"Article [-] of our country's law stipulates that a person knowingly committing a crime who provides a hiding place or property for him to help him escape or make a false certificate to cover up shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance."

  "If the circumstances are serious, the sentence shall be fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years."

  "Conspiracy in advance shall be punished as a joint crime."

  After Fang Ze's words fell, Xu Jing raised her head, stared at him dissatisfiedly, and said, "Why are you telling me this? What does it have to do with me? You mean I'm covering up the criminal? Who? Do you have any evidence? Bring the evidence here. Otherwise, I will sue you for slander!"

  Everyone looked at each other in dismay, this woman looked weak on the outside, but she didn't expect that her psychological quality was not low.

  I don't know if it was taught by someone else or just like that.

  Fang Ze's expression remained unchanged.

  He had no evidence, but he knew that Xu Jing should have a problem.

  However, if he continued to ask, there would be no new gains, and Fang Ze was ready to give up.

  "Let's go, let's go to Jiang Hongcheng's house, I believe this time, the truth should be revealed."

  "Hey! Can I go?" Xu Jing's voice came from behind.

  Fang Ze stopped, turned around and chuckled, "Miss Xu, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave."

  Xu Jing was stunned, and then said angrily: "What do you mean? Arrest me? Arrest someone without evidence, and I will sue you!"

  Luo Bixin was helpless. What the other party said was the truth. At present, they did not have any evidence to prove Xu Jing's guilt.

  Fang Ze shrugged and said, "You don't need the last chance, then don't blame me for not fighting for a commutation of your sentence. The 24-hour subpoena time is enough for us to find evidence. Good luck, Miss Xu."

  After speaking, Fang Ze left without looking back.


  Xu Jing pointed at Fang Ze's back, not knowing what to say, and at the same time there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

  24 hours……

  Not too long, but not too short either.

  When he left, Fang Ze came to Mingchuan and said, "Mr. Mingchuan, the machine testing at the rental company will be handed over to your forensic department. In addition, I need a forensic doctor to accompany you, look..."

  "I'll go, I'll go!" Huang Xiaorong volunteered, looking at Fang Ze expectantly.

  Ming Chuan glanced at Huang Xiaorong helplessly, thinking that this girl is not looking at Captain Fang, right?

  "Uh... well, remember to bring Lumino." Fang Ze nodded.

  Mentioning Lumino, Mingchuan's expression changed, could it be...

  "Lumino?" Huang Xiaorong didn't react for a while.

  "It's diformyl." Mingchuan reminded, and he didn't forget to add: "I've been lazy recently? Don't you know this?"

  Huang Xiaorong scratched her head and said embarrassedly, "I didn't remember it, sorry for the team."

  Fang Ze was amused by Huang Xiaorong's cute appearance, and said, "It's okay, pack up and start with us."



Chapter 18 Action

  Three police cars whizzed by on the highway, and the penetrating sound attracted the attention of many pedestrians.

  They know that something is going to happen.

  Inside the car, Ding Chunqiu said, "Team Fang, Jiang Hongcheng should have already got off work at this time. Are we going to arrest people directly, or?"

  Under normal circumstances, the police need to show an arrest warrant to arrest a person.

  Of course, except in special cases.

  Such as on-the-spot arrest or surrender.

  Hearing this, Fang Ze said, "It can't be caught. Although all the clues point to Jiang Hongcheng, we don't have the most direct evidence after all. We can just watch him in a while."

  "Okay." Ding Chunqiu nodded.

  "If Jiang Hongcheng is really related to this case, then we have misunderstood before, and the direction of the investigation has also been deviated."

  "Who would have thought that the reporter and the husband of the person who did not have any negative stains would be involved in the case?"

  It was Luo Bixin who spoke.

  If it wasn't for Fang Zeming's investigation this time, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to find Jiang Hongcheng's head.

  As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they all felt the same way.

  After all, before Fang Ze arrived in Penghai, the case had lasted for forty days, and almost all possibilities had been investigated, but Jiang Hongcheng, the person closest to the missing person, was ignored.

