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Chapter 307 The wonderful idea of ​​protecting umbrellas!

I heard these aliens, I have to verify the identity, and many survivors start request again, requested that aliens are heavy in the overall situation.

Don't be caught in the masht of zombies because of the heart.

"Chief, no need to verify, once the survivors in the end of the end have no possibility."

"As long as it is scratched or bitten, it is a matter of late and early."

"Let's kill infected people, otherwise, once it turns into zombies, it becomes a situation that is difficult to control."

They invoke.

Most also have experienced death.

It can be said that some of the cause of the biochemical crisis has not been able to spread the virus unscrupulous spread in the beginning.

Nowadays, everyone is also can't bear, but there are still many people who want aliens to show the side of the blood compared to their own safety.

However, answering them is still the captain responsible for detecting the virus.

He said: "There is no trouble, give me a mouth."

Then, in front of the Huangzhen warrior who detected the infection, it was a family.

It seems to be the environment here, the atmosphere here is shocking, this family is not only full of dirty, but also a nervous family embroidered together, and it seems that they should also know their next fate.

However, Huang Zhen soldiers did not make any way to solve problems with force, just verify the identity of this family.

Zhuang Zhen Warrior asked: "My current problem is related to your life and death, it is best not to deceive me."

A family that was infected by a virus neitched.

The following is a query, I got the relevant message, this family is not accepted by the spacecraft, but following a group of survivors to escape, and finally only this family is lucky from the zombies, the process is natural It is inevitable that it was bite.

This three-in-three couples are the professors of the university, and it is also a branch of scientists.

Huang Zhen Warrior began to report: "Report, this family is in line with the scope of rescue, the identity is ..."

The squad leader nodded, and got a contact with the combat ship of the communicator and the head.

After a while, the combat ship down two workers who worked in the protective clothing, and also made a metal box.

It is really anticipated serum in the box.

A family of three injections were completed.

At first, survivors thought that aliens intended to come to the three infected people a euthanasia, but after injection, everything was used to test.

What do you mean?

Isn't it afraid of being infected?

A scientist in a small question: "The chief, I am very sympathetic, but if it is not dealt with, it may have bad things."

The squad leader put his hand and said: "Do not need, have been injected with the infected person to understand the serum, and observe it for a while."

This news came out, suddenly attracted the survivors.

Explosive serum?

Unbelievable, that thing is not that only is there only in the protective umbrella company, I didn't expect the original technology powerful alien!

This is also more surprising. Many survivors are full of giving, and there is also a good response for the various requirements of these aliens. There is no resistance to a group of small sheep.


Finally, after screening, these survivors were all brought into the internal part of the combat ship, no longer suffering from this end.

Of course, the family of three is directly closed, and it is absolutely not released in the wound.

During this time, Lin Chen has always paid attention to the dynamics below the battle ship.

The second batch of tasks will reach again, and each small spacecraft re-executes the rescue task.

And Lin Chen asked: "How many people have been reserved this time?"

White Queen said: "A total of more than 36,000 people, scientists are two thousand and twenty-one people."

Lin Chen nodded and asked again: "Is there a strong empire?"

"Some, they have just entered the orbital of the planet, which is expected to enter the atmosphere half an hour."

Lin Chen is self-speaking: "The life is still coming."

What is the sternity of the Men's Empire?

It's still not to look at the resources of this planet, and the scientists are not enough.

"Sorry, Professor Lin, by calculation, we can take all scientists in this Planet, only 45% of the scientists. At present, the combat ship can be less than 50,000 in the case of maintaining normal operation, even if the first Two combat ships are under construction, but many survivors have no longer support for so long. "

Lin Chen sighed.

The computational power of the white queen is very strong.

He has calculated everything. At present, there is a combat ship in an emergency, but it is made of manufacturing, and the survivors of this planet can support it at that time?

The calculation of the white queen has no problem, and it will eventually be only tens of thousands of scientists in this planet.

Although less is less, this tens of thousands of scientists will be a small number.

Half an hour later, the fierce fleet of the Empire has also entered the planet of this biochemical crisis.

After entering this planet, they got a contact with the battle ship of Huangzhen Empire.

Although everyone is fighting against the sky, but they have always adhered to the principle of a principled hometown, everyone comes from the same place.

After exchange, the strong empire has been useful from Lin Chen.

This planet is spread throughout the talent resources, as long as you have the ability, even take all the survivors of this planet, it is not a problem.

The fleet of the strong empire sailed in the blue sky, and the commander Bit will directly select the talent to the southern hemisphere to get together in order to maintain the face of the strong empire.

Because this is the final stubborn!

Even if you want to go to other planets, you must maintain an absolute distance with the shit. Okth, this is more conducive to how to show the strength of this new star!


At this time, the underground umbrella company has once again entered the emergency.

Just just, their satellites were filmed again, and another fleet entered the planet.

The protective umbrella company is filled with clouds.

A group of aliens is very cocoailed, but now I am actually coming again, the two fleet is a group or two aliens?

To this end, the umbrella company rushed again to convene a meeting.

At the meeting, the person in charge of the major divisions asked the current situation.

A director of the umbrella company clearly analyzes the condition of the whole, and the plate has a hole:

"Before the gang of the aliens seem to be interested in the scientists on the ground, the newfleele will not be clear, but according to the speculation should not come from the same planet, according to the logic, if you know the spaceship of both parties, you will definitely Together, instead of the new fleet of the newly went to the southern hemisphere, and their spacecraft's design concept is very different! "

In this way, the high-levels of the umbrella company are silent, and they are in the discourse of this director.

Not much time, many high-level considered the company's directors to be reasonable.

If it is a group, or know, two fleet will definitely touch, and there are also two fleet spacecraft design. There is also a big difference!

So, this two groups of aliens have a big chance to come from different planets. As for their appearance, it should be purely a coincidence!

Many high-rise brains were laminated, and I thought of a wonderful good idea!

In this case, it is not a group of aliens.

The protect umbrella company can completely provoke the relationship between the two sides, reach the purpose of the profit, such as the relationship between the two alien civilizations. When the two two alien civilizations are hurt, can you sit in the interests?


This idea is really wonderful!

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