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Chapter 339 people don't destroy your own

The reason why it comes here, can it be a saint?

The empire is coming to take resources. As for what the ecology here is, is there any problem?

Anyway, it is not a human planet, even if it really discovered life, but what is the relationship with the Zhenzhen empire.

Does the human human beings don't care about their own interests, but should it care about the interests of the aliens?

Xiao Shi saw that Jiang Xiuer's face is ugly, and I asked: "Do I have something wrong?"

Jiang Xiuer said: "Dr. Xiao, your recent work is very active, but you have to understand that you are human beings, you have to look at everything in humans, instead of using the Savior's eyes, we are coming, what is the colonial? Don't say more, don't say more. "

Dr. Xiao naturally understands the meaning of colonization.

Nothing is bloody and cruel.

But she can't think that she has always believed that the great emperor will be so extreme, extremely to listen to the discourse of Jiang Xiuer, and the speech is the point of life and death of this planet.

This is almost different from everything you want, or you can even use it.

Her eyes have a little flashing, asked: "But is the Huizhen Empire not always marked peace, friendship, equality?"

"Yes, peace, friendship, equality, all the words of the words, but the history of human beings is the war, disgust, discrimination, because this is the essence of human beings, I want to have a human history in your planet. That's it. "

"Ah ....." Dr. Xiao is gains.

"Humans do not transfer internal contradictions to the universe, will never be repeated."

Dr. Xiao is standing in place, only eyes are also flashing, because the worldview has been seriously impacted.

Before there was Lin Chen to tell himself a practical reason, and now Jiang Xiuer's appearance tells himself to the essence of race.

"When I came, I heard about your things, the Kodo ship Prometheus was right."


Said, Xiao Shi is no longer afraid of Jiang Xiuer, and generous admits his source.

Jiang Xiuer said: "Why do you want to destroy humanity? Because humans beyond their control, no matter whether you have malicious, your development has malicious, your development has been to it and its race It has a potential threat, so it will destroy you. "

Xiao Luo said that his dumb: "This ....."

"The alien race is still so self-interest, and why people can't do this, why can't human beings do this, if you really have to do other race life and death, who comes to human life and death and development?"

Jiang Xiuer looked at the time. After standing, she took the shoulders of the other party, and said, "I haven't had a lot of time here, I will go back, and finally remind you, not my people, Its heart must be different, especially non-human races! "

In this case, she turned out of the door.

Dr. Xiao is shocked to stand in place, and the mind has repeatedly rushed through Jiang Xiuer's words.


A few days later.

Jiang Xiuer left, Lin Chen will also be busy with three different five, and the entire base is working properly.

The ore ship is transported back to the blue star, while the resources of Pandora Planet have been minimized.

In order to dig, the big mountain was blown up.

In order to dig, put the forest point.

It is completely an endless mining situation.

Dr. Xiao has not been good in recent days, because Jiang Xiuer has led a doctor before leaving the magic barrier in her heart.

She has a heart to find Jiang Xiuer but being informed by ruthlessness, Jiang Xiuer has taken the spacecraft.

Soon the dining time soon.

Compared with other people, it is relaxed, and Xiao Shi is sitting on a chair.

After a while, the neighbor has a blonde.

Dr. Xiao knows this woman Alice.

Perhaps because of the pity of the same disease, the two people have naturally close to the reasons to join the Zhenzhen empire.

Dr. Xiao strongly smiled and smiled and smiled: "Hey, Alice."

"Hey, Xiao." Alice suddenly suddenly, asked: "You are sick, recently, you always look at you."

"Is such that...."

Xiao Shi said his confused, including his conversation with Jiang Xiuer.

Alice was embarrassed and said: "I will also join the Zhenzhen Empire soon, I don't know much, but they treat human beings, but they can even tolerate the extreme, but I don't know why it seems to treat alien life has natural enemy. What is this called ..... "

"Is a racial idea?"

"Yes, human racial ideas to almost crazy, so I will ignore the life and death of other races!"

"Although Jiang Xiuer said, the doctor said that I can't refute, but I still insist on my own point of view, and the race should respect each other."

Alice said: "Maybe you go to Lin Chen, he can give you an answer."

"Forget it, he only came back at night, I went to his room at night to see it."

"Reassured, he will not be interested in you."

Xiao Shi suddenly speechless.


Dr. Xiao, can't sleep, and finally helplessly came to the door of Lin Chen, knocking on the door.

"Who?" Came from the door, Lin Chen's voice came.

Dr. Xiao looked around, and said: "It is my Elizabeth. Xiao, I have something to talk about."

"This is not good, big night." Lin Chen wants to refuse each other.

"It's quite anxious."

"Oh, then you come in."

Soon, Xiao Shi entered the room of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen poured a cup of tea and asked: "What is, so urgent?"

"Professor Lin said that you are very unpropted, but I also found any suitable name."

Lin Chen said: "Nothing, this is very good."

"Recently, I was confused, and it was about our excessive mining this planet."

"Oh, this is, the show is leaving, telling me, saying that you can't bear to see a planet that gave birth to life is sorored?"


Lin Chen said: "First of all, you have to remember that you are a personal, is it because you are mercy, will you eat meat?"

Dr. Xiao is speechless.

Lin Chen really did not have this kind of energy, trapped, but he had to call back, said: "You go back to your room, I will let you pass it for a disaster about the blue star, maybe you understand "

After a while, Dr. Xiao returned to his own room, and her computer did artificially intelligent red.

The reddation is a chairman, and it is speaking: "This is a Blue Star of the Huizhen Empire, the disaster in recent years."

A pair of screen generation.

There is a monster that all over the sky, it has fallen into the city, people are fearful, facing the monsters of the hills, the city is destroyed, and the human beings die.

There are countless mamatologies come, and they directly overwind the black, black people.

There is a huge race, and the huge spacecraft will make a city to ruins.

The picture is still going on, but Dr. Xiao looks at the computer, the mouth has become a '0' type, and the inner heart has turned over the waves.

For a long time, Xiao Shi swallowed the throat, asked: "These are ....."

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