  Fang Ze said: "It's normal, that's how the investigation is, and we can't let go of any clues and possibilities."

  "We are not immortals, and it is impossible to lock in the truth from the beginning."

  "In fact, many times, the most impossible thing seems to be the case itself."

  When he said these words, Fang Ze seemed to be deeply moved.

  Since he came to this world, everything has been smooth with the assistance of the system, but assistance is an assistance after all and cannot help him complete everything.

  The previous serial murder case in Yangcheng had put Fang Ze in a dead end.

  And the last murderer was actually right under his nose, which really shocked him at that time.

  Luo Bixin glanced at Fang Ze and guessed that the other party should remember the previous case.

  Most of the cases detected by the other side are very peculiar, with very few clues, indicating that the perpetrators have good anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

  Although Fang Ze was young, he had indeed experienced a lot in Yangcheng.

  During the chat, the speed of the car was very fast, and after half an hour, we arrived at the gate of the community.

  Everyone got out of the car and quickly walked towards Jiang Hongcheng's house.

  Boom boom boom!

  There was a knock on the door.


  Jiang Hongcheng's voice came from inside the house.

  It has been confirmed with the other company before that he has gone home from get off work.

  "Luo Bixin." It was Luo Bixin who spoke.

  In this case, Jiang Hongcheng had the most contact with her, and she was relatively familiar.

  Footsteps sounded from far to near, and the door opened.

  Fang Ze stepped in first, and said as he walked, "Xiao Bai, Pan Pu, look after him."

  "Others come with me!"


  As Fang Ze's voice fell, the atmosphere became tense for a while.

  The crowd did not dare to neglect and strictly followed Fang Ze's orders.

  "Team Luo...you are..."

  Seeing so many police officers suddenly come to his home, Jiang Hongcheng was a little surprised and looked puzzled, as if he didn't understand what happened.

  At this time, Xiaobai and Pan Pu had already stood beside Jiang Hongcheng.

  Although he didn't control him, it was impossible for the other party to leave quietly.

  Under this distance, as a criminal police officer, you can make an emergency response to prevent emergencies.

  Jiang Hongcheng seemed to have discovered this, looked at the two police officers beside him, and said in surprise: "Luo team, what happened?"

  Luo Bixin came to Jiang Hongcheng and said, "Mr. Jiang, do you know Xu Jing?"

  Mentioning Xu Jing, Jiang Hongcheng was obviously stunned, then looked complicated, sighed and said, "I know, I know from business."

  "What about the relationship?"

  "It's... a friend."

  "Just a friend?" Luo Bixin stared at Jiang Hongcheng closely.

  After being silent for a while, Jiang Hongcheng said: "It seems that you all know, yes, we are lovers."

  Seeing Jiang Hongcheng admitting generously, Luo Bixin didn't expect it, and then he didn't say more.

  If this case is really related to Jiang Hongcheng, then this person is too good at disguising.

  First, they found Xu Jing, and the criminal police team came to the door in person. The other party could still show an innocent and puzzled face, which is not something ordinary people can do.

  On the other side, Fang Ze handed out the three floor plans in his hand and said, "According to the arrangement on the picture, re-move the furniture position, it must be exactly the same."

  "Yes, Fang team!"

  Several criminal policemen took orders, and then began to get busy.

  For a while, the living room became noisy.

  At this time, Fang Ze stepped in front of Jiang Hongcheng and said with a smile, "Introduce yourself, Captain of the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team, Fang Ze."

  "You are... oh, hello Fang team."

  Jiang Hongcheng was a little surprised. Wasn't the young man in front of him the one who accompanied Captain Luo before to ask questions?

  team leader?

  Looking at the age of the other party, I am afraid that he is only twenty-five or six years old. How could he have such a high position.

  "Mr. Jiang, according to the investigation, it is necessary for us to suspect that Hu Yin's disappearance is related to you."

  Jiang Hongcheng's expression immediately condensed.


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