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Chapter 370 declares war

The more you want to get too much.

After the head of the head, the chest is from a burst.

Other high levels are low, and the air is not dare.

The sum of Xia Guard once again: "I was excited when I received the news, I also read a world map. The result is that there is no place to find Huizhen Empire. Tan Wenshan is clearly the chairman of this. When it became a three-year-old doll! "

However, this time, the secretary hurried in, laughed: "Jijun, Jijun, the 100,000 Sangang army of Pearl City has been smashed, only a very few people have to escape."

"....." meeting room with a slide sound.

Everyone's face is full of strong horror.

100,000, the army is annihilated?

how can that be?

Sang people are 100,000 troops. According to the strength comparison, there are at least 500,000 warriors in Pearl City to be able to make a flat hand with the Sangang army.

However, now Pearl City actually has 100,000 mulberry army?

If the many high-rise brains of Xia Guo have dizzy, if the summer is really this strength, will it be bullied by the Sang Empire for several years? There will be hundreds of millions of compatriots who have lived in a deep heat?

False, must be fake.

Even even the summit of Xia Guard did not believe, it really said that it was too desirable. Yesterday, the newspaper in Pearl City announced that the Imperial empire declared war, today came to the news, full of 100,000, sang army.

The secretary had to explain again: "It is not the Mingzhu City, it is a group of people who drive a spaceship from the sky, eliminate the sage, they call the emperor."

Everyone: "???"

It feels unbelievable, and then hurriedly invited a group of universities.

This explanation is very said.

After in contact with the Pearl City, the anger on the Summer's head of Xia Guo, and when he heard that the human beings of other planets, the face showed a smile.

What is the identity of the other person, at least they are also human, and also showing powerful strength to the hosted people.

In this case.

Summer's head is excited: "Declare war, our alive empire officially announced to the Wanzang Empire!"

In the current situation, as long as it is a hurtment forces, it is the allies of the summer.

Then just on the afternoon.

Summer declared war to the Sang Month.

The big fell mirror is that Xia Gu is in replacing the Empire of Huang Zhan to declare war.

Human people who have received the oppressed in the world have not reacted what happened.

And the news is not the same as the Sangzang Empire.

The atmosphere in the Big Camp of the Sangmang Empire is very serious.

Many of the mulberry high-rise faces are filled with anger, because they feel that they have been played, the high-rise of the Tangsang Empire is not sleeping overnight, looking for the position of the true empire in the world map, ready to let them feel the sang Fear of people dominated.

There is no ..

Can you declare war in the name of the Empire of the Summer Empire?

The cruel smile is revealed on the face of the Camp Camp.

Others are unclear what the summer is what is the situation, they still don't understand the Empire, saying that they are in a hard anti-war, saying that it is difficult to wear some time.

A high level said in front of the conference table: "The death of the summer is playing us!"

The Emperor of the : "Since the summer is replaced by the Huizhen Imperial Empire to declare war, our big mulberry is afraid of the truth!"

Everyone said Qi Qi: "Yes, Daxu Sang Empire is the strongest race in the universe!"

The Emperor said: "No matter what the emperor is not a summer country, we must declare war to the Zhenzhen Empire, let them die, kill their men, put their women all the Sang Sang Warriors can vent when they can vent. ! "

Many high-level faces showed crazy, and shouted Qi Qi: "Long live the emperor!"

Confidence is full.

I have never thought about it, because they are proud of the sausage, is the best race, with powerful military power.

And what kind of empire actually spreads two words?

Oh ~ Dictionary is to find death!

However, after exciting, the senior people of the Sang people are depressed.

Asked: "Where is the true empire?"

Everyone shook her head, even guess this Huizhen Empire is not a scorpion.

Fortunately, in the spy of the Sang Empire, it quickly collected the information about Huang Zhen Empire, only to steal the third joint fleet of Huangzhen Empire near Xia Guowei.

Although there is less information on the Zhenzhen Empire, this is already enough.

The powerful will let the land of the land know what is sinister, what is the powerful empire will destroy everything!

Suddenly, a high level seems to have thought of what I thought, frowning: "We don't have a 100,000 Sang Warrior army is attacking Pearl City, just can be used to eliminate the fleet!"

The mouth of everyone immediately exposed a smile that was about to succeed.

They have 100,000 Sang Sang Warriors are attacking Pearl City. By the way, the fleet of the emperor is also looked and easy.

It's just very fast, everyone can't laugh on my face.

How does 100,000 Sang Mang have lost contact?

Is it difficult to have been eliminated?

It seems that it is likely to be eliminated by the other party, otherwise this big army cannot lose all contacts.

The head of the head filled the clouds.

A high-level Shenhe: "Is it a very powerful forces that are strong enough to eliminate 100,000 Sang army in a very short time?"

If you want to defeat the 100,000 Sang Sang army, even if you are, you can't do it yourself.

, said: "No matter who the other person is, no matter what happens, our will overcome all enemies, what should we do?"

"Killing everyone, you must let them pay serious costs!"


"Go to declare war, except for the four thousand people of the saunas, the fleet of the Pingming Zhuhai and Nahuang Real Empire, let the world are still resistant, this is to ventilate the sage!"

Later, after the Sanzang Empire, he immediately declared the war.

A radio broadcast is globally.

[From now on, the Daguang Empire officially declares the war, will collect 400,000 elite army to eliminate all people who are still involuntary, if they are good, whether the summer is good, or the true empire is still there, immediately present Your woman and money come to fall, Daxu Sang Empire will build a beautiful co-rancation ring]

When the news came out, it quickly spread all over the world, all of the people in countless areas were cool.

This is the pride of the Sangmi!

They are the best race, and all human beings should accept the domain of high race!

Even the high-level high-level high-level high-rise of the Empire is also more pleasant than plundering human, including their wealth and woman.

But they didn't realize at all, this made the war of Sang Empire, and they will face what desperate and helpless.

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