On the other side of City A, in a wide room, stood many people wearing black suits and black leather shoes.

On a sofa in the room, sat a beautiful royal sister wearing a black coat with a bobo head.

This royal sister is the sister of the “trembling tornado” that Lin Bai encountered before, and the “Hell Blowing Snow” ranked 1st in the B class of heroes of the Hero Association.

“Hell Blowing Snow” is also a superpower, but it causes psychological shadows because it is far inferior to his sister. In order to surpass her sister, who prefers to act alone, she deliberately did not rise to the A level but always guarded the position of the first place in the B grade, because this was the first first in her life, and gathered a large number of B rank rankers to form the “Blowing Snow Group”; Those who refuse to join are dealt with so that they cannot continue their activities as heroes.

Suddenly, a member of the snowblowing team walked in from outside.

“Lord Blowing Snow, this is the information of those who passed the hero assessment of this session.” This member of the “Blowing Snow Group” walked up to Blowing Snow and handed it to Blowing Snow with a stack of materials.

“Hmm!” Blowing Snow took the information and looked through it carefully.

After a while, after reading the material, Blowing Snow took out a piece of information paper and said to the member of the Blowing Snow Group in front of him: “Investigating this person’s address, I decided to suck him into the ‘Blowing Snow Group’.”

“Yes, Fuyuki-sama!” The member of the “Blowing Snow Group” answered and took the information paper handed by Blowing Snow.

Through the sight of the members of this “Blowing Snow Group”, you can see that Lindbergh’s head is printed on the information paper.


The camera turned, and Snake punched Lindbergh like a python. Although Lindbergh was surprised why Snake wanted to attack himself, his body’s reaction was not slow. In the face of Snake’s attack, Lindbergh’s body tilted to the right, avoiding Snake’s punch, and then quickly stretched out his left hand, grabbed Snake’s arm, and pulled back with force, and Snake’s body flew behind Lindbergh. However, worthy of being a veteran A-class hero, Snake was in mid-air, his body turned over, and he landed firmly on the ground.

“Hey, hey, hey! Uncle, I don’t remember where I provoked you, why did you attack me? Lindbergh turned and said to Snake, who landed on the ground.

“It is worthy of being the full score of this year’s hero test, and he really has some skills. However, I’m not that easy to deal with! Again! Snake did not answer Lindbergh’s question, but attacked Lindbergh again.

“Are you finished?” Lindbergh said to him while dodging Snake’s attack.

“Newcomer, obediently fall under my attack! Viper Fist Method, Double Snake Binding! “Snake attacked Lindbergh continuously, but he was all dodged by Lindbergh. Evading all the attacks by a newcomer, Snake was furious in his heart and made a special move.

“Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist Method Flowing Water”, in the face of Snake’s special move, Lindbergh’s body was like a stream of water, dodged Snake’s attack, and came behind Snake, and then kicked Snake’s pi stock.


“Ugh!” The strength of Lindbergh’s kick was not ordinary, and in Snake’s scream, Snake was directly kicked and flew towards the grass under the road.

After this kick, Lindbergh ignored Snake, spoke to Saitama, who was watching the excitement, and continued to walk towards the apartment.

Time flies by, five days have passed since the hero test, and in these five days, nothing major has happened.

In Saitama’s room, Saitama is lying leisurely on the bed reading a book.

In the square below the apartment, Lindbergh was training the Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist. Ten minutes later, Lindbergh closed his fists.

“Whew! Or no, it feels a little worse, where is the difference? Lin Bai exhaled, thinking about the cultivation of the Flowing Water Rock Broken Fist in his heart.

“Forget it, don’t want to! That’s it for today. After that, Lindbergh walked towards the apartment.

Lindbergh walked towards the fifth floor of the apartment and passed Saitama’s room, where Saitama lived on the fourth floor.

“Saitama, you’re really idle!” Lin Bai walked into Saitama’s room and saw Saitama lying on Chuang reading a book and said.

“Oh!” Saitama replied and said, “Nothing has happened in the past few days.”

“Speaking of which, regarding that briefing, it is said that C-level heroes will be removed from the hero roster if they do not carry out activities within a week. Saitama, it doesn’t matter if you’re so idle, right? Lindbergh said to the leisurely Saitama.

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