“Hmm! I’m from outside! I heard that there are many powerful eccentrics gathered here. Well! After all, rumors are rumors that are not credible! Infinity Kelp replied.

“But what! It’s not bad that I realized that rumor! Speaking of this, the infinite kelp raised its head full of kelp tentacles, grinned at the springbeard, and laughed: “The monster of the ghost town! What a nice name! ”

Backbite! Backbite! Backbite! Backbite! ……

At this time, at the headquarters of the Hero Association, an alarm sounded.

“The hero sent to Z City to investigate sent a request for support, the hero Golden Ball in the 29th place of the A rank is no longer able to fight, and the 33rd springbeard of the same level is fighting hard, which is in the previous no-man’s land.” A heroine guild employee looked at the message sent by the spring beard and reported with a serious expression.

“Contact the nearby heroes “743”, let them go to the scene immediately, remember to contact A level and above! A middle-aged commander immediately counteracted.

“Did you see the weirdo intelligence in City Z?”

“I heard that the speculative level is above the tiger!”

“A monster in a ghost town!”

“No, it’s not clear!”


In a restaurant, five or six heroes gathered, discussing after receiving information from the Heroes Association.

As they discussed, Springbeard and Infinity Kelp fought hard.


A broken sword body spun in the air for a while, fell and plunged into the ground.

“Ha~hoo~ha~hoo~~~” In front of the infinite kelp, the springbeard held the broken sword in his hand and gasped heavily.

At this time, the spring beard was covered in tattered clothes, the wounds on his body were still bloody, and he looked like he had a blue nose and a swollen face.

“Oh, so it is! You can encounter such a monster when you go out, and I don’t want to move here for free! The springbeard put down the broken sword in his hand, and after saying these words, he fell to the ground exhausted.

“So boring, boring! It’s rare to win two heroes, and the result is not a single or two screams! After defeating the spring beard, Infinity Kelp said disappointedly.

“If you think about it, there are no people living here, so you can’t be famous at all?” Let’s go inside! Rushed to the residential area in one breath. Infinite kelp thought about it and said.

“Hmm! Someone’s coming! Heroes again? As soon as the infinite kelp wanted to leave, he saw three figures appear in front of him, and when the figures walked in, he saw what the three people were wearing, “Hmm! Everyman? ”

“What for? There are still people living there! If there are really weirdos here, how can anyone live? Really… The rumors are not reliable! After saying that, the three people who stretched all the seas appeared in all directions and shrouded them.

A few minutes ago.

“Hmm!” Walking in the no-man’s land, on the way to the restaurant with Saitama and North, Lindbergh suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong? Lindbergh! Seeing this, Saitama asked Lindbergh.

“There are people fighting weirdos over there, strange, why are there humans?” Lindbergh pointed to the side and replied. In Lindbergh’s perception, there were two human breaths and a tyrannical qi together.

“Oh!” Saitama and Genos listened to Lindbergh’s words, and both showed curiosity.

“Would you like to come over and take a look?” Lindbergh said to Saitama and Genos.


“Go over and take a look!”

So, the three of them headed towards the place where the spring beard, the golden ball and the infinite kelp were fought.

“Huh! Isn’t this a spring beard and a golden ball! Walking to the scene of the battle, Lindbergh saw the spring-loaded beard and golden ball of the heroes of the Hero Association who fell to the ground.

“It seems that he was defeated by the weirdo!” Lin Bai also saw the infinite kelp in front of him, looking at the two seriously injured, Lin Bai took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the Hero Association.

As for the weirdo Infinite Kelp in front of him, Lin Bai did not pay attention to it, any one of the three of them could solve the weirdo in front of him.

“Wow! So much kelp! Saitama saw the weirdo Infinity Kelp in front of him and exclaimed strangely.

“Weird!” Genos stared at the infinite kelp and said.

“Huh! Someone’s coming! The infinite kelp also saw the three people appearing, so he extended the kelp tentacles and surrounded the three people from all directions.

“Uh… The kelp is reaching! Saitama looked at the kelp tentacles stretching from the infinite kelp, raised his head and said strangely.

And then……

After meeting the three of Lindbergh, the fate of the infinite kelp has already been decided0..

“Saitama, can this thing really be eaten?” After Saitama solved the infinite kelp, the three continued to walk towards the restaurant. On the way, Lindbergh looked at the large pile of kelp plucked from the infinite kelp that Saitama was carrying and asked.

“I can definitely eat it, you see, how fresh this kelp is!” Saitama took out a sea belt and showed it to Lindbergh, as if selling and said to Lindbergh.

“Staring…” On the side, Genos stared at the kelp in Saitama’s hand, and the computer in his body began to link to the Internet to search for information related to kelp.

“Indeed! Although it is often said that eating kelp can make up hair, this statement has no medical basis and does not have the effect of stimulating hair growth. I looked up a lot of information and there will be no mistake, Saitama-sensei! And…” Genos suddenly said seriously to Saitama.

From the moment Saitama heard Genos’s first words, the painting style was not right.

“I didn’t say a word about mending my hair…” Saitama looked sad.

A, Heroes Guild Headquarters.

“The findings of City Z show that there is nothing to report in commercial and residential areas.” A clerk looked at the data projected in front of him and said seriously.

“This time we encountered a fierce weirdo in no man’s land, and the two A heroes sent to investigate failed to defeat the weirdo, and suffered a serious 0.9 injury! However, when he received a call from the fourth hero of the S-class, “One Punch Man”, he appeared at the scene, and when the support staff went to rescue the springbeard and the golden ball, although the adult had left, he found that a huge trace of destruction was found, and the weirdo was most likely solved by him! ……”

“…… In addition, according to the weirdo, there are rumors that there are multiple powerful eccentrics entrenched in the area! At the same time, in the snowblowing group, eyelashes also stood opposite the snowblowing snow, making the same report.

“No man’s land?” Listening to the report of Eyelash, Hell Blowing Snow thought of the place where he fought with Lindbergh a year and a half ago.

“The strongest monster!” Thinking of this, Blowing Snow said to a group of subordinates: “Eyelashes, mountain ape, tomorrow to leave for no man’s land, it’s time to shame before the snow!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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