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Chapter 360 Building a large ship factory

At the moment, a group of army came to a spaceship, and there was no way to the leadership office.

However, the long-standing red neck of the army is thick.

This kind of confusion, the most exciting!

I have to say a probably time.

"No, today I don't think about it, we don't go!" The army heads again.

There is really no way, I have to ask Jiang Mingyuan.

Jiang Mingyuan heard the head after the news was bombed.

He also understands that the army is unbalanced in the heart, but how many spacecraft do you go?

An emergency consultation, the bitterness has no results, Jiang Ming is helpless, I have to play, said: "Tell Lin Chen and Fangqi."


the next day.

Lin Chen and Fang Qi were inexplicably wonderful.

Just entered the door, I found the atmosphere wrong.

At the line of view, the scene of the meeting room is very messy.

Many armors in the scene were breathed, and they were green on the face.

And Jiang Ming is very gloomy.

Fangqi took a look at Lin Chen's neighborhood, indicating that he is a prospective son-in-law of Jiang Mingyuan, and if there is anything directly.

Lin Chen's attitude is not humble, and asked the iron: "Uncle, do you call me?"

Jiang Ming said with a eyebrow: "Well, you and Fang Jia Xianjia."

Lin Chen asked again: "This is .... again ..."

Jiang Mingyuan said: "You know it in your heart, don't say what happened again here!"

Lin Chen: "...."

I have already seen it, I must have anything that can't be solved, and then these bokeh once again used the most original solution.

"These people are the sixty thousand years of redness of Xinhua Xing, how do you say how to assign it.

"What is assigned, the preparation of the third joint fleet is not full."

"How long does it take to reform other legislatives?"

Others are afraid of the head of these Ranjun, but Lin Chen is not afraid, I said: "According to the current construction speed, one year later, the preparation of the third joint fleet can reach the saturation of the spacecraft."

Jiang Ming turned his head and went to the many army towards: "Look, after a year, you will be in a hurry, what is your rush, where is it from where to go."

Lin Chen said: "I am actually preparing to build a large ship factory this time, the spacecraft base is too small, you need to build a huge shipyard to create a shipyard of the spaceship."

"Large shipyard ...."

Jiang Mingyuan did not refuse, but in thought the address, I thought of a suitable location that can build a shipyard.

Since Lin Chen is coming out, then solve it.

What's more, you can't always come back. The large spaceship must be in the sky of the blue star. In addition, what is dangerous, the soldiers want to go back to large spaceships is a trouble.

What's more, the shipyard is the weight, and must be built in a safest one.

Liang Shizhong asked: "If the big shipyard is built, it will be much better than the speed of building a spacecraft?"

Fang Qi said: "Not a lot of faster, will soon, we have won the scientists who won from the Biochemical Crisis, have not burst into scientific bonus, more than 40,000 scientists, and a large number of academy students, These can be sent to the shipyard to give us a ship. "

Jiang Mingyuan wanted to think and said: "Is it not as good as J city?"

The minister of the internal business shook his head directly.

J city is absolutely safe, but there is no so sufficient place to build a shipyard, the machine base and the spacecraft base take up a lot of places, and then build a shipyard ....

Unless all of the people of Jie J.

Instead, it is a good suggestion. "Don't we have a millennium Monetary SAR? The arrival of the monster era, we have to suspend the construction work, since the construction is not just right, you can use the SAR Is it? "

The eyes of everyone on the scene bright.

This idea is too wonderful!

Xiongan SAR is located in the country, Jin City, F city hinterland, covering an area of ​​2000 square kilometers, what kind of shipyard cannot be built, how much spacecraft cannot take off and land.

More important is safe, the distance is also very close!

Jiang Ming's blooming is full of red, and the address of the scenery, as if he has seen in the near future, the fleet from the empire will sweep the scene of the entire universe.

At that time, what aliens were all silent, escaped, ordered to be defeated!

Jiang Mingyuan is excited, and the big hand is full of domineering: "It's so fixed, put all the construction plans in the Xiongan SAR to put me, be sure to build a giant ship factory within five months, and strive to be the fastest Time to make the largest spacecraft, when the fairy is a star system, the widow wants the imperial invincible fleet, and the ventricles of the venue super star group put a big territory, not so fast! "

Everyone has given the most sincere odarters, and Jiang Ming is far like a stroll cloud.

Lin Chen is in a timely crackdown: "Uncle, province, don't dream, or first do things in front of you."

If Jiang Mingyuan is died under the joint attack of the abilition and insect, it is also a super-group, and the peak of human beings is just a groom of the fairy.

The atmosphere of the meeting room suddenly changed.

Many people in the scene look at Lin Chen with a weird eye.

Don't say anything else, let go of the business, Jiang Mingyuan's identity is also a prospective father of Lin Chen, do not say to the garde, catering, but also specially dismantled the Taiwan.

Jiang Mingyuan's face is embarrassed, and there is a long cough.

Since there is a first hospitalization of Jiang Mingyuan, the Huang Zhen Empire built the shipyard is very quickly approved.


The next few days later.

The Huizhen Empire has been adjusted in several directions, extremely huge scale, with a total of more than 100,000 people, the purpose of only one, in the shortest time, built a best shipyard.

At this point, the 100,000 project team army assembled this place.

They were built before the Xiongan Special Economic Zone, and all the buildings that were not built were all demolished. According to the plan given above, it is necessary to build an extremely large shipyard, but first, before the construction drawing did not come down, it is necessary to take the square 2000 square kilometers. All land poured with cement.

Soon, with the collaboration of various departments, the house was demolished, and the artificial lake was filled.

From the satellite of the sky, the construction team here is in the day and night, just like a group of hardworking little ants.

For a whole to a month, the Xiongan Special Economic Zone once sensated, no building, replaced by a bare piece.

At a glance, it is difficult to look at the end of the cement road.

This day, the third day of the first phase, the cement road is dry, and the engineering teams wait in the temporary tent next task.

For a long time, it is responsible for the entire engineering minister. He convened a sophisticated drawings to convene all the project team heads and started to distribute tasks.

They have to formally build shipyards.

After the mission is assigned, the person in charge of each country's approval team is pleased to lead, but it is not too complicated according to the drawing.

The ministers of the sub-service will call other departments again.

For a time, the military model of Huangzhen Empire is officially started!


During this time, the mining task about Pandora planet is still continuous in the source.

However, the exclusive empire is not only flexed here, but because the vast stars have countless new substance elements and scarce resources, they are still waiting for the empire to exploit.


The new round of exploration tasks began to start quietly in the case where the shipyard won't worry.

On this day, the spacecraft base is assigned to the exploration task.

This explorer will dispatch five millennium entering the starry sky, and enter different galaxies.

On the one hand, it is to draw a star map (interstitial)

On the other hand, it is looking for new substance elements.

Soon, the four millennium has the task candidate, all those who have been Lin Chenxin, which is not the personnel of the machine album is the spacecraft base.

When the last person, I saw Dr. Xiao took the initiative to ask, stood up and said: "I will go!"

Lin Chen said: "Okay, then Dr. Xiao is going to me, remember that once you find danger, be sure to retreat for the first time, your task is to explore, not other, if you find other creatures, then you will wait for the majority Or retreat. "

Everyone nodded.

This task is different from that it will not directly dispatch the fleet, and there is still a certain unknown risk.

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