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Chapter 277, Mei Ruo Tianxian's little lady

All Dadi, Daming, Trims, Prostitutes: "......."

The other party is still so unreliable.

Is the person with the enemy's battle for nine days really him?


The crowd can see the battle of the steel giants, I can feel the blood of the blood, but now I suddenly tell them that the steel giant is driving in Lin Chen, and it is difficult to confuse.


For a long time, when the projector is played.

The security guard said: "This is our war."

The people of the Daming country have some obsessive attention, and they just have to have a big impact.

Sun Ruo slightly is somewhat saying: "Your world is very dangerous!"

Jiang Xiuer said: "Not our world's danger, but this universe is dangerous, as we now, you are human, and there are other races, this is the touch between civilization and civilization."

The site has been caught in a strange silence.

Everyone in the Daming is not forbidden, what should I do if the war in the world is so powerful? What should I do if this war comes to Daming?

Do you want the people of Daming to smash the long-cut spear?

Fear is spread!

And this is also more firm and a big thought of Daming Guo Zhenzhen, and it is the kind of deep, it is best to become a brothers.

The final banquet dispersed.

Official purpose begins.

The cabinets of Daming are officially started with Jiang Xiuer.

It is unwilling to establish a bianxing with Daming, because interests are less poor in the empire.

The people in the big Mingka, but Sun Ruo Wei bite his teeth, saying: "Come, come on the gift that Daming is prepared for friends."

One shot.

The palace immediately went to some guards who carried the box.

The guards of the guards announced: "One of the night pearls."

The basketball is so big, the night pearls put it out, and everyone who left the emperor's empire widened his eyes, and it was unbelievable!

It seems that they underestimate the value of this planet!

Such a big night bead, Mo said Blue Star, even if the Copple Star is absolutely no.

"Three thousand years of wild lucidum three."

The crowd of the true empire taking a breath: "....."

Ganoderma lucidum is sufficient to make it elected as the ranks of famous medicines, because so will have a lot of auspicious meaning.

The three thousand years of Ganoderma lucidum can know that its value is geometric.

It is called invaluable treasure!

Jiang Xiuer did not understand how this planet will have a presence of Ganoderma lucidum, but she can't take a lot, look excited, the tone of speaking begins to shake slightly, asked: "Is there any other precious medicine?"

Many people understand why Jiang Xiuer is so lost.

Lin Chen grabbed her right hand.

Many Daman of Daming is surprised by Jiang Xiuer's dispel, and after smile, looks for a relaxed color, it seems that the premise of the state is the noble medicine!

At this point, the ministers of these Mingdoms's admiration have suggested taking out the treasures of the town of Daming.

"The Queen, Chen remembers the last year for the millennium, now I will take it out to the bodies of friends!"

"Yes, I remember that the Daming Treasury also sang safflowers, should also take it out."

"There is also a rose."

The ministers are excited.

I can't wait to move the Daming Treasury to let the people of the emperor.

Because they knew that Daming is a friendly Bang, it is absolutely difficult to estimate!

After the Queen Sun Ruo is unnatural, these people actually .....

She also understand why the ministers will be excited, so almost biting the tooth,: "Come on, go to Daming Treasury, must take the most precious medicinal materials!"

Lin Chen and others slightly color change.

This big spirit is a Baoshan.

After a while, a group of guards came back again.

When the defenders play with the box, listed in the year of the medicine, said: "The five thousand years of wild participating kings, the Dragon Qiang 5 pounds, etc."

Finally, I added: "There is also a millennium Snow lotus from Tianshan in the ice storage, now, if not, once it takes it, it will destroy its value."

Jiang Xiuer's handsome face is slightly rolling, breathing is also urgent, excited: "The three words of Daming Country in the audio of the" Huang Zhen Empire! "

The breathing of others is also rushing.

