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Chapter 309 is proper (don't support the book, three more every day)

to this end.

This regret can be said that it has become the magic barrier of the Bit.

The battleship has been brought back from the first batch of survivors outside, there is a lot of talents, but the generals of the Bit are not happy, and even a flat and universe feel.

He wants to install!

This impulse is very strong.

But it is lacking a good plan for live broadcast.

Until the second day, the battleship arrived outside a group of survivors, the survivors they came, which gave the generals who woke up, and finally found a two-whole beauty program.

One can be able to make yourself a global belief in two planets!

General Bit smiled, self-proliferation: "Wonderful."

After a while, he once again opened the communication, and got a contact with the blue star on the stars.

The movie is displayed on the screen of the communication.

Top of a pair of dark circles, asked: "Bits are so urgent to find me?"

General Bit smiled and said: "I thought of a great idea of ​​highlighting strength!"

Purss was shocked and immediately slept.

Wonderful good idea?

I always feel that it is more likely to be an idea!

He has said that the Bit is in that biochemical star, which demonstrates the power of the talent resources to the talents, but from the smirk on the face of the Bit, Purus feels that things may not be imagined. Then simple.

He must be prepared to engage in a big thing.

General Bit said that "this idea is live broadcast, the content is like this ....."

The generals of this program have been fulfilled without three times, and the chances of success are very high, so they will come to the public.

Talk to the survivors from near, tell them that the fleet is too busy to rescue. If you want to be protected as soon as possible, you will be able to attract a lot of zombies in the process of the survivors, etc. When dangerous, it is a strong empire debut!

Showing the Savior's posture and saves the survivors who encounter life hazards.

It is not only the purpose of highlighting strength, but also lets the survivors are grateful to the strong empire, but also make countless fierce people to regain confidence in the strong empire!

Wonderful idea!


"....." Purus sucks a breath and attitude.

The opportunity to demonstrate strength is coming!

The last time I was an accident in the Copler Star. Is there any accident in this biochemical star?

The Empire's fleet will also be afraid of zombies in the district?

This plan is deducted from the beginning to end, and it will reveal the taste of success. If you don't agree, don't you miss this good opportunity?

Sure enough, the bit of your own heart knows what you want.

It seems that he has to promote himself to promote him!

The more I want to think that this idea of ​​the generals of the Bit is called the textbook level, and there is no possibility of turning around.

Dangerous wanderer is not like a small ants?

What's more, this matter is also related to the Huizhen Imperial Empire. Is it going to kill the survivor in the process of live broadcast?

Exclude everything impossible, then there are only two words that are successful!

General Bit said: "This plan I am planning to achieve this video of the empire, and then the Empire is globally, how?"

Puerto, it is difficult to cover the fleetful light, the thumbs up, and the confidence has smiled: "Well, proper!"

These two people have added some details.


the next day.

Merry Empire is publishing a message around the world.

[In order to meet the curiosity of people to the biochemical planet, this empire will use Super Technology to open live broadcast, let everyone witness the horror of the biochemical planet, and how the strong empire is speaking in the biochemical planet. Survive By

When the news came out, there were countless people.

The strong empire is, it is hard to install it?

This is a good show.

No one thinks that the strong empire will be able to turn into the car. After all, it is only the survivors who saved there. This relaxed thing is completely pediatrics for the strong empire.

But countless fierce people are different.

Suddenly excited from one by one, regain the pride and confidence of being a fierce man!

"We are proud of famers!"

"We fierce our empire, good, even the air is fragrant!"

"Our strong empire is the model of hero, and the strong and fraud is instinct, except for the violent, duty!"

They are like a chicken blood, and the excitement is shaking!

As a pride of the fighter, the pride is extremely burst.

Because the strong empire made a great thing to save the survivors in the distant starry sky, it is worthy of a series of high titles of life, the world police, etc.!

Case, many people are waiting to see the live broadcast of 124 hours, watch the great deeds made by the strong empire!


Biochemical planet.

The next day, the Bit will wake up to immediately send a radio broadcast for all survivors.

[The fierce fleet of the Imperial Empire is the recent busy, from the overall situation, we will rescue the survivors from the forefront, and the survivors we close can come to himself. After five days, we will launch four hundred kilometers. The survivors come to the fire cover]

Immediately, countless survivors are stupid.

How to do?

The fleets of the dead, the enemy, suddenly don't rescue the survivors from near.

"I know that I will sign up to the previous batch of fleet."

"It's deceived, and the hateful and honest empire, no matter what our life is, actually we will go out to go to the city to save the collection."

"People are also unable to do this, so many people can certainly save it."

Survivors are different, and they will clam their hands away from the fierce emperor fleet. As for near .....

They have to pass through the surrounding zombies, in order to reach the fleet of the fierce empire of around nearly a thousand kilometers to seek shelter.

Good ghost!

This is down, and finally there are a few peace of peace?

Many survivors are called a piece, but they have to pack their bags.

It is now now that they have no way.

Can only go to the agreed time, as long as the designated pointing, there is a strong empire's fire support.

Now they also pray that the fleet of the alien, the fierce empire must be said, and they will meet them within 400 kilometers.


A few days later.

The survivors from the fleet of the Military Empire are deeply breathing, adjust the mentality.

Because they will go out to seek the shelter of the fierce fleet to go to the new planet!

The chief of a shelter shouted: "Don't be noisy, we have already contacted the fleet of the Military Empire, and the other party promises that as long as the designated firepower is reached, we will give us fire aid, and our surroundings It is also going to go together, a total of more than 300,000 survivors will act together. "

This seems to have not played a stable military role, but there is still no number of people to be shocked.

After that, many survivors feel that the scalp is numb.

300,000 survivors also flock one place?

Then I can attract the dense meal, a lot of zombies, once the slight slow point is slightly slow, it will become a broken bone with the zombie!

Countless survivors immediately!

The chief of the shelter is once again shouting: "Everyone listened to me, they have the most advanced weapons, which can minimize the mediation of survivors, and they still have a serum dehydrate, so we just drive away A few hundred kilometers of dangerous routes can reach the safe place, and the other party states that they urgently need talent resources, so it is impossible to be indifferent in our danger! "

When the words suddenly encouraged morale!

Countless survivors are no longer frightened, but the face has also poured an unlimited confidence, and they have produced worship of the strong empire and yearning!

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