Lindbergh is a complete otaku, who only knows how to read novels and anime all day, and is a ‘new human’ living in the second dimension. Lindbergh dreamed all day about how good it would be if I could really travel into the second dimension like the master in the novel.

On this day, as usual, Lindbergh turned on the computer, opened the browser, and browsed the content on the web page.

After reading the new things on the web page for a while, Lindbergh suddenly felt uncomfortable in his stomach. ‘Fuck, the snacks on the stall are so effective? Just ate a few spicy hot dishes at the stall outside, and now he has a stomach trouble, and Lindbergh is speechless. Lindbergh hurriedly ran to the bathroom, and then a ‘poof’ sound sounded.

After pulling his stomach, Lin Bai felt that his whole body collapsed. ‘Never eat anything from the stall again!’ Lindbergh thought. After pressing the flush of the toilet, Lindbergh was ready to leave.

Suddenly, Lin Bai felt a powerful suction coming from behind him. Lin Bai turned around and looked, only to see a wind eye turning in the flush toilet, and a huge suction force came from it. The suction became stronger and stronger, and Lindbergh began to be a little unable to resist, so he leaned his hands on the toilet to resist the suction.

‘I fuck! ’

Finally, Lin Bai could not resist the suction of the toilet, and with a ‘brush’ sound, Lin Bai was sucked into the toilet with his head down, and disappeared. After Lindbergh was sucked into the toilet, the toilet returned to calm.

Lindbergh lived for 20 years and encountered such a strange thing for the first time.

A good flush toilet can emit such a strong attraction.

Is this still a flush toilet?

A whole pumping toilet.

When Lindbergh was sucked into the toilet, Lindbergh felt like he had entered a dark space. There were empty places all around, and Lindbergh felt like a ghost floating in this empty dark space at this time.


Lindbergh shouted loudly, no one answered, and there was still silence around him.


Still no echo. Lin Bai was helpless and stopped shouting. I don’t know how long it took, a little light suddenly appeared in the dark space. Lin Bai hurriedly set off and floated towards the place of light.

Coming to the light, Lindbergh saw that what was shining was a crystalline gate. The gate is carved with strange patterns, which looks very mysterious and noble. Suddenly, there was an attraction from the gate, and Lin Bai was immediately sucked onto the gate.

Then, Lindbergh went straight through the gate and disappeared.


This is a bizarre world, this world is full of all kinds of strange weirdos and all kinds of black technology, super powers.

Z City, on a high street.




On the street, several people ran forward in a panic. A strange man with a crab on his upper body and a human on his lower body, about 3 meters tall, and wearing a pair of white nei pants on his lower body, walks slowly down the street, looking around as if looking for something. Suddenly, the monster stopped.

“Ahhhh Don’t you run? Goo goo gu. The crab monster said to a handsome young man who looked to be about 20 years old, wearing a suit and holding a briefcase in his left hand.

Faced with the tall crab weirdo’s question, the young man did not have the slightest fear, but just sighed.

“Goo Goo Goo! An office worker who has just come to the company and is tired for a day? I am a crab monster that mutates after eating a lot of crabs, and you didn’t scare away in front of me. Goo goo Gu, looking for death, huh? I’m right! The crab freak continued.

“There’s something wrong!” In the face of the crab weirdo’s question, the young man said. “Goo Goo Goo!” The crab weirdo blinked. The young man continued unhurriedly: “I am not an office worker, but an unemployed person, and I am looking for a job now. Today’s interview is also a tragedy of success. Suddenly it didn’t matter what it was, even if the crab monster adult appeared in front of him, he didn’t think about running. ”

“Goo Goo Goo!” The crab weirdo listened and revealed a sinister smile.

“So! What happens if you don’t run? The young man asked expressionlessly.

“Gooo The crab suddenly took out the big crab tongs on the right and pointed at the young man, saying: “Your eyes are as lifeless as mine, for the sake of this, I won’t kill you.” And now, I’m looking for other prey, a little devil with a chin split into two lobes, and when I find it, I will unload eight pieces, cooing and goo! ”

After that, the crab freak strode behind the young man. The young man turned his head and glanced back at the crab freak, then continued to walk forward.

Walked for a while. “Eh!” The young man suddenly stopped and looked to the side. In the open space not far away, a little boy with two parts of his chin was playing with a leather ball.

The little boy saw the young man looking at him suspiciously, so he asked, “Look at what?” ”

When the young man saw his appearance, he was stunned, and remembered the words of the crab weirdo just now: “The little devil with two parts of his chin, if he finds it, he will unload eight pieces.” ”

So, the young man asked the little boy, “Hey! Little ghost, what did you do to the crab monster? ”

The little boy listened to the young man’s question, thought about it, and said: “I saw him sleeping in the park, so I drew two rutou on him with a marker. ”

When the young man listened, a drop of cold sweat broke out on his face, and he said in his heart: “This little devil doesn’t know what kind of trouble he has broken into, what to do, and now it’s still time.” ”

The young man looked at this little devil with a split jaw again, and thought in his heart: “But this kid is too frustrated, and it’s none of my business, right?” Oh, yes! This kind of thing has nothing to do with me. After thinking about it, the young man turned around and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, the crab weirdo looking for the little boy appeared next to the little boy, showed a cruel smile, and laughed loudly: “Found ~ arrived~!” At the same time, the crab weirdo wielded a huge crab tongs and smashed at the little boy.

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