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Chapter 445 Alice and Logo

Lin Chen looked at a few bles with a distance of less than two cents from his own feet, and immediately finished his face.

Alice! "

Alice said: "I understand."

In this place, the first thing to guarantee Lin Chen's personal safety.

As for the death of others, what is the matter?

Even if the people of the lighthouse are all killed, is it a criminality?

Then, Alice did not hesitate to pull out a dagger from the boots, gently lost forward, and the dagger was sent to the cold, and if the flow of flow is fast, it is extremely fast.

In an instant, the big dagger of the Baqi was accurately pierced into the neck of the dust 4211.

All this happens too fast, it's almost almost almost completed the actions of this cloud.

4211 dusty people opened their mouths, but did not make any sound, because it was full of blood in the mouth.

His face is full, and the arm struggled and lifted, then 'plop' a fell on the ground, blood was reddish, he lost all the vital signs.

This scene has happened too much.

Many people show a screaming.

"Ah, the dead is dead."

"what happened?"

"It's so cruel, 4211 is so killing it."

Many people inevitably have no feelings of a rabbit dead fox.

No matter what is also a living person, but it is killed by people?

At this time, the science and technology mask brought by the lotion of the Law (the body of the law "is locked alice, which is the dust of this person killed 4211.

The murder has violated the regulations of the lighthouse.

Waiters don't care about the dead people at the foot, showing Alice, the head masks of the head, showing Alice's trust information.

Excellent genes: the people.

Name: Alice.

Contribution point:? ? ?

other:? ? ?

That is to say, this people don't have anything.

The lotion does not take this. Since the rule of the lighthouse must be punished, even if this person is the same.

She said: "The people Alice actively killed dust from 4211, depending on 5 whip, fasting, long-term."

The same thing is also the owner of the lighthouse.

It is still a cold attitude.

The lotus's hand is ready to do it.

However, Alice's movements were faster, and a record of his legs made out, immediately put the lotus's hand under the ground, and then stepped on his chest and said coldly: "If you dare Let me let me go, I will roll away, so I will leave you to the ground from the ground. "

The lotus is very angry. This is the first time I dare to have a big bright anti-lighthouse. I immediately figure out a special pistol from the waist, and said that Alice is cold and ruthless: "Yinren Alice Actively triggered violent incidents, injured law enforcement, and was sent to the morning lobby to accept 10 male people's baptism! "

Dawn Hall?

Where is this?

Lin Chen and Alice were stunned.

However, in addition to these two newcomers, many things from dust people understand what the morning hall is, what is the existence.

It can be said that there is almost male paradise because there can be prisonable with women.

And where the lotus is actually said to send Alice to the morning hall.

I immediately got up and down, I gave Alice.

It is found that this people are not beautiful, but they are quite a flavor, especially the kind of hot and cool temperament, suddenly, the dust in the scene is not envy.

It is just a pity that they have no mating rights for dusting people.

Then a bunker has been launched from the dust of the dust.

"I have a good value for my life to go to the morning sun."

"Who said no, we don't know what women even have a woman."

"Unfortunately, the Shangmin, the beautiful woman is going to be sent to the morning baptism to accept ten men's baptism, afraid that it can't live."

Dirt people are talking about.

At first, Alice didn't understand anything in the morning hall.

But after the discussion of the dust, the face immediately pulled down, and he was ready to let ten men touch himself?

That's properly, it will be killed by a group of big old crude.

In this case.

Alice is gloomy to the lotus scream: "I see you want to die."

At the moment, I will wait in the morning, Alice Tumao will become a lot of people, and tear the clothes of the lotion.

Does the lotus don't always show high-top attitude?

Then let her body are seen from top to bottom by a group of low-spirited dust.

The inner heart of the lotion is suddenly panicked, and it is shocked by the strong gas field of the other party. It is not difficult to see from the other fierce eyes. If you continue to tough down, ten eight nine may be planted in each other. Hand.

She has always been all people who bully the lighthouse, but where do you encounter this situation?

The surroundings are not the discussion of the dust: "The lotus people are gone."

The color of the lotion is ugly.

This face cannot be lost.

If you lose, how can you manage the lighthouse in the future, how can you keep your own high image?

One thought, the pose of the lotion of the lotion is more firm, so it is cold and said: "The people of the people Alice violate the lighthouse regulations, law 15 whip, fasting the long three, violating the expulsion lighthouse."

This is a compromise.

It is also equal to the softness of yourself, but also to tell Alice. If you don't listen to me, you can only be expelled to go to the ground to send people.

However, this hazard If you have changed others, you have already chosen compromise.

But who Alice is?

Back to Lin Chen, is relying on a powerful empire that can launch the universe war, how can I be afraid of this world's lighthouse?

What's more, this lighthouse is still a powerful force.

Lin Chen did not speak, but it was a firm choice to help love.

Alice cooks: "If I don't say it?"

"Then you will be exiled!"

"You are not taught like you."

Alice is still constantly implying the lametles, the captain of the lighthouse is holding a list of people who organize good lighthouse to find Lin Chen.

Just, she encountered an unpleasant thing between Alice even more and the lotus.

"Broken, you have to be!"

When the mirror is standing, it was scared.

Others don't know how terrorate each other, but she is clear last night, about one hundred will fly gravity.

Obviously, the other party is not afraid of the lighthouse, and the reason why it is also the idiots.

But the lotus is now intended to give the lighthouse to play.

One hundred gravity is too powerful, and the mirror is not known, but she knows that once the gravity is selected and the lighthouse is warned, the other party can make a devastating blow against the lighthouse with ultra-high motor.

At this time, I'm going to step forward, and I hurriedly played a round field. I kept laughing: "It is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding, and there is no need to make this big move."

Although I don't know what happened, I have almost concluded that there is only a good choice for interest.

Lin Chen quietly glanced at the south, asked: "Is something ready?"

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