"Do you think there is an upper limit to a person's power of observation?"

  Such an inexplicable question made Lang Shiming frown.

  Although he didn't know what the other party's intention was, he still replied: "I haven't studied it, and it's not my major either."

  "But as far as I know, human potential is huge, and theoretically there is no upper limit."

  "It depends on the level of brain development and how high it is."


  Fang Ze nodded and said casually: "Humans have infinite potential, and there are some things machines can't achieve, such as this photo."

  Speaking of this, Fang Ze paused, his voice turned cold: "According to my observation, I am quite sure that this person is not Ming Chuan!"

  As soon as these words came out, Lang Shiming's eyes immediately froze.

  Outside the interrogation room, all the onlookers were in an uproar and exploded.

  Even Chen Huaiyuan, Luo Bixin and the others, their faces changed drastically, looking at the photo on Fang Ze's hand in disbelief.

  Fang Ze's words seemed to have lit the fuse and caused a great uproar.

  "How could it not be Mingchuan!"

  "The photos are exactly the same!"

  "Could it be modified? This is a surveillance screen!"

  The voices of discussion came one after another, echoing in the hall of the Municipal Bureau.

  "Shut up for me!"

  Miyagi turned his head and shouted angrily, causing everyone to immediately silence.

  Lang Shiming stared at Fang Ze and said, "Captain Fang, you didn't take the wrong medicine, right?"

  Fang Ze put down the photo and said coldly, "Don't doubt my judgment, I'm talking to you very seriously!"

  Lang Shiming bowed his head in silence, and did not respond.

  It was as if he took Fang Ze's words as nonsense.

  Fang Ze turned around, picked up a document, and fell directly in front of Lang Shiming.

  "This is Ming Chuan's adoption certificate, there is no problem."

  "The original name was Zhu Yi, right?"

  "Lang Shiming, you are a smart person, you should know what I want to say!"

  "Do you think I really can't find it!"

  "I tell you! No one can get away with it under my nose!"

  Fang Ze's voice was no longer calm, and his words were sharp.

  Lang Shiming was silent for a long time.

  When he slowly raised his head to look at Fang Ze, the voice sounded.

  "Captain Fang, Guo Huiyi is a god."

  "With such an unparalleled IQ, are you not afraid of losing your life?"

  Factory to see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 185 Where is Zhu Yi! 【3】

  Outside the interrogation room, everyone looked at Lang Shiming in surprise.

  The plot twist is overwhelming.

  Although they did not understand the dialogue between the two at present, Lang Shiming's performance was enough to explain everything.

  He had already admitted Fang Ze's suspicions in disguise.

  It seems that this case really has other hidden meanings.

  At this moment, Fang Ze's eyes became colder.

  He has seen through Lang Shiming.

  "I Zhe: If you don't give up your life, I'm afraid you won't be able to see it."

  "For selfish hatred, kill nearly ten people 10! Do you think you can escape the punishment of the law?"

  "You still have peace of mind, and it is called revenge. I think it is to satisfy your inner desire to kill!"

  "Zhu Yi, this child, was destroyed by you!"

  When Fang Ze's words came to this, Luo Bixin and others outside the window "[-]"

  , was shocked.

  No matter how slow the reaction is, people basically understand at this moment.

  It turns out that Fang Ze's suspicion is here.

  In addition to Lang Shiming, there is a second murderer in the mummy case! "Zhu Yi was destroyed"

  Luo Bixin seemed to be shocked by this sentence, and did not recover for a long time.

  "Could it be Zhu Yi, not Ming Chuan"

  Next to him, Miyagi said solemnly, "According to Captain Fang's logic, I'm afraid Zhu Hepin has more than one child."

  After hearing Miyagi's explanation, the slow-responding person instantly felt a sense of absurdity in their hearts.

  From Zhu Hepin to Lang Shiming, their focus has changed again and again.

  In the end, it never occurred to me that there were other people involved in this case.

  Prior to this, there was no clue to support this inference, and no one would think about it.

  Fang Ze, what is the interrogation room in the end, Lang Shiming's face finally changed.

  He looked out the window subconsciously, as if wondering if Ming Chuan was standing there at the moment.

  However, he could see nothing.

  Fang Ze stared at him and said, "It's already time, you still want to tell me you don't know"

  "I was quite puzzled at the time, since it was revenge, why wait so long."

  "Checking a few people, does it take twenty years?"

  Lang Shiming straightened up, leaned on the chair, took a deep breath and said, "What did you find?"

  Fang Ze snorted coldly, "I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, I didn't find anything."

  "But don't underestimate people's imagination."

  What is the most fearful thing about the hidden secrets is the combination of terrifying thinking and terrifying imagination.

  What is extended from the combination is a hypothetical inference that is infinitely close to the truth.

  Lang Shiming looked at Fang Ze and said, "It's a pity not to do academia.

  Fang Ze ignored the other party's words and said, "Where is Zhu Yi?"

  For this question, Lang Shiming was silent.

  Apparently, he refused to answer this question.

  "You're not going to cooperate"

  Lang Shiming slowly closed his eyes and said, "How do you know that Ming Chuan is not Zhu Yi, what exactly are you relying on?"

  This matter made Lang Shiming puzzled to the extreme.

  Accurately guessing the truth from the clueless case, it can be said that it was created out of nothing.

  In the world, is there such a person? Facing Lang Shiming's change of topic again, Fang Ze paused.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  After a while, he said, "Your motive for murder is too far-fetched to be established at all."

  "So, I bypassed your rhetoric and started thinking about it again."

  "Why did you kill the people in the orphanage, why did you delete Ming Chuan's memory, what did you want to hide?"

  "It's not hard to imagine."

  "There is a certain fact that the people in the orphanage know, and Mingchuan also knows, what could it be?"

  "It must have nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with Zhu Hepin."

  "There is only one possibility for such a small child to know what, and there is a third person."

  "In the case of Zhu Jiamu, there is a high probability that outsiders will not be involved, so I can only boldly guess that Ming Chuan is not the only child."

  Fang Ze's words were very calm, but when it reached Lang Shiming's ears, he unconsciously felt a chill.

  The young man in front of him was terrifying.

  He didn't respond and continued to be silent.

  Fang Ze's voice was cold and stern: "Thanks to you still being Zhu Hepin's best friend, you actually turned his child into a killing machine. I really feel sad for him."

  "You take Ming Chuan and Zhu Yi as your own works"

  "One is an excellent policeman and the other is a cold-blooded criminal. Different education inculcates created two different lives."

  "Ming Chuan, I'm really lucky."

  If the roles of the two were reversed, Ming Chuan would be the one who killed.

  These words made Lang Shiming raise his head sharply and said, "Those people are worthless!"

  "It's good to die, I won't talk to you about these messy things."

  "You have to admit that in your heart, you actually yearn for the thrill of killing!"

  "Otherwise, you wouldn't attack the people in the orphanage!"

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