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Chapter 333, Hello, C, Rui, is not a fart.

Everyone looked at the spacecraft on the top.

I can't help but swallow the throat water. Now it is not good, it may lead to an unimaginable consequence.

They hated the group of people on the upper side.

What is a important banquet today, and those who have a space fleet will participate, so martial law is a whole city.

Here is a fleet!

The result is because the martial law has misunderstand.



The news quickly passed to the world's banquet held by the human head.

The captain of a Huangzhen Empire stood calm, and it seems to have something big. The banquet suddenly became quiet. The heads were immediately seen.

The inner heart is both nervous and look forward to.

"Everyone, our commander is surrounded by your patrols in the city."

In this way, the smile on everyone on the banquet is sharp, and the sound of a tableware cup is dropped.

What's more, I fell directly on the ground.

Then the banquet hall became quiet.

Even those who poured water, the maids of the water, were shocked, scared, looked at the floor, but did not dare to have any move.

It seems to be a big thing!

A senior civilized universe fleet commander is .... is around being patrol, you have to catch it!


Who is done, it is really a big courage, is he wants to give people the people in the world?

At this time, a bodyguard head ran in and hurriedly came in, and the high voice: "It's not good, I have to go out!"

The heads of the heads face.

Don't say more, I know what happened.

What is the big thing is to catch a bigger thing about the commander of the senior civilization fleet?


Take a while.

The city has an extremely dramatic scene.

The head of the world has been unable to dispatch, and this luxurious lineup is shocked.

Time is very fast, and hundreds of heads came to the accident according to the place.

At this time, those patrols have been scared, not, staying nor, only waiting for the above command.

At the moment, the heads are coming, their physical and mental work.

More than a hundred sumo did not patrol the team at all, and said the whole row, said to Lin Chen three people respect: "The gentleman and these two ladies, sorry, is our inco, things do not Do it. "

Residents around the street or residents hiding in the mall, the big mouth has become '0'.

This kind of thing is absolutely shocked by everyone's eye!

Grasping the head of the world, actually apologizing three handsome men's prostitutes?

Immediately, some young women 's eyes suddenly shine, licked the lips, as if forest morning became their favorite delicious.

If you can .... Isn't it to sleep for one night in that young man, can you get the peak of life?

And those patrols are low, such as children who have done a wrong thing, the atmosphere dare not out, the original weapon with deterrence is also a hot, hate, I don't have anything to throw it on the ground. relationship.

"Sorry, it is our right, please don't remember the little man."

The heads of this world don't care about the face, regardless of the influence of this in the public, just the constant work.

After a apology.

Lin Chen is not a cold-blooded person, and now the other's head is in the large capital.


Because a small misunderstanding, the human human humans are overtenned?

What is joke.

Of course, this is the same ethnic group, if you do other races, it can be said.

Lin Chen said: "Okay, since it is a misunderstanding, it is so much."

More than a hundred people have a tone, although it is already so far away from the world.

But this is entirely worth financy, never dignity.

In the face of a high-level civilization that dominated a whole planet, the face of low-level civilization is just a joke.

Combining, Lin Chen's words turned, "but ....."

The hearts of the heads are again together.

Lin Chen said: "My two companions come to the spacecraft too depressed, ready to go shopping, buy things is a problem, and I sit here for a long-lost atmosphere, so you understand ....."


The heads are unparalleled.

It's nothing more than two beautiful shopping shopping, their commanders want to feel the city's atmosphere.

Arrange immediately.

After a schedule, a group of female bodyguards appeared.

The whole process will protect Eric and Alice into the shopping mall shopping. It belongs to the behavior of the overlord, what is the meaning of the other party, as long as you see what, you will take it away!

A head asked: "Is this still satisfied?"

Lin Chen nodded.

The heads are relieved, but how can this matter be over?

Save all patrol captains, saying loudly: "From tomorrow, all patrols will be confined for a year!"



Two small exploration spaceships returned, during this period, they explored the environment of more than 80% of the planet.

Today is the day of reporting.

I heard that today's senior civilization has come out for the survey results in this world, and a group of human beings are coming again.

And the first time turns into a small exploration spacecraft.

They also want to listen to the secrets of this world.

"Is this the interior of the spacecraft, it is precise."

"If we have a spaceship!"

"Buy, you must buy it, don't just buy one at all costs."

The heads of the heads have a whisper discussion.

At this time, two researchers wiped a data hard disk into the spacecraft database.

One of them regrets: "Professor, unfortunately, this planet is only suitable for living, we did not find new substance elements."

Lin Chen nodded and said: "Red."

Suddenly, a virtual artificial intelligence appears, the red appearance is a little girl in red dress around ten years old.

After the red: "This planet has a 95% similar degree with a blue star, and has not found any new elemental substances."

And also give Lin Chen a pair map.

Report on ocean, land and so on.

But unfortunately, no new element did not find that it would not mention the super energy substance of .

Lin Chen is regrettable, several researchers are also facing regrets.

Even if there is still a new substance element in the universe.

After all, whether it is a Huizhen Empire, or a strong empire does not discover new substance elements from the second planet other than Mars.

According to the reason, the time has passed for so long, even if there is no major discovery, there should be a small harvest, but unfortunately, in addition to the planet of the biochemical crisis, there is almost no harvest. .

The red performance after the red, and it is the first to shock a very strong sense of precision to the small exploration spacecraft, almost horror can't come.

"It is actually this advanced artificial intelligence!"



They feel that this is the real artificial intelligence.

Originally, the world has been proud of artificial intelligence Hello C, thinking that artificial intelligence has developed to the top, but now and the other person's artificial intelligence is a weak, and even a fart is not.

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