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Chapter 397 pulls the federal machine, scare them

Seeing this scene, everyone of the Star River team immediately gave birth to an surrender mentality.

It is not that they have no courage to fight, but when a traction beam firmly locks the spaceship, it has made them citious and then continue to work hard.

Although I don't know what these beams are, every person of the Star Walk team understands the back of these beams, will accompany the general attack of the wind.

See this scene, Star Marshal Gas: "........"

Is there any need to continue tough? The other party is obviously preparing to be real.

Assistant asked: "Marshal, we are better to surrender."

Vaspered: "Fart, we are not surrendering, but forced to give Kaiber crystals to each other."

Subsequently, the Star River team quickly sent a radio wave on compromise in the shortest time, indicating that the attitude will be in full with Kaper crystal.

After receiving the message, he accepted the other party's request.

However, it is possible to complete the weapon has been stored, reaching the critical point of the launch.

After the red, I asked: "It has reached the launch, whether or not it is launched."

Lin Chen said: "Change the launch target to a worm star."

Since the other party has already sucked, the three fleets do not have to give the Star River team once, but put the hit targets in a worm star.

"Turbo laser gun is launched!"

"Energy cannon is launched!"

A energy attack is launched towards a insect star.

Its shocking effect, almost makes the nearby star fields extremely bright.

I saw that dozens of energy beams were difficult to distinguish in a very short period of time in a very short period of time.

Even at this moment is very far away from the 1st insect star, it can still be seen through the atmosphere.

It is difficult to describe the shock of that wipe, just know that it is the attack effect of destroying the earth.

This also gave the Star River team a lesson. He has still spent the fire fighting for the other party. It is considered that the other party will avoid the belief that the Cairo River is holding the belief of the two defeats.

In a glance, the Star River team without the energy shield has just chose to continue the head of the iron, and it is very likely that within 10 minutes, it will become a universe garbage by the opponent's powerful fire!

Fortunately, the Baohe team is too perfect!

At this moment, the Star Marshal Gas is said: "It's a horrible human civilization!"

Just if it is not because of timidity, everything in the moment of Pushes is, the Star River team is experiencing everything.

For a long time, he has a complex self-proliferation: "The other party is right, the federal is not able to have enough strength to have so many Kaper crystals, and human civilization is still, if it is other civilization, it has been hitting priority Let's communicate. "

Many people deeply agree with the self-pride of Star Marshal.

At this moment, if the Star River team is not a human civilization, but a creative civilization, it is afraid that the other party has suffered from killer, and even the federal will follow, not like this, the other party is also very generous. Leaves two percent of Kaper Crystals to the federal.


And here.

The Fleet of Huo Youyi saw the star corps since she has chosen to compromise, they will no longer intimidate each other.

The two sides have launched a consultation on the handover issues of Kaper Crystals.

Several small spaceships flew into the commanders of the Star River team.

Just a spacecraft, the people of the Star River team were stunned, and it was a deep stunning to the human beings of this civilization.

Because the body characteristics of both parties are almost the same.


After a horror, it was introduced to each other.

Both sides have a short understanding of each other, everyone is from human living, it is a blue star and federal star.

The Joint Fleet of Huang Zhen Fleet, a strong fleet, and the United Alliance, three fleets were sworn at the Azurk, and they were almost contrast, almost more than the brothers, not to mention, at this moment, three fleet representatives The three forces are also almost for common interests.

Therefore, the issue of consultations with Kaiber Crystals has shown a very high tacit understanding.

In the end, the interstellar Marshal Gas is unilaterable, almost Kai Bo crystals, but it is in the oppressive oppression, and finally laughs: "It is better to choose to go to our federal, it will be very convenient, and There is also a security. "

The strong representative said: "Okay, no problem!"

The rest of the few people will nod, not afraid that the other party will play, even in the opponent's planet, as long as it exposes anything that doesn't have a little bit of chance, then their planet will suffer from all aspects of energy attacks.

Star Marshal and other people have turned up.

To know that the Federal is the home of the Star River team, is these azure stars have strong human beings?

Perhaps to see through the other person's heart, the representative of Huang Zhen said: "Our strong is not fully displayed, in front of the powerful force, the federal in your mouth does not have any threats."

Star Marshal Gas: "..."


The other party to do the robber is also calculated, and it turns into the strength of the federality.

Good luck.

After the federal, you must take all the best strengths, even if strength is still not as good as each other, but you can't let the other party will have any heart to the federal!

Samcraft Marshal Gas gives yourself in your heart.

Because these blue stars have still not known what the federal strength is!

Only by his federal high-level know, in fact, in the federal, there is more than the Star River team, but also secret weapons, that is, the armor who is called the final battle weapon!

As long as those machines are displayed .....

Ha ha ~ scared them.

It may be a weight to make another weight, propose the problem of re-allocation of Kaper Crystals, such as from 2% to 5%.

After a while, the two sides were just officially talked about the ownership of Kai Bo Crystals and the handover.

At present, Kai Bo Crystal is all in the spacecraft of the Star River team, if the handover of Kaper Crystals in space is obviously very unrequited, followed by insects, it will be frequently attacked by bug.

From the comprehensive situation, only the federal is most suitable for handover Kaper crystals.

Since everything is talking, then you will go to the federal star to assign Kaper crystals.

For a long time, the three fleets and the Star River team officially sailed, went to the federal star, and the Star River team took the way.

During the period, the interstellar Marshal Gas in the Star River team did not think of using the advantage to open the other party, but no matter how they accelerate, this is uniform.

However, although the Star Marshal Gas is committed to the opponent to give Kaper Crystals to the other party, the heart is still very reluctant to hand over the human beings of other planets.

He got in the way to the federal, "We have found Kai Bo Crystal, and all bring back, but only a little pool in the middle."

The message of the federal surprise encourages: "Perfect, compared with the advanced super substance of Kaper Crystals, the small pool is too insignificant."

"Hey .... is actually ..."

When the Star Marshal suddenly, I had to say the current situation, including everything I met in one insect star, including the Blue Star, robbed to Kaibo Crystal, and the Star River team is forced to agree to the opponent .

Combining, the Star Marshal Gas seems to have been thinking about it, and then the Federation is not a blind thing, because the blue star's spacecraft is very powerful, powerful to the federal cracking blow to the federal.

Although the process is incredible, the federal is surprised to furious, and then the last compromise, but since it has happened, it can't change anything.

The final federal confidence is full of information: "No problem, our federation has seven machines, will be unveiled at the Kaper Crystal Handling Ceremony, in order to be able to fight for more Kaibo Crystals!"

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