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Chapter 357 Don't be so thick!

The crew of the contract number was immediately hit the gate of the contract number, and the entire cargo compartment became a vacuum.

And David is still like a madman, and it is shouting: "You are idiot, I have a king of Wang Wang, who is going to break, let me go!"

His body began to be gradually deformed by vacuum, and the pressure of the body suddenly became large.

Two land team members saw this scene immediately threw David out the contract number.

Then in the eyes of everyone, David's body did not wear a Astronauts, and the body was all entered into the outer space, suddenly turned to the extreme.

Next second.

If there is no such voice, it is blown up, fry it into a bloody!

The crew of the contract number is dumbfounded, this .... It turned out to be a violence.

Later, the land warfare officially delivered the survivors of the Promethus to the contract number.

Several survivors are grateful: "Thank you."

"Thanks, I don't have to say it, but I suggest that you still have to check the spacecraft, maybe there will be the shaped creature."

The crew of the contract number said: "must."

Thinking of David's crazy, everyone is a heartbeat.

Fortunately, suddenly encountered a human strong fleet and discovered David, or the consequences will be difficult to imagine.

In the end, it is about to leave in the millennium.

The captain of the contract number seems to have thought about it, and I asked: "Where are you, have you still have the opportunity?"

"We are from the blog of the Qingxing!" The millennium put down such a sentence and flew out the contract number and returned to the third joint fleet.

Some crews above the contract number stood in the same place, and the minds of the mind were constantly fried in the last sentence that the millennium.

The source of this fleet has been shown in the discourse.

Is it a blue star?

For a long time, after the etiquette, the face was very serious, almost in a sure tone: "It is definitely a horrible planet, the powerful empire!"


Of course, this happened in the contract number, Lin Chen did not know, and did not know.

However, I also gave a contract number with a few packages.

Soon, the fleet began to set sail again and went to the blue star.

All the way passed through the vast starry sky, finally a familiar planet was reflected in the eye, which indirectly indicated that the Blue Star was not far away.

After fifty-six hours, the fleet of Huang Zhen Empire returned to a blue star.

The MTR is also like the generals of the Bit, there will be someone to take it.

Everything is smooth.

To meet Lin Chen, it is a staff member of the World Parliament, and a guest venting takes away Jack and the other two Nas.

Just be the night.

Jiang Xiuer made a sumptuous dinner to Lin Chen, opened TV during the meal.

Broadcasting, it seems that the major TV stations are good, all are all the same as the content.

"Let's take a look, it's hard to bring people back, and of course the problem of people carefully, play out."

Jiang Xiuer said while having a good meal, like a housewife.

Out of the hall, you have the kind!

The TV is also broadcast on the content of people who are raped.

I heard that there is a report about people who are trapeting Jack.

The online audience is 10 billion, only 2 billion people must reach the scale of the world.

The host of the countries appeared in front of the camera, smiles, said: "The audience in front of the TV sets is good, and you may have always paying attention to the first time of human history, first, first, I want to Tell everyone an unfortunate news, according to the reply given by the World Parliament, the people who have gotten Jack has abandoned the identity of human beings, becoming a nathal, yes, is the body of Nas! "

In this way, everyone in front of the TV is awkward.

Abandoning the identity of human beings, becoming a natar, really fake?

For this alien creature of Nathers, no matter whether it is a Huizhen Real Empire or a strong empire, it has stored a lot of information about Nathers in the message database of the alien.

So many people understand what kind of species is it.

The skin they are blue is blue, but it is not a blue spirit in a fairy tale, but a three-meter height, and there is no hair in the upper and lower ugly creatures.

At this moment, I suddenly listened to the reporter that Jack gave up human beings, became a Nas, and there were countless people, and they had a feeling of hate that they killed the man.

Actually gave up the identity of human beings, and it's damn!

The latter reporter said again: "Okay, let's let us follow the camera to learn more about more people's things, let the world becoming the consequences of the laigue."

The lens is turned, and there is a cell.

The cell is held in three nattles.

I heard that I have to be interviewed as a monkey, I usually have a global audience, Jack holds her head, and death is reluctant to be taken pictures of the reporter.

In desperation, a large group of reporters' eyes suddenly shine, and aiming at the Nagi Ni Ni.

This is a girl, and learned from the world's parliamentary staff, it is the wife of the people, and there is still a pregnancy, and the micro-belly is the best proof.

This is definitely a lot of big explosives!

The audience in front of TV sets like to watch these things, I want to listen to what kind of process.

A large group of reporters from all over the world, immediately referred to the name of the guardian Name, and made an interview!

The World Parliament was originally thinking of humanitarian and directly shooting these three natthers, but interviews were taken by Huizhen Empire and the Mi.

Under the help, I have to promise this request.

Two guards open the threshold and went to Ni Nie to the Gongzhi of the Ganyi.

This picture once makes the world's spectators speechless, how to see, feel like a plot of a series of films that have been emerging.

After a while, the two guards are ready to bring Niri.

Nign Niche's handcuffs will be inconvenient, which is limited to the body, even so, in the two ugly human beings are ready to touch themselves, they will continue to shoot each other and angry: "Ah ~ You are a group of devils Open me, don't touch me, I have a fat pregnant, take your dirty hands! "

The chief of the Nas people also became anger, shouted: "Your despicable human beings, let go of my daughter, I want to insult her, kill us three Nato."

The mood of the rape Jack is more excited. At this moment, he is the body of him. It has almost no difference with Nathers, full of anger, after all, Niri is his wife, and now it is actually prepared by two men. Accept the interview of human journalists.

He also looked at him: "What do you want to do for my wife, let go of her, she already have a fattest, take your dirty hands, don't be so thick, and be gentle for my wife!"

The TV is below the translation of countries.

Global audience: "..."

This translation is a bit meaningful, full of movie fragments of a movie!

At the scene, two guards of the guards were black.

What is this?

It's like two people, I am going to take out the wife of Jack, and I don't have any hook.

Do you want to give women?

I thought anyone would fall in love with the ugly creature like a rape Jack.

Don't say anything else, even if you strip the shame under the body, you will not have any heart when you are human beings, just have a strong disgusting!

Then the two guards did not help but say, directly brought the Niri from the cell, and gave reporters to do an interview.

The reporters who came to a country did not stop the gantry of the three meters, and some cameras were also photographed from all sides of all angles of Niri.

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