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Chapter 312 Hua Yuxi always first place

With the lens, they didn't see anything except for the endless zombies.

How is this possible, before it is clear, and the radio broadcast sent by the survivors is not like joking.

Is it difficult to come?

Or is the other party yet?

At this moment, the whole blue star is not unbelievable, even Lin Chen and others will watch live fog.

Dangerous wanderer driver's self-proliferation: "Strange, people, where?"

The message sent back to the Empire report to the generals of the Bit, and the lazy look appeared on the face of the latter.

What seems to be hidden.

Perhaps .... may ..... seems to be late, otherwise so many survivors can say that there is no.

At this time, the driver of the dangerous wanderer found the spider silk mart.

The ground seems to have a flowing blood, and from the mess of messy lives, it should have happened before coming.

At the moment, the survivors fly, only countless zombies, then there is only one answer.

300,000 survivors have encountered unsatisfactory.

Two pairs of drivers suddenly silently.

It is already foreseen that the things happened later, the confident full highlights, from the distant starry sky live live, but the result is turned into the car .....

If you say it, it is just a speculation, then the next gun sound completely lets the fighter, the fierce fleet, and the strong empire is completely desperate.

There are still some lucky survivors in the armored in the modified armored, and they see the steel giants. They will conscious that this is the rescue of the strong empire.

There is no excitement, because the hard empire does not know why they have 300,000 survivors.

Source constant zombies.

Therefore, they even even have a horror of dangerous wanders. In order to live only two shots, attract each other's attention.

After being rescued, I finally came to the long-awaited spacecraft, while the lucky survivors who were lucky were crying, while speaking everything they faced before.

From the hope of the strong fleet, it becomes the request of fire rescue, please ask the fire to rescue, and finally become a fire rescue, but it will not see any rescue.

Finally, about 300,000 survivors, including thousands of valuable talent resources were all zombies, only a very few people who lived in armored vehicles were lucky to escape.

After the crude complaints, the generals of the Bit were stupid, this is completely wrong with the plot predicted before.

Shouldn't you debut on the desperation, they actually have this talent, don't you stick to it for a few hours?

After a while, he reacted, immediately said: "Fast broadcast live."

Low live, but there is no effect.

The previous picture has been facing the entire blue star. Mo said that Puee, now the azure star has more than a billion audience knows the new tricks played by the strong empire.

The fierce empire of distant stars suddenly flew.

There are countless fierce and urgently corrupted.

"I don't believe, fake, must be fake."

"It's the damn bit, he never changed the problem!"

"He is a sinner of our strong empire!"

"The black compatriots follow me, go to the stupid pig home tonight, let's find his wife, give him a free group of sons!"

Silent people are so excused.

The high-end highlights become self-politive water.

I also blow what proud of the fierce man, nausea.

Seeing death!

It's really dry, can't do it.

The flowers are always the first place.

More than 300,000 survivors have many scientists.

Obviously, you can reach your rescue, however, in order to make those talents are grateful to the strong empire, they should throw people in the ground, and prepare to wait for those talents in the most dangerous time, it is like the Salvianism.

Result of results

Think about it is very beautiful, the reality is very cruel ...

Waste everyone's feelings!

General Bit became a sinner of a strong empire.

The people of the hometown of the empire are crazy, and even even the Puz is no exception.

Puerto hugged his head, a convulsive crazy called: "Fork, this is also a car, that bit is a stupid pig!"


What perfect plan, this idea is inevitably.

Originally, all the possibilities of the car have been excluded, only two words left, can result, the bits of the idiots, hard to make an impeccable equipment, giving a classic rollover case that is called the textbook level.

Oh, Fork!


And here.

The people of the Huangzhen Fleet are speechless. People from Lin Chen have revealed a look that I can't expect the expression.

Although I heard that there are 300,000 survivors are calling for the strong fleet, and the strong fleet is also committed to the fire rescue, this situation, but people have never thinking about what will hang. .

It's nothing more than survivors, the strong fleet sent a combat unit to protect the survivors to be asylum.

However, I really didn't think of the series of stunned fleet.

Can you say a strong fleet?

People provide fire rescue, dispatching two dangerous wanderers at one time, but survivors are dead.

And Alice read live broadcast, she seems to be understood, and it seems to understand why these people will broadcast so popular.

They should know that the strong empire will make a mess in a smooth thing in the morning.

Alice asked: "You know that the military empire will make things a mess in the morning?"

Lin Chen looked at her and said: "According to their consistent urine, always want to do some pattern, make simple things complicated, don't turn around."

Alice speechless.

An extremely speechless state is produced for the strong empire that is almost named by Huangzhen Empire.

It is understood from the mouth of the other party. How do you feel that the strong empire seems to have a kind of culture?

Lin Chen put his hand and said: "They are still very reliable in addition to being in addition to being forced."

Alice is whispering from the voice: "Is I understand that it is not reliable."

"Cough." Lin Chen's soft cough.

Alice seems to have thought about it, asked: "When do you go to protect umbrella?"

Lin Chen actually has been in mind the umbrella company. After all, it is a talent base and a science and technology base.


"I can't go temporarily."


"There are many survivors to come to us, this combat ship can't move,"

Alice asked: "Is there still a small spacecraft?"

The white queen said: "I am sorry, Alice, this time the small spacecraft all dispatched, the constant rescue survivors every day, so that the remaining space is less than 25%, according to the number of survivors, in one week After that, you need to return to the empire! "

Alice is shocked in place, and the breathing is rushing: "What?"

I often listen to the Huizhen Threeware how to mention how the real empire is good, but at this moment, Alice has a feeling of five flavors.

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