Anyone who is familiar with Dong Jian knows that he has been to the elite training camp.

  And after Dong Jian came back, he boasted about the situation in the training camp in private gatherings.

  To be called an instructor by the other party, the identity of the young man above is self-evident.

  How dare they be disrespectful.

  Dong Yewei saw that when his son saw Fang Ze, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and he smiled helplessly.

  From childhood to adulthood, it was the first time he had ever seen someone so afraid of a person.

  Fang Ze took a step forward, looked at Dong Jian and said, "What are you running for?"

  Dong Jian's expression remained unchanged, and he said solemnly: "Report to the instructor, I suddenly have a stomachache."

  Of course Fang Ze knew this was nonsense, and said lightly, "What about now?"

  Dong Jiandao: "Report to the instructor, it's done!"

  Luo Bixin burst out laughing, this guy looks sturdy, I didn't expect it to be so interesting, 30 funny personality.

  "Well, it's fine."

  Fang Ze nodded, "Remember that when you were in the training camp, your various assessment results seemed to be ranked last."

  As soon as these words came out, the friends standing behind Dong Jian looked at each other, and someone whispered, "Dong Jian! Don't you say you are among the best!"

  After doing it for a long time, it turned out to be bragging! Dong Jian was a little embarrassed, but he still said: "Report the instructor, I have not met your expectations!"

  Fang Ze stared at Dong Jian for a while, then smiled: "Listen to your father, you made a second-class merit some time ago."

  "Report instructor, yes!"

  Fang Ze nodded: "Not bad."

  After the two ordinary words reached Dong Jian's ears, his complexion immediately became a little rosy.

  It was the rush of qi and blood brought about by the excitement of the heart.

  At this moment, Dong Jian's body even trembled slightly.

  It's like saying "good"

  , is the compliment he so desperately wished to hear.

  At that time in the training camp, even the elites who had excellent grades and ranked among the top three did not receive a single word of praise from Fang Ze.

  In Fang Ze's eyes, those achievements were nothing at all.

  Beside him, Dong Yewei glanced at Fang Ze gratefully.

  He knew that this was a deliberate encouragement from the other party to thank him for his unremitting cooperation in Li Ruicheng's case.

  "Keep working hard, I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

  Dong Jian straightened his back and said, "Never disappoint the instructor's expectations!"


  Fang Ze nodded, turned around and said, "Dong Ju, see you back."

  "Instructor Fang, walk slowly."

  The voice fell, Fang Ze and Luo Bixin walked together.

  When passing by Dong Jian, Fang Ze still patted him on the shoulder.

  Dong Jian resisted his inner excitement and kept watching the other party get into the car.

  From beginning to end, he never asked Fang what would happen in Zhongnan.

  This is the discipline he has developed over the months, and any sentence may cause his training volume to double.

  At that time, he had a deep understanding.

  But now, he only admires and appreciates Fang Ze.

  Without Fang Ze, today's growth would not be possible.


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  After the flag car left the city bureau, several of Dong Jian's friends quickly gathered around and asked various questions.

  "He's your instructor"

  "Dong Jian, is he really an instructor? Is he too young?"

  "Hey, hey, isn't he the kind of soldier in the army... The soldier king with extremely strong personal strength is just like what is written in the novel."

  "Speak! What is your identity as an instructor? Is it a special forces soldier?"

  Listening to the noise in his ears, Dong Jian took a deep breath and scolded: "Ask a fart! I don't know anything! Hurry up and get down to business, there will be a party later."

  After speaking, Dong Jian turned around and walked towards the city council hall.

  A few people behind him did not give up, they caught up and asked again.

  Dong Yewei looked at these young people, Fang Ze's figure appeared in his mind again, and he was quite emotional.

  "It's the age of the young"

  after an hour.

  Fang Ze parked the car in the traffic police brigade.

  Showing his intention and identity, the captain of the traffic police team personally took Fang Ze to the archives and transferred the documents from three years ago.

  The person in charge of the traffic accident at that time was the vice-captain of the traffic police team, Wang Xinshi.

  He was also called by the captain.

  In the file room, Fang Ze probably flipped through the documents and asked, "Did the surveillance before the incident checked whether it was Ruan Hongyi who was driving?"

  Wang Xinshi, a man in his thirties, replied, "That place is a newly built intersection, and no surveillance cameras have been installed nearby."


  Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Then how do you decide the responsibility?"

  Wang Xinshi said: "According to the brake marks and the damaged position of the vehicle, the sports car should be fully responsible. It suddenly lost control during high-speed driving and hit the fuel tanker."

  Fang Ze was silent.

  As long as it is a key clue, there is no answer.

  Fang Ze would definitely not believe it if he said there was no problem with the car accident.

  After pondering for a while, Fang Ze said, "Who called the police?"

  Wang Xinshi thought for a while and replied, "It was the police who called the police anonymously. When the fire brigade arrived, the fire had been burning for a while."

  Record it for me."


  Wang Xinshi was stunned for a moment. Next to what could be heard in the alarm recording, the captain of the traffic police team said, "Hurry up and find it!"

  He didn't dare to neglect the serious case of the city bureau.

  "it is good."

  Wang Xinshi nodded, "But it's been too long, it may take a while, you wait for the team."

  "Don't worry, I have time."

  Luo Bixin looked at Fang Ze and said, "There may be a problem with the recording."

  She was a little puzzled, Fang Ze's investigation seemed to be a bit broad.

  As long as everything related to the car accident is not missed.

  But like this kind of serious car accident, passers-by will usually call the police when they see it, which is very normal.

  So there shouldn't be any new clues.

  After more than half an hour, Wang Xinan just pushed in with a laptop.

  "Fang team, found it, listen to it."

  Wang Xinan hit the Enter key.

  The voice sounded.

  "Hello, traffic police brigade? There's a car accident at the intersection of the third and fourth ring roads in the south of the country. It's about to catch fire. Come over quickly!"

  After listening to this recording, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed.

  On the other hand, Luo Bixin's expression suddenly changed.


  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 133 Seeing Li Shenghua Again [5]

  Wang Xinshi glanced at the two of them strangely, and said, "Do you know the person who called the police?"

  Fang Ze didn't answer this question. After returning the information in his hand to the other party, he smiled and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, it's very helpful."

  The captain of the traffic police said with a smile: "Whatever Captain Fang said, they are all a family, and they should help each other. If you have anything else to ask, feel free to ask."

  Fang Ze also smiled and nodded his courtesy, then pointed to the laptop and said, "Can you make a copy of the recording for me?"


  Twenty minutes later, Fang Ze and the two drove away from the traffic police brigade.

  On the way, Luo Bixin said, "There's really something wrong with this car accident!"

  "It's too coincidental, right? It was Ma Zhuo who called the accident police."

  Fang Ze chuckled: "What coincidences we think are coincidences, they are all inevitable."

  Luo Bixin nodded and said: "It seems that your inference is correct, the car accident is probably not an accident."

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