Lin Chen knows why they will be like this, because the disease, Jiang Mingyuan's illness is not difficult, but unfortunately the empire is a medicinal material, especially the medicinal materials for this wild year!

Mantigens have a lot of excited tricks.



Emperor is not a person!

The cabinet in Daming has taken out the Treaty for earlier.

"I am sincerely thank you for your friendly Banglion for the friendly bond."

"Daming is the safety assurance of all people of Huizhen Empire, and the fee is paid by Daming."

"In addition, Daming Guo hopes that Huang Zhen Imperial collaborates to make a trade, but Daming is never allowed to sell military materials to the official organization in Daming."

"In addition, the two sides must not perform illegal transactions, illegal activities, please remember."

Daming is announced.

They urgently need the material of the Empire, all the materials.

Jiang Xiuer smiled: "This is the best consultation, the interests brought by the conquest far have not collapsed the interests, but I think it is still to talk to you by my father."

The top of the Daming country is in the heart.

Jiang Xiuer's father?

That is not ....

It is inevitable.

Jiang Xiuer said: "He got a concurrent disease, and he used her medication to heal."

"Understand, our Daming state has the best royal doctor!"

After the Mother, Sun Ruo is tone, as long as this bonuary can continue.

However, this transaction is incapable, according to the rules of both parties, the Zhenzhen Empire as long as the valuables they need, such as gold and silver, the coins like Daming countries are not received.

Suddenly, Sun Ruo Wei is bright.

Waiting for the materials of Huangzhen Empire, Daming Guo can conquer the world, is it not afraid that there is anything that people need?

After the end of the two sides, the banquet has also been concluded, and the smiles on the faces of those arms are more obvious, and the faces are hanging on a face.

In this case.

The Legion gullets shouted: "We have to see the God of War Zhu Xi Town!"

The people of Daming: "..."

Sun Ruo Micro: "......."

Arrange to see it immediately, let this group of comfortable, as long as you don't get some strong people, you will come out.


Lin Chen did not have the arms leader Yaxing.

After leaving the palace of Daming, he and Jiang Xiuer were rare to come out to visit the street, and they appreciated the customs of the world.

At this time, Jiang Xiu has changed a set of clothing of the big name.

I changed a piece of clothing, and the change of the sky was changed. Lin Chen was not recognized. She used her to fall in generous, and her face always took a confidence. At this moment, there is a kind of classical beauty, graceful .

Jiang Xiuer smiled: "This is the second time you come out."

Lin Chen nodded: "Well, the last time is in Xiangling City."

Jiang Xiuer seems to be interested in reminding what: "The world is peace, are you there ....."

"There is not peaceful, our situation is still very dangerous, hundreds of years later, the whole people of the universe extracted."

"You take this set to make me, still hundreds of years, will you fortunerate?"

"I didn't say it, I crossed the future, I saw the broken picture, the people were gone."

Jiang Xiuer's face revealed that the performance seems to be saying 'you are caught.'

When two people walked around, they walked around the most prosperous stage of Daming Guoying, and finally entered a restaurant.

But two people did not notice that they were already eyeped, and they were gave up by a few small sorrows like a dog.

Seeing the two field fat sheep entered the restaurant, and these dogs immediately ran back, and invited the official to report the master.

A group of dogs immediately ran back to a luxurious house shouting: "The uncle, we found a little lady, the jun, it is more water than the 19th lady!"

"Where is the handsome little lady?"

The man homes ran out of a double eye, but there was a fat man with a Chinese service.

"People just entered the capital of the capital, but he is with a man around him."

"How is the little lady?"

The dog's legs are charming: "Beauty is a beautiful day, and there are more than a dozen ladies are not as good as each other."

The grandfather of the Daming country has flashing a smile that is not easy to detect.

Oh, the beautiful little lady in Tianxian?

In this case.

The Mingdom of the Daming is a confident that smiles with confidence: "Go to the government, talk about the wanted criminals of Daming in the capital of the capital!"

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