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Chapter 350, Natan's confidence!

I have never thought of this kind of loss, I really happened in a strong empire.

Out of the first person, look through the entire human history, absolutely only one case, and the world may use a strange vision to read the fierce people, and may even stay away from the fighter.

The heart has been proud, and there is no trace of no discrimination.

"Live Jack!"

"He is the shame of our strong empire, caught back to give him a top ten torture, let him understand what is sinister."

"The hateful people can't die!"

Countless fierce people feel that they are so excused.

God must be a joke?

The fierce man of the tremendous man actually betrayed human beings from ugly aliens, and the scum called Jack should be punished by the most severe punishment in the world.

The whole world is also awkward.

It is really a strong empire's first place in human history. For his own interests, it actually and aliens collude together, and the confuryd compatriots.

For a time, there are people around the world who have responding, a worldwide parade is carried out, and there is no racism that has just been saved, because the appearance of the laig is once again ignited.

Just when the azure racism reached an unprecedented, far in the Pandora Star ball in the gerbera.

Over time, the Warriors of Nathers have succeeded after the Empire, and rid of the fire dragon a few nights, and finally rushed to the god tree far away from 10,000 kilometers.

The Nashard tribe looks forward to the Warriors to bring back a good news message.

The chieple said all the encounters, and focused on a Jack's credit, and the beautiful tribes were happy!

"It must be that the mother is bless us."

"Ugly human beings, our Warriors actually killed so many people!"

"This time, people will never dare to Xiaoyu. We are Nas."

When I used to, Nash people were once being hit by humans, and they rarely had room for their hands.

Nowadays, the big hatred finally reported.

And the battle also made those ugly humans know the power of Nato, they will never dare to destroy nature.

For a long time, the chief of the natar tribe is delicate.

The atmosphere of the tribe celebrates time.

The church said: "People, we can kill at least half of the human beings, let humans taste the anger of our Nas, can have this full of Jack!"

"Jack, Jack ....." Name people shite with Jack's name.

For a long time, the chief said once again: "Everyone is quiet, and there is a sacred ceremony that needs Jack to complete."

Many Nas will immediately look at Avatar that has not been controlled yet and the human Jack body.

At this time, the chief of the Nashard tribe is like a high god, in the eyes of many people, seriously look at Jack, asked with a solemn tone: "Jack, under the witness of the Shenshu, you are willing to become a Is the real Nas? "

Jack did not hesitate to swear: "I am willing!"

At the moment, he has already disconnected the relationship with humans, and there is also a favorite girl.

So, now there is only a fool to refuse to become a beautiful woman.

As for humanity ...... huh, the planet is so big, wait after he has become a church, not moving, it is still beautiful, it is a good thing!

The chieftain laughed: "Very good, Jack, you are worthy of my son-in-law!"

Then, the Natan tribe began to let Jack be a real Nas people.

Jack's human body and Avatar were wrapped in the vines of the gods. After all of the various ceremonies, it was standing with almost the same Avatar as Nato.

The human body has completely lost all the messages, and it is the god tree to transfer Jack's consciousness and think through a mysterious energy substance to Avatar.

At this moment, Jack is an ended sentence with the human camp. His body has become a body of Nas, and it is scattered with blue, and it is a strong body of three meters. It is no longer the body!

He has gloriously became a nathal!

The chiequee asked: "Jack, how do you feel now?"

Jack event has a body. After all, I used to control this body very early, so I don't have any strangeness. At the moment, I will no longer be human beings, but a true positive Nas!

"Father, I feel that the body has endless power!"

This feeling is really great!

Jack's face with a smile.

The chief nodded and laughed: "Very good, there is another good news, Jack, you have to be a father!"


"Yes, my daughter Ni Ni is pregnant."

The other party is discovered, Jack is excited to cry.

I have a value in this life!

Not only has the body, but also the father who is about to be a child.

If this good news can inform you that the father who is far in a blue star, he wants to be a grandfather, it is estimated that you can smile!



The Natan tribe dispatched dozens of warriors to Pandora star, to contact the various tribes of the Nas.

They want to work with the same gas to jointly defend their planets.

In the continuous destruction of the human source, they must unite and show the power of the gothiend, so that humans are no longer awkward.

Soon, the Natan tribes in all over the world heard that human beings should go to the god trees. For a time, countless Nas people have put down each other, and the corresponding gathers.

They not only go to protect the gods, but also to fight, let those deaths that die from the Nash people, must be hitting them, they have to choose compromise no longer destroy the environment here.

For a time, several natar tribes immediately dispatched the most elite warriors in all tribes.

They gathered in groups, and murdered to the direction of God.

After a few days of hurry, the ultimate tens of thousands of people were gathered below the gods.

All the big army is all consisting of the most stronger Warriors in each Natar tribe. They or to control the most sharp bow and arrows in the fire dragon, or to control the six legs. The heavy spear!

This lineup has appeared, which has greatly encouraged the morale of the beauty tribe under the god tree.

"We are never to compromise to humans!"

"The mother is on, will definitely guide us to eliminate all evil humans."

"Oh, human beings must be scared, we are gather together, there are tens of thousands of warriors, even if it is scared, it can scare those humans!"

"My spear has been hungry and is difficult."

The Warriors of Nathers are confident.

Just like an invisible self-confidence, every Nato's heart, so they don't have the reason to lose, never.

As long as humans dare to come to God tree, they will use the sharp spear with the bow and bow, kill each other!

On the spot, I just rebelled human Jack is more concerned about, here, there is no more Natan to know more about humanity than him.

That night's record is just fortunate, if it is angered man, their horror is unimaginable.

Nagi, Niri, appeared, asked: "Jack, are you regretted to become Nas?"

Jack said: "No, I am proud of being a real Natan!"

Emirates also asked: "My son-in-law, you are worried about human beings."

"Father, you are right."

"You don't have to worry, this time all of our Warriors in our world are here, there are warriors who have a fire dragon, according to your tactics, we can use fire to kill those people!"

Jack said: "I hope that the fire can kill those people who die!"

Just in the Nas people confident, think so many warriors, must be guarded.

Huang Zhen Base action.

After a few days of preparation, a combat carrier with a diameter of three kilometers entered the atmosphere, and a team team member was on the base.

Lin Chen also just prepared to get on the spacecraft, preparing to witness a native of Nas will soon ushered.

Suddenly, the red appeared, and said: "I just received a request for the fierce empire, whether it is connected."


In the picture, the generals have appeared in the background, and through the background, he should be among the battleships.

The generals of the Bit were directly opened to see the mountain: "Yesterday our logo arrived, brought a batch of battleship drivers, so went together, and the way of caught people."

At this time, the generals of the bits are wisdom, as if they are a war of victory!

He understood that the arrest of the grato wanted to reduce the loss to the smallest, and we must need the cooperation of the Huizhen Imperial Marine Corps, at least their combat service can fight the Bow and Arrow of the Nash.

Lin Chen quickly agreed to the other party's request.

After a while, two warships in the sky are engaged in the gods of Pandora stars.

The sky is not covered with the sky, but its scale is not small.

The two sides have dispatched a battleship of a battleship, and huge spacecraft obscured the sun, giving the following forests into a darkness.

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