Each passage has stairs leading to the lower level, and soon Lindbergh and the hungry wolf arrive at the seventh basement level, during which they do not find any strange people.

“Aren’t all these weirdos hiding?” The weirdo did not come out, and the hungry wolf screamed.

“Maybe it’s the calm before the storm?” Lindbergh said.

“Then let the storm come harder! Hey! The hungry wolf said disapprovingly.

The two did not have much common words, and after saying a few words, they stopped talking and continued to look for the next class.


Suddenly, a deafening dog bark sounded in the passage.

“What, weirdos also have dogs?” The hungry wolf heard the dog barking and said strangely.

“Nope? Your opponent is coming! Lindbergh said with a smile.

In Lindbergh’s perception, a huge creature appeared in front of the passage. Based on the powerful life magnetic field emitted by this huge creature, Lindbergh estimated that the disaster level of this creature was at least above the dragon.

“Is it? I’d rather see who my opponent is this time? Hope not to disappoint me! The hungry wolf said.

“Don’t worry, this time will definitely make you happy!” Lindbergh said.

After speaking, the two stopped and waited for the arrival of the enemy.

“Wang ~~~” In another huge dog barking, a giant dog seven or eight meters tall, dark all over, with several white spots on its head appeared in front of Lindbergh and the hungry wolf.

Weird Society Disaster Level Dragon – Raise a Dalmatian too big! Debut!

“Hey, hey, hey! Such a big dog, what to eat and grow up! The hungry wolf looked at the big black dog that appeared in front of him and was surprised.

“Wang ~~~~” The Dalmatian who raised too big yelled at Lin Bai and the hungry wolf, and then opened his mouth to aim at the two.


A huge pillar of fire erupted from the air of the raised Dalmatian and blasted towards the two.

“Hey! What is this situation? Looking at the big dog with a fire-breathing pillar in its mouth, the hungry wolf was shocked for a moment, and his body flashed and hid in a corner where the flames could not touch.


The flames instantly flooded Lindbergh and rushed towards the wall behind, and the wall was blasted out of a large hole by the pillar of fire in an instant.


Coming over, the Dalmatian who was too big stopped the flamethrowing, the flames dispersed, and Lindbergh was back in place unscathed.

“This dog is so fierce, I decided, you will be my pet in the future!” Lin Bai’s eyes carefully looked at the big dog in front of him and found that this big dog was very suitable for his appetite.


After the flames cleared, the hungry wolf flew up and kicked the Dalmatian who was too big.


“What?” In and out, the hungry wolf seemed to kick on a huge rubber mass, the attack did not work at all, but a huge rebound force came from the foot, and the hungry wolf was directly ejected.

“Wang !!!” Attacked by the hungry wolf, the Dalmatian who was too big turned around sharply and directly crashed into the hungry wolf who was in the air.


For a moment, the hungry wolf felt as if he had been hit by a large truck, instantly knocked away, and then hit the wall in the passage, and his whole body was embedded into the wall.

“What kind of monster is this?” In the wall, the hungry wolf’s body ached sharply, staring at the raised Dalmatian in front of him.

“Wang~~~” The Dalmatian who was too big barked again, and then opened his mouth to the hungry wolf in the wall.

“Not good!”


The hungry wolf instantly moved out of the wall.


A pillar of fire erupted, drowning the hungry wolf.


In an instant, the hungry wolf flashed out of the pillar of fire and flew onto the head of a Dalmatian who was too big.

“Don’t be too arrogant! You dead dog! The hungry wolf cried.

“Flowing Water Rock Crushing Fist !!!”


Under the angry blow of the hungry wolf, the huge head of the Dalmatian who was too big was directly beaten to the ground by the hungry wolf. Immediately afterwards, a huge force spread to the ground of the passage, and the ground cracked densely.

Click, click, click!!!


“It’s not good, the passage is collapsing!” The hungry wolf stood on a piece of shattered ground and quickly adjusted his body.

“Hmm! It’s going to collapse, it’s really hot enough! Looking at the ground that began to fall, Lindbergh’s body began to float.

Bang bang bang!!!


The ground on the seventh underground floor split into pieces and fell to the eighth underground floor.

“Wang ~~~” After landing, a voice came, and the hungry wolf’s body immediately tensed.

“This dead dog is simply monster-level, my attack is completely useless, it seems that I can only use the Jiaoya Dragon to kill the fist!” The hungry wolf thought to himself as he looked at the big Dalmatian dog that appeared in front of him.

Boom, boom!!!

The Dalmatian who was too big spotted the hungry wolf, strode and rammed directly towards the hungry wolf.


The figure of the hungry wolf flashed, and also rushed towards the Dalmatian who was too big.


The moment the hungry wolf and the raised Dalmatian were facing each other, their bodies flashed, and they flexibly jumped onto the back of the Dalmatian who raised too big.

“Wang ~~~” felt the hungry wolf jump on his back, and the body of the Dalmatian who was too big kept shaking, trying to let the hungry wolf fall.

“Die! Jiaoya Dragon Killing Fist !!! ”


The hungry wolf’s hands turned into afterimages, and the blow fiercely attacked the Dalmatian who was too big.

Click, click, click!!!

Under the continuous attacks of hungry wolves, the whole body of the Dalmatian who was too big stood unsteadily, and fell to the ground with a “boom”, and then the ground began to crack again.


At the beginning of the eighth basement floor, the Dalmatian dog that is too big first falls into the space below.

However, the hungry wolf’s cross-toothed dragon killing combo has not ended, not long after the Dalmatian dog that was too big fell, the ground below cracked again, and the Dalmatian that was too big began to fall to the next layer of space again.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!!

“Whew~” On the twelfth floor underground, the hungry wolf looked at the motionless Dalmatian below and stopped attacking.

“It’s finally over, this big dog is really strong enough!” Saying that, the hungry wolf jumped off the body of the Dalmatian who raised too big.

“Is it really over?” In the air above, Lin Bai looked at the “corpse” of the Dalmatian dog that was too big, and a smile flowed from his mouth, “It’s worthy of being the dog I fancy, under such a fierce combo, nothing happened at all.” ”

In Lindbergh’s perception, the life magnetic field of a Dalmatian who raised too big did not weaken at all.

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