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Chapter 272 I believe!

Tianma usually refers to the gods of the fairy in Daming.

But now, it will fly, it is still very powerful .....

"What is it?"

Daming Queen Sun Ruo Wei is already good to determine these unbelievable things that the mysterious people call come.

In her mind, the scene has just happened, the city wall collapsed, the Wacle wilderman died, and there were countless corpses on the ground.

The more recalls what happened just now, the more fear it.

She almost forgot my identity of the Quege too much, it was alarmed: "People can't resist absolute violence, the power to destroy everything, deny everything proud and honor, this is the midst of God, how small human beings is small And no value, no meaning. "

When it comes to the end, the sound has been treated slightly.

Because I can't help but think if those mysterious people and Daming countries open the war, can Daming country have a difference?

Sun Ruo is looking at the sky, and she named is 'Tianma'!

At this time, a small exploration spacecraft throws a cable, and a warrior wearing a green military uniform slides to the ground.

Good combat Suimono these soldiers know what to do under their eyes.


"Put the captive together."

"Rescue survivors."

After a busy sweeping battlefield, a warrior contacted Lin Chen, report: "Professor ..... Commander, the battlefield has been cleaned."

The words were changed when they were semi-intercended.

Because there is an unplanned provision in the Imperial Military Community, the fourth legion is unified to be a professor of Lin Chen, because of the close, and other legion ....

I will cry if I continue.

All the legions are especially envious of the fourth army.

Good things are the fourth army, the land team is busy, the predecessor is the fourth army.

Now I am very hard to adapt the third army is about to adapt the space troops, and people Lin Chen also said that there is a motorized army. ...


I really want to put him on the ground, let him change the space forces on a squat.

"Well, the city is a collection." Lin Chen officed the voice.

At this time, a group of soldiers of the Daming country came to come.

One of the scarred generals said: "Thank you."

The warriors of Huang Zhen Empire have seen the past.

I saw a general of exquisite armor. He was scarred, his face was tired, but it was not timid, but thank you: "Thank you, our Yanjing City is saved, otherwise these Tasarians will Will turn this city into a ruins, where are you from? "

The soldiers who have just returned to the Queu Empire suddenly be respectful, and the look is full of solemn, solemnly: "We are Huang Zhen Empire Space Force."

Although this is said, the ingredients of bragging, the space troops under the eyes are just a null shelf, the crew is even more in the east, five flowers.

Third, the fourth legion is doped, and there is also a spacecraft base staff ....

But it is enough for people who are still in the farming era.

Anyway, they don't understand it, in short, the other party will feel that it will feel very cow!

In fact, the scarred generals in Daming did not understand, but many soldiers did not understand.

"Huang Zhen Empire Space Force?"

Then the vocabulary of the Huizhen Imperial Space Force started this scene.

At this point, the Mandarin's Maturity is incredible, and there is from time to time.

"The news, the Tao barbaries in the city have been annihilated, and the death is more than 50,000 people."

"The newspaper, the city outside the city, the army, the army has retreated the hundred miles, and throws a body of 100,000 people!"

A Taojie has passed into the ears of Mother Sun Ruo Michara.

This is a joyful news, but everyone does not have any signs.

Because this is the same, it is the big name, and it is dead, all the mysterious things that will fly in the sky.

At this time, the Daming National Tammy, Sun Ruo Wei's five flavors, looked at the wolf of the city, and the face was even more horrified, whispered: "So many tile barbaries, all destroyed, Huang Zhen What is the Empire Space Force? "


That is a barbarian!

It's not so, and the time used is extremely short. If Zhu Xi is still alive, it is afraid that it is scared!

It is really difficult to believe.

If it is not true to see, feel it, change it else, it may not believe it!


After the war is finished, the loss is completely lost.

The Queen's Queen's Queen and the emperor are listening to the following reports.

Although it is evening, the ministers of all ministers are all.

A minister reported: "Yanjing City Wall Ten Unfair Three All Collapses"

Just said, it was a dramatic voice.

After the Queen Ming Dynasty, Sun Ruo is deeply aware of the authenticity of this report.

After all, I saw the horror of those mysterious people in my own eyes!

She moved his eyes to the head of the minister, saying: "I have seen the Tiantao, I can't see the time, and I'm trying to have a barbarian."

"I believe!"

Yu Qiumi immediately returned, thinking that the memories that were difficult to erase, couldn't help but tremble, and asked: "I have seen it for fifty people to chase tens of thousands of barbarism, have you believed?"

"I believe!"

Sun Ruoyi nodded.

It is absolutely never believed before you do it, just in the sky, but .....

"......." numerous civilians.

They want to say that they don't believe, but they see those who are injured, there is no refutation, so this is eight or nine is true!

Sun Ruoi asked again: "Where is the people?"

"Outside the city."

"What should we do?"

"After the ever, I didn't cause any injury to them. On the contrary, the other party was still in danger, and the tentacle helped. In this manner, the other party did not maliciously, so it should be in front of my big tomorrow. The attitude and kindness, which also highlights my Daming country is the state of etiquette! "

"Well, the words are reasonable. After you have been used after you have been used, you will go with me."

"The Queen's distinguished identity is not appropriate, it is better to let the mysterious people come to the main hall?"

After the Queen Sun Ruo, I put down the arrogance and wrote.

Respect is above the strength of the peer.

It is clear that the strength of the Daming is not as good as each other, so what else does Daming Country come to let people visit the door to visit?

In the end, after a consultation, many ministers endorsed the ever-later meaning, even didn't eat dinner, and they were hungry to go to Yanjingcheng.

In order to be able to show enough respect, all officials of Daming are all out of the city, so that they can also achieve the purpose of explore the other party!

In this way, the team of Daming is slowly out of the city, but it is nothing but some carriages!

At this time.

The fleet of Huang Zhen Empire is cooking outside Yanyin City.

Standardized modern amenities, standard modern oil salted vinegar, just drifting the meals, the rich rice is flowing, filled in the air.

The team of Daming is just attracted by many people out of the city.

A minister is disurated, saying: "Ah, good fragrance, older is living in half a lot of people, what is the taste of the sea, but it is more than this kind of rice, it is a shit! Shit!"

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