch... shopkeeper, me, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, it hurts, oh, it hurts to death..."

"Does your stomach feel uncomfortable?"

shopkeeper's nodded: "I can't go on errands, come on, reach out, I'll show you."

"The shopkeeper's... no, don't need it..."

The black clothed person was sweating on his forehead.

The shopkeeper has already pulled this person over: "Come here!"


The black clothed person screamed and did not dare to resist, but was pulled behind by the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper squatted down, took the silver in his hand, and squinted his eyes: "en? What is this? You have a stomachache, and you can't pull out the silver?"

"This... this this..."

The black clothed person rolled his eyes a few times, not knowing how to lie.

I saw that the shopkeeper's slap had been delivered, and he slapped his brows facelessly:

"Let you stand by here...

"Let you Pushing Pai Gow here...

"Let you all bet money...

"One by one, did you take my shopkeeper's words seriously? "

The black clothed person was beaten, oh, oh, oh, oh oh, the cat didn't dare to hide, waited for the shopkeeper to calm down a little, and then whispered:

"sect The master said that life is too short to have fun..."

The shopkeeper's original anger disappeared, hearing this jumped so high again, raised his hand and hit:

" I'll let you have fun...

"You still listen to him, the herringbone door is almost gone!

"The sect master is now seriously injured...

"The sect master let him alone in charge of the two fields, and now the people are alarmed.

"You still follow him to learn...follow him to learn! "

The shopkeeper doesn't know martial arts. After playing for a long time, gasping for breath, the black clothed person turned over and didn't have any trouble.

He went over with a calm face. Support the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper glared at them: "Don't hurry up! After a while, everyone ran back to Sunset City. "

"Isn't that right?" ”

The black clothed person subconsciously retorted.

The shopkeeper's eyes suddenly widened, and he saw amidst the dark shadows, the four he pointed out were already on the shelf. Holding the man's arms, he was disappeared from another portal in a blink of an eye.

The shopkeeper stood in place and stomped his feet, scolding the street for a long time without feeling his resentment.

Turn back Glancing at the black clothed persons present, sighed:

"All fight! ! ”

The black clothed persons didn't dare to take a breath, and obeyed in unison.

The shopkeeper's only called the head, hands behind back, and stepped out of the dark room.

After a group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, one person silently took out Pai Gow from his arms...

"Come here. "

"The money seems to be taken by the shopkeeper." "

"Whose is that?" "

"Never mind, it's not mine..."

"Who didn't pay me just now?" ”

“I went to work on a business trip. "

"? ? ? ”



The night is getting darker in a blink of an eye.

In the Haoran Academy, after the hustle and bustle of the day After that, it was a little lonely under the night.

Yang Yizhi has locked himself in the door since Su Mo and Yang Xiaoyun left, never stepping out of the door.


The escorts called for a long time at night, and in the end they only got Yang Yizhi's word 'go away', but hearing his movements made the escorts feel a lot at ease.

They went to rest.

In the courtyard, it was gradually quiet.

But there was one person who tapped the door lightly.

The guard who guarded the door came to open it. The door was suddenly stunned: "Why are you here? "

Scholar Liu Yun dragged the tray with one hand and the wine jar with the other:

"Didn't you eat tonight?" "

"No. "

When the escort saw it, he suddenly let out a long breath:

"It's fine if you're here, but you still have to think of a way to get him something to eat." "

"Well, don't worry, leave it to me." "

Liuyun scholar nodded, let the escort go to sleep on his own, and he came to the door and tapped lightly:

"Brother Yang, Brother Yang?" ”

The sound of footsteps sounded in the living room of the room. It can be seen that Yang Yizhi has not promised to change his position all day.

When he reached the door, he opened the door and glanced at Scholar Liuyun. :"This is? "

"You and I haven't had a drink together for a long time. Come on, let's take advantage of the good night tonight, let's have two drinks?" "

"Come in..."

Yang Yizhi lightly sighed, turned around and entered the door.

(End of this chapter)

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