Navy Six Style is a physical skill used by the navy in the anime “One Piece” that exceeds the limits of the human body, with a total of 6 moves, namely iron block, shaving, paper painting, moon step, Arashi foot, and finger gun. Those who can use it are usually admirals or CP0 to CP9 members. The six types of physical skills can only be learned if they exceed the limits of human beings.

Shaving: One of the six styles, step on the ground more than ten times in an instant (0.36 seconds), using the explosive speed generated by the reaction force to move.

Iron block: one of the defensive techniques of the “six styles”. Strength is developed in a lean workout body so that it has the hardness of iron. Not even bullets and swords could break through. The fly in the ointment is that iron blocks cannot move freely when used, with the exception of Gabra. The principle is to accelerate blood flow and speed up muscle movement.

Paper painting: one of the “six styles” of defense techniques. Unload the strength of the whole body, and through the changes in the air flow generated by the opponent’s movements, you can avoid the attack towards you in a single shot.

Moon Step: One of the “Six Styles”. Application tips for “shaving”. Similar to Wudang light gong “Tiyun Longitudinal”. Kick in the air while jumping, changing your trajectory before falling. With this kind of physical technique of moving in the air, it is possible to attack from the air without leaving a dead end.

Arashi Foot: One of the “Six Styles” foot technique. Instead of kicking enemies to deal damage, they slash with a vacuum created by a super-high-speed kick.

Finger gun: One of the “six styles”, which is known to have the power of gunfire. Gather the strength of your whole body on your index finger and unleash a blow between the hardened fingers and the electric flint. The fingertips have the attack power of bullets and can easily penetrate the human body.

Life return: can freely control the body, hair, internal organs, as long as the consciousness is poured in, you can freely control anywhere, can instantly digest, absorb food.

After Lindbergh learned the Six Styles of the Navy, he was full of curiosity about the power of the Six Styles. “Finger gun!” Lin Bai gathered the strength of his whole body on his index finger, which hardened and instantly hit the wall.

“Whoosh!” Without hindrance, Lindbergh’s fingers instantly pierced a large hole in the wall.

“Awesome!” Seeing the hole he pierced with his finger gun, Lin Bai praised. Next, Lindbergh used a fruit knife to insert his hardened body with ‘iron block’, and the fruit knife was inserted, leaving only a white spot on Lindbergh’s body, and Lindbergh was also very satisfied with the effect of the ‘iron block’.

Lindbergh walked out of the room and onto the street, ready to experiment with the rest of the six styles.

“Shaving!” Lin Bai’s figure instantly disappeared in place and appeared on the street more than ten meters ahead. “Arashi foot!” Lin Bai instantly kicked at the walls on both sides of the street, and an invisible vacuum slash flew out. “Whoosh!” The half-meter-thick wall was instantly carried through by the vacuum slash, which slashed at a thigh-thick tree in someone else’s yard behind the wall, and the small tree was cut off. Lin Bai saw the effect of ‘Lan Foot’, nodded with satisfaction, and then used ‘shaving’ to leave the place instantly.

“Ah! Which one killed a thousand cuts、、、、、、! After Lin Bai left, there was a loud curse in the courtyard where Lin Bai cut off the small tree with “Lan foot”.

However, the perpetrator had long since fled, and Lindbergh came to a clearing. Suddenly, Lindbergh stepped into the air with his right foot. Strange things happened, there seemed to be an invisible step in the air, and Lin Bai stepped on this ‘step’ and raised his body upward. “Click!” Lin Bai stepped into the air with both feet continuously, stepping on the invisible steps and running towards the sky. This is exactly the ‘moon step’ that Lindbergh used in one of the six forms of experimentation.

Flying has always been a human dream, and Lindbergh is no exception. When Lindbergh was a child, he often fantasized that he had a pair of wings and flew freely in the sky like a bird. Stepping on the ‘moon step’ is not flying, but it is almost the same.

“One-two-one, one-two-one!” At this time, Lin Bai ran towards the sky step by step with excitement, and unconsciously Lin Bai’s body had risen more than a thousand meters. Suddenly, Lindbergh felt a numbness in his right foot and a throbbing pain.

“I fuck! Little tui cramps! “Lindbergh discovered a sad truth.

“Ah! Help me! In Lindbergh’s “Wow” shout, Lindbergh’s body plummeted.

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