"When Liu Bin was drunk, I stunned him with triazolam. Using the same technique, I made him into a mummified corpse and threw him on top of a cliff until it was discovered by the Guangming police."

  "I think it must have been a few months."


  Fang Ze nodded.

  Liu Bin's body was indeed several months later.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  There is no trace at the scene, nor is it the scene of the first crime, there is no way to investigate.

  The police officer in charge of the record took these words down completely.

  This is all evidence presented in court at the time of the trial.

  After listening to Zhu Yi, Fang Ze said, "Do you know about the death of the orphanage and Li Zhuo?"


  Zhu Yi nodded, "I contacted Uncle Lang once a few months ago. He proposed to kill people to buy time, and I agreed."

  "As long as you find the orphanage, the fact that I existed back then cannot be covered up."

  "It is certain to be wanted. In that case, I will be tied up and unable to perfectly implement the plan against Liu Gaoshan."

  Fang Ze said: "You are deliberately monitoring exposure to push it to Mingchuan"

  "Don't you know that if we hadn't found Mingchuan, we wouldn't have been able to find the welfare home?"

  "Isn't that exposing yourself? It's not your style."

  This sentence is correct.

  If it wasn't for Ming Chuan, Luo Bixin would not have gone to investigate the welfare home, the people in the welfare home would not have died, and Li Zhuo would not have died.

  Zhu Yi, who is so smart, would not be clear about this. Speaking of Ming Chuan, Zhu Yi's expression was a little unnatural, he hesitated, and said, "I didn't expose it on purpose, it was my mistake."

  Qiu Xian "how to say"

  Fang Ze was surprised.

  Zhu Yidao: "I saw Mingchuan at the time, and I unconsciously wanted to say hello."

  "But then I held back, just because of these few seconds, I forgot to monitor."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin and Miyagi looked at each other.

  It seems that Zhu Yi still retains his brotherly love for Ming Chuan deep in his heart.

  Seeing one's own brother, even a cold-blooded killer, will bring a touch of softness.

  Fang Ze blinked, but he ignored it.

  I thought that the other party was deliberately exposing himself and pushed it to Mingchuan, but it seems not to be the case.

  He can see through the case, through the clues, but not through the heart

  Especially Zhu Yi, who lives in revenge, can't see through.

  At least it's hard to see through without seeing each other.

  However, because of his unintentional mistakes, so many innocent victims died tragically at the hands of Lang Shiming.

  It has to be said that it was by God's will.

  Fang Ze looked at Zhu Yi for a while and said, "So you and Ming Chuan lived together when we were young."

  Zhu Yi nodded slowly: "Yes, the children in the orphanage were very young at that time, only me and Ming Chuan were a little older."

  "People's memory, since the age of three, I can't let Mingchuan remember me."

  Fang Ze guessed it.

  It was not Lang Shiming who proposed to make Mingchuan lose his memory, but Zhu Yi.

  Otherwise, it wouldn't take so long.

  When Zhu Yi returned with the flame of revenge, it was also the time when Ming Chuan lost his memory.

  Lang Shiming is an excellent scholar, but in this respect, Zhu Yi is much better than him.

  The flame of revenge was ignited by Lang Shiming, and the plan and executor of revenge was Zhu Yi.

  When Ming Chuan and Zhu Yi left, the children in the orphanage were still very young and would not have an impression when they grew up.

  So far, all unrelated people who knew about the incident, except the police, have all died.

  If it weren't for Fang Ze's inference and imagination, this matter would probably become a permanent mystery.

  After being silent for a while, Fang Ze asked a question again.

  This question has nothing to do with the case, but everyone is very curious.

  Including Fang Ze himself.

  "Why did Lang Shiming choose you instead of Mingchuan"

  Please download Fei Lu's novel to see the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 195 Mole Cricket Life [1]


  Different education methods have created two different personalities and two different lives.

  If the roles are reversed, the person sitting here is likely to be Ming Chuan.

  Then, why did Lang Shiming choose Zhu Yi at that time instead of Ming Chuan now? Faced with this question, Zhu Yi was rarely silent and did not speak for a long time.

  Fang Ze waited for a while and said, "Lang Shiming didn't mention it to you."

  Zhu Yi raised his head slightly, nodded and said: "I mentioned it, he said it was because of one thing."

  "What's up"

  Everyone listened attentively.

  Zhu Yi said slowly: "Do you know Mole Cricket?"

  Fang Ze nodded: "I know, medicinal insects are very common in the fields during the wintering stage in autumn."

  "That's right."

  Zhu Yidao: "When Ming Chuan and I were young, that was the first time we met "Nine Six Zero"

  Mole crickets, but not in autumn, but in the rare spring."

  "Uncle Lang gave each to me and Ming Chuan, and let us handle it ourselves."

  "We were of course curious and entertained ourselves for hours."

  Fang Ze listened quietly.

  Zhu Yi continued: "When we were all tired of playing, Ming Chuan chose to release it, and I stepped on it to death."

  Hearing this, everyone looked at each other, as if they understood something.

  Fang Ze's eyes narrowed slightly.

  In this way, Lang Shiming is obviously testing the characters of Zhu Yi and Ming Chuan.

  When children are ignorant, it is easy to expose the hidden side of the heart

  Maybe it will be changed by education in the future, but existence is existence and cannot be erased.

  If guided on the dark side, the innocent child will go to the endless abyss from then on.

  "This old bastard!!"

  It was Miyagi who spoke.

  For Lang Shiming, he is really gnashing his teeth now.

  Originally, Zhu Yi would have a normal life, but the opponent forcibly changed his trajectory.

  If Zhu Hepin is still alive, I don't know if he will find Lang Shiming desperately.

  Is this what you should do as a friend? You can take revenge, and you can do it yourself! What are you doing to implicate the child! Isn't this completely ruining a person! Zhu Yi glanced at Miyagi, but he was quite calm.

  He has no regrets about what he did.

  Fang Ze looked at Zhu Yi and said, "Don't you hate Lang Shiming?"

  Zhu Yi asked back: "Why do you hate?"

  Fang Ze said: "Go on."

  Zhu Yi showed a smile and said, "My grandfather and father all died because of this incident, and even Uncle Lang almost died at the hands of Lu Wei."

  "Although Lu Wei is dead, other people live in the world safely, do you think it's fair?"

  "Everyone who is involved in this matter must say, "This is my account to my father and grandfather."

  "Even without Uncle Lang, when I know about this, I will never make them feel better."

  After listening to Zhu Yi's words, Fang Zexun said, "I don't know."

  "do not know"

  Fang Ze shook his head with a smile, "You don't even know the cause and effect, so if you kill people everywhere, you won't be afraid of killing yourself."

  Zhu Yi snorted coldly: "Except for my grandfather, the expedition team came back intact. Is it a coincidence or my grandfather was unlucky?"

  "Humph! Even if it wasn't their fault, they must have died because of them!"

  Fang Ze was helpless.

  If Zhu Yi this

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  If you think about it, then the matter is unsolved.

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