The sun gradually set, and under the eaves of the Taoist Hall, Lindbergh and Bungu were in full swing.

A stove, a small pot, Lindbergh and Bungu are surrounded to the left and right. The hot soup rolls in a small pot and gives off a tempting taste.

“Hmm! I haven’t eaten hot pot for a long time, it’s really nostalgic for the taste! Bungu said as he took a piece of beef from the hot pot with his right hand and put it in his mouth.

In front of Bungu, Lindbergh was also holding chopsticks and eating the vegetables and meat in the hot pot, and holding a can of beer in his left hand.

“It’s a pity that the bike can’t fit too much, otherwise the material would be richer.” Lin Bai said to Bungu while eating.

“That’s not bad.” Bungu listened, and the two then destroyed the hot pot.

Early the next morning, after Lindbergh and Bongu had eaten, the two came to the square.

“Lindbergh, you should know the name of the martial art I learned, right?” The two stood in the square, and Bungu said to Lindbergh.

“I know, it’s called ‘Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist’.” Lindbergh replied.

“Yes, it’s ‘Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist’. Just like the name of the boxing, the boxing technique is as natural and soft as flowing water. Bungu said, posing in a martial arts starting pose.

Then, the figure of Bangu flashed, the movement was soft, but fast as lightning. In Lindbergh’s eyes, Bungu’s hands were like two streams of water dancing, surrounding Bungu’s body.

“Although water is the softest thing in the world, but water drops and stones pierce, flowing water can also penetrate boulders, this is the meaning of ‘flowing water rock broken fist’.” Bungu said to Lindbergh while demonstrating the ‘Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist’.

“Lindbergh, you punch me.” Suddenly, Bungu said to Lindbergh.

Lin Bai listened, did not talk nonsense, and directly punched Bungu. This punch is neither light nor heavy, about a hundred pounds of strength. The fist slammed into Bungud’s chest, and I saw Bungu’s hands wrapped around Lin Bai’s fist, and Lin Bai’s fist was taken away from Bungu’s side.

“Hmm! What a strange feeling! When Lindbergh hit Bungu just now, he only felt a weak force acting on his hand, and his fist couldn’t help but deflect to the right.

“Teacher, can you punch again?” Lindbergh was very curious about the phenomenon just now, so he said to Bungu.

“Alright! You shouldn’t have much strength just now, don’t worry about the old man and me this time, just come. Bongu said to Lindbergh.

“Teacher, then be careful, my strength is not ordinary.” Lindbergh said.

“It’s okay, just come.” Bungu replied with a smile.

Lin Bai didn’t say much, he knew that even if he used his full strength, he might not be able to hurt Bonggu, but this time Lin Bai was to feel the move of Bungu power just now, so he didn’t need to use his full strength, and his fist bombarded Bungu with Lindbergh’s three-point power. Although it is only three points of strength, the strength is also several thousand pounds. This time, not only was the strength strengthened dozens of times, but the fist speed was not slow, and the terrifying power hit Bungu with a violent fist wind. In the face of this punch, I believe that even a cow will be blasted away by a punch.

Facing Lin Bai’s punch, Bungu was not in a hurry, only to see Bungu raise his right hand, turn his right fist into a palm, and face Lin Bai’s punch. But Bungu had a bit of surprise in his eyes. Bungu did not expect that his newly accepted disciple Lin Bai actually had such power.

“Snap!” Lindbergh’s punch hit Bungu’s right palm firmly, but Bungu’s right hand only moved slightly.

“How is that possible?” Lin Bai looked at all this and felt that it was even more incredible than the last punch.

“Nothing incredible, it’s just the meaning of the ‘Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist’.” Looking at Lin Bai’s surprised face, Bungu explained to Lin Bai.

“The meaning of the power of ‘Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist’?” Lindbergh said to Bungu with a curious face.

‘That’s right!’ The most powerful part of ‘Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist’ is not the attack, but the defense, which is the unloading meaning of ‘Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist’. Saying that, Bungu paused, pointed his right hand at his feet, and said to Lindbergh: “Look at my feet.” ”

Lin Bai looked at Bungu’s feet, and saw that the stone slabs under Bungu’s feet seemed to be stepped on by a huge force, densely cracked.

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