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Chapter 283 God's vaccine will open a chapter

So the resource dividends and war bonuses have made them began to build a spaceship in the universe!

Whether it is a Huizhen Empire and a strong empire, it has not put the main target in space, because Gama State is engaged in moth.

The spy came to the news, they were secretly engaging in the work of the bioengineering is about the engineering of human body, and it seems to be prepared to test people.

This immediately attracted the high vigilance of the two empires.

The crosstat's disaster has just passed, and Gama State can don't make a disaster.


During this time, Gama State's Biological Institute has continuously improved the vaccine of God, and finally has new results!

This time, a thousand small mice is ready.


The vaccine of God is all injected.

Soon, a thousand small monuments began to have a reaction, or excited, or it is painful.

The Full Biological Institute has fallen into a strange and crazy atmosphere.

After a while, the first small white mouse could not reach the vaccine, and the death of the body is the dead, and there is also one of the same mice and the same death.

In the end, in addition to the dead little white mice, all the lives were successful!

After statistics, a thousand small mice, only less than 700 small mice die, the success rate is nearly 70%!

Lunchao looked at the strong little white mouse, full of excitement!

He is confident full: "Very good, the days of our Gama State have been not far away, if you can reach 90%, you can get a large area!"

The person in charge of the Biological Institute laughed: "The current mortality is still too high, but it has reached the point where you can use people!"

How to rise in Gama State has almost become the magic bar of Lunchao.

At the moment, the opportunity to rise will be in front of the eyes, and the sacrifice of a small number is changing the rise of Gama State, and Lunchao felt very worthless!

As for the danger of death?

Is it not important to rise in Gama State!

After preparing, Gama State has begun a publicity plan.

[Now Gama State is about to rise, but a number of volunteers need to test a certain biological engineering, there is an extremely low life risk, so the volunteers will get the generous compensation of Gama, and unfortunately dead will get The rich compensation, the machine is not lost, the loss is no longer, for the rise of Gama State!

Once the news came out, Gama State boiled.

"Is our Gama State finally rose?"

"The district dies, as long as you can change, I will sure it!"

"Hahaha, I seem to have seen Gama State in the future, will become the center of the whole world!"

Countless gamma people heard that the Gama State has a really rising rise, but this rise is to take the volunteers to accept the test?

Almost on the first day, the major registrations of Gama countries were squeezed by countless gamns, and the scenes of the mountains, countless people were registered!

As for a little dangerous to death?

It is a fart in front of the rise of Gama State!

Of course, more people are still in the heart of the "big prize '."

The number of people registered within three days, up to 100,000 huge scale!

The opportunity of the rise of Gama countries is coming!

In the end, through the pre-screening, 100 gamocco volunteers were lucky.

This hundred supporters are full of confidence, and they enter the Biological Institute with a powerful dream!

"Gama State must rise!"

"With this money, you can play the scorpions in the eyes!"


Gama State is also because of this recruitment volunteer's event to the spy of Huangzhen Empire and the Miyun Empire.

Through extortion, leses, etc., finally in the registration point, I'm trying to touch melons, and I caught the researchers of a Biological Research Institute finally got a useful intelligence.

Rapida sent to the empire.

A intelligence emergency turnover was sent to the hands of Jiang Xiuer.

She repeatedly saw several times, said: "By changing metabolism, to achieve the purpose of physical fitness, the patient is extremely endless, and the patient is still standing again."

Tell your eyebrows, Inthetic telling her that this project seems to be a bit bad. As soon as it is, I can't say it.

And Lin Chen is talking to Fang Qi, heard the consciousness of Jiang Xiuer, frowning: "All the projects of the gods, I have ordered me to destroy, how do you know?"

"God's medicine? I am talking about the vaccine of God."

Lin Chen closed the conversation of the Fang Qi, and also specially got out of the door. This is the lock, said: "Where is your vaccination?"

The heart is hidden.

The drug solution of God has been related to the base, but since Lin Chen browsed the system mall, the first time will destroy all information.

Because that is the liquid characteristics of God, it is not a human gospel, but the disaster of humanity.

A characteristic named T virus in the system mall is almost the same as the medicinal solution of God. Although it has achieved a superman's purpose, it will lose humanity, and will eventually become a corpse!

At the moment, I was mentioned by Jiang Xiu, and Lin Chen was lifted with her heart.

"Our spy is from there, the name is the vaccine of God."

"This is not a good thing. We have also studied before, I found a lot of shortcomings, and finally ordered it."

"Ah .... This ..... What is wrong?"

Lin Chen asked: "Get something, you have to pay some things unless you can find more advanced energy substances than the fumei, but we don't have, then in addition to your body, we can also pay from yourself ? "

Jiang Xiuer's opening: "Wisdom and humanity?"

Lin Chen said: "If it is uncontrollable, will people be infected?"

This is not an alarmist, but there is a introduction in the system shopping city, the infection is extremely strong, accompanied by the darkness of people, will expand the intensity of infection.

Jiang Xiuer looks dignified: "If everything you say is true, it will be a catatropub!"

That night, two people were busy not sleeping.

The next day, two plans about Gama State were listed.

The first one: Requires Gama National Termination of the development of God's vaccine, and will be destroyed by the Zhenzhen Empire to destroy all information.

Second: In the first plan, it is suspended to the plan to enter the country to enter the country!

During the time limit, all foreign ports and air transport will be closed, and the investigation of borders will increase the border.

To this end, the World Parliament was hosted by Huang Zhen Empire.

At the Parliament, the Gama State must terminate the Vaccine Plan of God.

The ministers of foreign ministries in the world are all.

God's vaccine?


Is it ready to do what moths do Gama State?

One time, the people were in the heart, the more trip to the car, the more the law.

The vaccine of God is so high, and it is very likely that there is unprecedented big rollover.

It is no wonder that even if there are very few emins of Huizhen Empire, and the top forces of the World Parliament began to work hard!

In this way, I immediately protested in Gama State.

"The vaccine of God is for all man, you have no right to ask, please collect your fake in the world!"

At the moment, the gamaron country is coming soon, and he can't make anything.

It must be a great inventive of the great inventions of the Empire of the Imperial Empire, want to be strong!

After finishing, I also aimed at the minister of foreign ministers of the enemy.

The latter deeply frowned.

In this case, according to this situation, it is necessary to help Gama National Zhuangzhen Empire, in short, it is very uncomfortable.

But since yesterday, I saw the intelligence from the espion, and now the reactions of the emperor empire are so strong, requiring a representation of all the vaccine of all God.

So why is there a kind of feeling?

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