After the written test, there is a 30-minute break, after which a physical fitness test is taken.

In the lounge, Lindbergh bumped into Saitama.

“Saitama, how did you feel about the written test?” Lindbergh asked Saitama.

“It’s so easy, I feel like I can get full marks!” Saitama replied confidently.

Lindbergh listened to Saitama’s answer, recalled that in the anime, Saitama only scored 21 points in the written test, but fortunately scored 50 points in the physical fitness test, just on the passing line, and thought to himself: “Could it be that after I came, I not only changed the plot, but also changed Saitama’s IQ.”

The two chatted, and soon the 30-minute break passed and the physical fitness test began.

“1500 meter run, start!” In an examination room area, Lindbergh is testing a 1500-meter run.

“Test taker 512, 45.58 seconds!” A person pressed the stopwatch, looked at Lindbergh who ran across the finish line like the wind, and said to the waiting staff in amazement.

Next, the weightlifting test field.

Lindbergh raised the 1000kg barbell with one hand.

Next, the shot put quiz.

“Participant No. 512, shot put score of 88.7 meters.”

Next, vertical jump: 15.3 meters.

Whack-a-mole, all in the middle.

Boxing: 14,584 lbs


It’s time for the afternoon, the sixth special examination room

“Finally the test is over.” In the lounge of the testing ground, Lindbergh sat on a stool. In the physical fitness test, Lindbergh did not give his all, just wanted to get a full score.

Although Lindbergh did not test at full strength, Lindbergh had a preliminary estimate of his physical fitness. His own strength is about 30,000 catties, and if the speed is used with full strength to “shave”, it should be able to reach the limit of the speed of sound, because Lindbergh is already using “shaving” with all his strength, and he feels that if he is faster, he can break the air, that is, the sound barrier, and reach supersonic speed.

“It’s already a bit of strength, it should be a full score!” Lindbergh thought in his heart.

“Finally the test is over, next, wait for the results!” On the side, Saitama said naked wearing a pair of underwear.

“Lindbergh, how was the test?” Saitama asked Lindbergh.

“So-so! Easy passage. Lindbergh replied.

“yes, too! The hero test is too easy. Saitama also said easily.

“The score is coming soon, and above 70 points will pass.” Lindbergh said.


An hour later, Lindbergh and Saitama got their test transcripts.

Lindbergh opened the sealed pocket and took out the report card.

Looking at the report card, a smile appeared on Lin Bai’s face. The results were unexpectedly good, and the physical fitness test score was as Lindbergh expected, a perfect score of 50. What Lindbergh didn’t expect was that the essay in the written test also scored 50 points. It seems that a classic is a classic, and it is powerful everywhere.

In the middle of the transcript, a large B is printed. With a full score, Lindbergh got the hero level B as he wished, and the specific hero ranking was 50th in B level. This ranking is in the middle of the B-class hero ranking.

“Saitama, I got a B grade, how are your grades?” After reading my transcript, Lindbergh asked Saitama.

“Haven’t seen it yet?” Saitama replied nervously. He cares about this result, just like the previous job search, although he is very confident at first, but when the results come out, he will still worry that he will be brushed off.

“Let’s watch it then!” After speaking, Lindbergh walked to Saitama’s side.

Saitama tore open the seal and pulled out the report card little by little from the inside.

“71 points, rated C!”

Saitama pulled out the report card and looked at the results, and then breathed a sigh of relief and was a little disappointed.

71 points, just passed, hero ranked 346th in C grade, last place in hero ranking.

Lin Bai looked at Saitama’s results and thought: “I thought too much before, Saitama is still that Saitama!”

After passing the hero test, those who become heroes go to a lecture on heroes by the senior heroes of the Hero Association. It is mainly about the experience of being a hero and some things to pay attention to when being a hero.

In one room, Saitama and Lindbergh were sitting waiting for the arrival of the senior hero. In the room, in addition to Lindbergh and Saitama, there were two others. Both men were wearing vests, tall horses, and muscular bodies. The four people in the room were the only four people in the sixth special examination room who passed the hero test and registered as heroes.

“Hey! The kid in front, do you want to join our vest legion? One of the men in the vest said to Lindbergh.

“Not interested!” Lin Bai glanced back and replied casually.

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