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Chapter 419 Trade Alliance Blocking the Blue Star

I heard that human world has super energy substances.

The Trade Alliance immediately, because the ethnic group of human beings did not match the materials in the universe, and they can make them live today. The biggest gift.

However, the Trade Alliance did not act rashly, but collected a relationship with a blue star.


Where is the coordinates of a blue star?

In the end, they found behind the scene of the Blue Star Message.

Under the exploration, I found the coordinates of the blue star and very small intelligence.

It can be said that the vast majority of this intelligence is coordinates, in addition to this, only the other party has a fleet news.

These are enough!

For this great force in the Trade Alliance, only the coordinates of the other party can be.

The Trade Governor has a very high identity in the Trade Alliance, and every trade governor has a prominent status in the vast starry sky.

He prepared some, with a total of the trade union headquarters to organize a large number of combat units.


100 battleships with one thousand five hundred meters or more.

200 patrols or less than one thousand five hundred meters.

300 destroyers who are less than one kilometer.

It also carries hundreds of fighters!

The fleet consisting of this luxurious lineup is enough to support the war that will win in the stars, not to say is a regional human world.

Even if it is strong, where can you go?

Trade Governor is more confident in the vast starry sky before departure, sending a message to many civilizations in the name of the Trade Alliance.

[Humanities are not equipped with super energy substances. For the development of the universe, the Trade Alliance will take the super energy substance of the blue star according to legal procedures]

This is an excuse, a bold excuse.

For greedy trade alliances, this is what they have consistently used.

In the face of top great forces, they will show their attitudes, such asons, and insects, but now they are about to plunder the resource of the garbage race of the people. What is terrible.

As long as you go, it is hanging people!

The blind self-confidence makes the fleet sent by the League. It is not a good opportunity to let this Yaowu, which is not afraid of things.

The news spread all over the depths of the stars in the depths of the stars.

When the news came out, the civilized world in this set of stars, immediately sent a spaceship to go to the fun, or to go to the poodle.

The trade alliance hangs the people to eat meat in front. They are drinking soup behind, after all, this azure star is different from other human world, and there is a world that is not in the power of the power.

For a time, the powerful civilization in this star area will send a fleet. Some weak civilizations are sending a few spacecrafts, and they follow the fleet of the Trade Alliance to go to the blue star.

As an emergence of a carrier.

The space under this vacuum is already full of various types of warships.

They a previous one.

The front is the trade alliance fleet, and the rear is the sightseeing fleet of many civilizations.

A total of more than 1,500 ships, accounting for a big piece of space.

At this time, the Governor of Trade said: "Almost, depart, goal, blue star!"

The fleet of the dense Ma Ma began to act, and the target consistent with the coordinates of the blue star.

This huge lineup is no longer between each galaxy.

For a long time, they successfully entered the Sun Star and gradually arrived at the blue star.

The trade governor stood in front of the window, and said: "Is this a blue star, really is a beautiful and livable planet, notify the fleet."

A submit is retracted to execute the command of the notice.

The trade alliance can have a place in the vast starry sky, naturally there is a matter of themselves.

The fleet of the Trade Alliance sent a powerful battleship to the blue star, firmly blocking each area out of the sky of the spaceship, ready to block all spacecrafts that left the planet.

They are also centered on the blue star, launch a radio wave, form an invisible big net, interrupt all the external signals of Wei Blue Star, so as to avoid other helpers call to help.

Obviously, the trade alliance cooperates so proficiency, with almost no hesity, in the shortest time, it will prove that this kind of thing has not been done before.

This is ready to sleep. Blue Star, whether orbit bombing or ground landing, and then the trade alliance has been counted.

After a while, the Governor of Trade has suddenly got a good news.

It is reasonable that since the fleet of the Trade League has already blocked the azure star, then the human spacecraft should come out from the planet, or when they don't talk, they will open now, but now the other's spacecraft actually didn't see it.

Is it that the other fleet is not in a blue star?

This is really good news, attacking this planet, no need to charge the blow.

The Governor of Trade Looking at the window, the confidence is full of confidence: "Waiting for good news, our landing troops will capture the leaders of human beings, to force them to hand over super energy substances!"

After a while, a large number of battle robots and soldiers flew out from the fleet, and they went to the blue stars, which was prepared to directly utilize the head of human being captured by the ground forces.


The blue star at this moment.

The high levels of the world have filled a dignified atmosphere.

Because the space observator found a large number of unknown spacecrafts on the track of the azure stars, it was suspected to be a non-good purpose, and the blue stars were blocked directly in the area.

All countries are angry, and they roar: "How did it appear, why is our space observatory now send a message?"

"There is no way, the spacecraft of unknown calendar is mysterious, and it is suspected to enter this star system in a way that the space-driven way is not found. And it is expected that the other party's landing ship will enter the atmosphere after two hours."

The staff of the Space Observatory is also very helpless.

This is that the meteorite group is ok, you can observe it, but the spacecraft, since the other party can appear in a blue star naturally exceed the speed of light speed.

But in turn, it is certain that the other party is not a good class.

"Forget it, pull the alarm."

In a short while, the rods of the Azer sounded the sound of the alarm.

And the people of a whole planet heard this familiar voice.


This alarm sound is so sweet.

There are countless people who are exciting, and they are finally alien that aliens come over.

However, people have not realized the severity of this alien.

The countries around the world have also chaos a group.


Because the blue star's existence does not have a warship, it is all in the depths of the stars.

Now the blue star is a semi-finished product of a lot of spacecraft, but there is no use at all.

Hurry and contact the spaceship back.

Suddenly be more embarrassed.

The signal can not be contacted the fleet, and even the countries around the world have also appeared the same situation.

At this moment, at the emergency meeting of Huang Zhen Empire, Jiang Mingyuan said: "Now the world is in the world, contact us, there is no fleet, and even the signal can not be sent, and it is speculated that the alien spaceship will block us. If you don't let the blue stars out of the outside. "

The Minister of Foreign Affairs thought of a wonderful good idea, laughed: "Is there anything we want to Klele?"

"I have sent people to the past, but I need a signal base station there for a five-day time to build a signal base station."

Things to build a signal base station in Copple Star Ball have had a proposal.

It has been working in the same, otherwise a large signal base station is not enough to build so fast.

"Then we now, delay time?"

"Playing, first put the other party's landing troops to say."

In the words, Jiang Mingyuan thought of Lin Chen.

Organic A, the ground forces with energy weapons, the other party's landing force, as long as you enter the atmosphere, you can play it out.

Just, I didn't find Lin Chen's figure in a circle.

Jiang Mingze asked: "How did my son-in-law come?"

The minister of the internal business said: "Lin Chen is still making a spaceship, seems to be completed, so he said no time to come."

Jiang Mingyuan said: "Forget it, don't say him, more than a thousand battleships will not be able to make it, now the urgency is to dispatch the ground strength to annihilate the other party's ground forces."

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