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Chapter 289 It turns out that the clown is actually my own

The ministers of the Minister of House reactions have not been.

At the moment, Gama State wolf is four, and the city that burst zombie infection has no five, infected people, no infected people have escapped, it is developing in the best direction, but this old thing is not too deep. Is it?

"Going out, knocking in the door again!" The face of Lunchao exposed is not resistant.

It should now be happy day.

Eliminate zombies, there is such a great achievement, this minister is panicked, and then let Lunchao's ink is extremely unhappy.

If you have a whole, you will go in, even if you knock in, you have to see which feet he comes in.

The Minister of House is full of speechless to quit the office, knocking, and rushing: "Break!"

Lungu's mouth is holding his face: "Give me out, first come in!"

The Minister of the Office suddenly became anger, angered: "You have this old thing, the zombie crisis outside, but you toned with Laozi?"

When Lombard's body suddenly stiff, asked: "What do you say?"

The Minister of the Office of the Minister said: "Now Gama State has already shown a large-scale zombie!"

Yuanchao is sitting in the chair. Silly.

The five city explosted a large-scale zombie infection?

Isn't it to eliminate the zombies of the country?

The Minister of the Office said: "It is speculated that there are infected people in the survivors who have escaped in the country. They should deliberately turn the scratch or bite into burn, and they are mixed out. It is the gate of the Biological Research Institute, and there is no disclosure, or the disaster is still serious! "

Lunchao is sitting in a chair.

How can it be?

The whole world has a lot of forces, but I claim that the military assistance is, it is because of myself, I think not only to kill all the aid, but I still have people.

It turns out that the clown is my own!

At the moment, Lombardo knows that the infected people who run out now have no use, Shen Sheng said: "All our powerful power will give me the city, all people are isolated, from now on, the whole people Detection, as long as there is a new wound, I will kill me! "

The Minister of Households nodded seriously, and now, only this can be done to minimize infection.

If you don't quarantine, you will always appear infection.

Lun Guo said: "Now the National Military Power, as long as someone in the street, no matter who, you must kill, let all the gamns give me all walks, that is, hungry, can't come out!"

The Minister of Officer said: "But we don't have so many military power, or ask for military assistance in all countries of the world."

Lungu Yugo is bitter: "We have no assistance."


"Because you have to come, all countries in the world have to give us military aid, but they have been returned by my strength!"


The minister of the internal hand shouted his face, and his heart was dark. This old thing was clearly pushing Gama State to the fire pit.


Gama National City.

It was originally a very bustling city.

But today, this city has encountered an unprecedented big disaster.

Good cities I don't know when, the street begins with zombies in a big category, and the number of zombies is also increasing in the source.

The human beings on the street are gradually decreasing, but the zombies are so endlessly full of every corner of the city, which is constantly playing bloody scenes.

"Ah, help!"

"Isn't it to say that the root is infected? Why will there be zombies?"

"It's evil, why have so many zombies!"

The entire city is in a mess, and every corner has a lot of blood like what happens before this city.

And countless gamns panic.

Soon, a military will appear like the Salvationer.

They came out of their lived bodies in their appearance.

'Da da da'


The integrated intensive fire network is like cutting wheat, and a zombie is being made to the ground.

If this is just the case, it seems that zombies are simply impossible to be a human catastrophe.

However, this intensive gun sound resounds throughout the city.

Countless zombies are coming from the eight-sided eight directions, and it is difficult to look at the end, and people can't help the scalp.

In the face of so many zombies, the army has also begun to emerge.

After half an hour, this army was scattered by the endless zombie, and fled.

A commander arrogant: "Everyone withdraws, soon, it is surrounded."

The Communications said: "The top is there, let us abandon this city, and rescue the danger of survivors too big!"

"I can only do this." The commander smiled.

This, if you don't block infection, you can't play, because even one of the zombies will also set off a catastrophe again.


Behind, Gama State has completely fell into chaos.

The zombies are like flowers in all sides. From several cities, they have become more than a dozen cities. It can be said that once the zombie is near the city, there is no suspense to become a high-risk area.

In the face of this situation, Gama State is not reluctant to avoid it.

Continuously don't go out, don't go to the street, Gama State has been armed, but it has always been the spread of Gama national viruses.

All corners of Gama State are fighting with zombies, but the force is limited, but also multi-wire combat, but also to detect the whole people, and the zombies are too much, so Gama State has taken the most effective way, but also Just suspend the sharp growth of the zombies.

Then, there is no clean soil, and there are many diapers that have zombies in all parts of the world.

The news is completely unable to hit, finally passed out, in the face of the large number of zombies, Gama countries high risk.


For a time, there are a large number of reports on Gama State.

[Killing is continuing to sweep Gameka, the infectious source is still being spread]

[Gama State needs support]

[Gama National High-risk, will be said to be a constant zombie army]

According to statistics, the current Gama State has more than 55% of gamns become zombies.

[Why is it as of now, there is no support for Gamca State in the world.

[Holocaust is coming again, why man is not working together as before, but choosing a wait-and-see attitude]

There are countless news, and there is an unprecedented huge hurricane in the world, spread every corner.

This is a shocking!

The world is shocked!

Nothing is very incredible, in the eyes, Gama State has become history, perhaps only time problem.

The huge zombie army, what do they do?

How should I fight?


While shocked, the world is once again rang!

Everyone will not go out.

Of course, the encounter of the true empire is the most dangerous army, which is a big army, which is a constant gamner, from the satellite map, they are coming to the border of Huangzhen Empire, see the situation should be to enter safe Huang Zhen Empire.

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