If you think of it, Lindbergh has no other way, so he began to try this method that only exists in the novel.

In Lindbergh’s heart, a white “qi” waited quietly. Under the manipulation of Lindbergh’s mind, this “qi” began to move towards the outside of the heart.

“Bang!” The air mass moves outside the heart, and at first just wants to move outside the heart, as if hitting a wall, unable to move outside the heart.

“I don’t believe it?” At this time, Lin Bai’s heart was fierce, and he manipulated this mass of qi to hit the obstacle.

“Boom!” A silent impact was going on, but in Lindbergh’s perception, there was a sound of impact.

“Click!” Finally, with Lindbergh’s unremitting efforts, Lindbergh felt that the obstacle in front of him was broken.

Under Lindbergh’s manipulation, the group began to move outward. But soon, the “qi” manipulated by Lindbergh encountered obstacles again. Lin Bai repeated his old technique, and continuously manipulated the “qi” to hit the obstacles, and successfully broke through.

In Lindbergh’s perception, every time he breaks through an obstacle, the “qi” is one point stronger, and it becomes easier to break through the next obstacle.

Ten minutes later, Lin Bai had broken through all the “shackles” in his body except for one place, and the “qi” group was so powerful that it gathered together to be the size of a basketball.

This last place is also the place that Lindbergh attaches the most importance to. That is Lindbergh’s mark of being a man – Lindbergh’s “little brother”.

After manipulating “Qi” for so long, Lindbergh also felt a little tired mentally. Lindbergh decided to rest for a while, after all, this last place cannot be careless, this is related to his sexual happiness in the rest of his life.

“Old, it’s up to you!” After resting for a while, Lin Bai shouted, and with a fearless spirit of looking at death, he manipulated a “qi” to rush towards his “little brother”.

“Click!” The “shackles” added to the “little brother” were broken, and since then, Lindbergh’s whole body has been liberated.

At the moment when the “shackles” of his whole body were lifted, Lin Bai felt that infinite power welled up from his whole body.

“Boom!” A powerful unimaginable “qi” erupted from Lindbergh’s body. This “qi” rushed straight into the sky and quickly broke through the dark clouds high above Lin Bai’s head. In the sky full of dark clouds, there was a huge hollow above Lin Bai’s head.

“Ugh!” At the moment of breaking the “shackles”, in Lindbergh’s mind, memory pictures surged out, and Lindbergh felt that his head was about to explode.

In a room, seven- or eight-year-old Lindbergh and his friends were watching “Tyro Ultraman” together.

“Tyro Ultraman is so handsome! If only I could become Ultraman too! Xiao Lin Bai looked at Ultraman who was playing the little monster and thought to himself.

Seven or eight years have passed, and Lindbergh, who is fifteen or sixteen years old, sits in an Internet café and stares intently at the computer in the Internet café.

In the Internet café, most people are playing games, but Lindbergh is watching the anime “Dragon Ball”. On the computer screen, Monkey King is transforming into a Super Saiyan and fighting Frieza in Namex. Namex was crushed by the two men in the battle and would be destroyed at any moment.

“Sun Wukong is too powerful to become a Super Saiyan, if only I could become a Super Saiyan too!” Lin Bai looked at the handsome Super Saiyan Sun Wukong and said in his heart.

Suddenly, the memories in Lin Bai’s mind were all squeezed out, and a domineering memory gushed out from Lin Bai’s mind.

It was a black dragon with a body length of thousands of meters, and every part of its body flowed with the beauty of combat mechanics.

Looking at this black dragon, for a while, Lin Bai was a little foolish.

“Become it, become it, become it!” One after another magical voices appeared in Lindbergh’s mind.

“Ugh!” “Roar!” “Roar!” “Roar!”

Lin Bai suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, and his voice became unhuman.

In the sky, dark clouds are thick. Above Lin Bai’s head, the void formed by the dark clouds had just been scattered by Lin Bai. The dark clouds around the hollow began to rotate, and large areas of dark clouds began to gather, forming a whirlpool of dark clouds.

“Crackle!” In the dark cloud vortex, a large amount of current is generated due to the rotating friction of the dark cloud. For a time, the whirlpool of dark clouds surged everywhere.

“Boom!” After a while, the dark cloud vortex seemed to have accumulated strength, and a bucket-thick thunder and lightning shot out from it, striking towards the roaring Lin Bai below.

“Boom!” This bucket-thick lightning struck Lindbergh directly. For a while, everyone within a radius of a thousand meters felt the earth shake for a while.

Where it was struck by lightning, it was a mess, the earth cracked, a large pit with a radius of four or five meters appeared, and there was a burst of blue smoke on the ground.

Suddenly, the dirt in the center of the pit turned and a figure crawled out of it.

“It was really risky just now, I almost finished playing!” The figure is Lin Bai, and at this time, Lin Bai’s whole body is naked and uninchable. But fortunately, although Lindbergh’s clothes were turned to ashes by lightning, his body was unscathed. However, what is strange is that the pupils of Lin Bai’s eyes turned red. Looking into Lindbergh’s eyes, it was as if his eyes were set with two rubies.

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