Of course, this is just a joke.

  "Let's go, the case is solved, and the atmosphere won't be so heavy when we talk."

  Luo Bixin seemed very happy.

  The three of them got into the car and quickly left the detention center.

  At this moment, it is far away in the Yangcheng Provincial Department, in an office.

  A young man wearing glasses knocked on the door and walked in, saying as he walked, "Liang Ting, the mummy case in Guangming City has been solved."


  Behind the desk, the unsmiling middle-aged man stopped writing and raised his head abruptly.

  "Broken Chen Huaiyuan did not disappoint me. It was his apprentice who broke the fifth. What is it called Gong?"

  The young man smiled, flipped through the information in his hand, and said, "It's not Miyagi."

  "It's not who that is"

  The young man got a light cough from the king and said, "It's still Fang Ze."

  "What is this kid again!"

  Middle-aged man puts down his pen.

  "Chen Huaiyuan will find help! He must beg Xu Liangjiang."

  The young man nodded and said, "It should be like this. It is understandable that Bureau Xu didn't let him die last time."

  "Who is willing to let go of such a police captain?"

  "How long does it take to break five,"

  The youth said: "In less than a month, strictly speaking, it is only a few days, and the rest of the time is spent hunting for the murderer."

  "The identity of the murderer has been fake since he was a child. It is a high-level criminal who has received special training. I heard that Fang Ze guessed it only by inference without any basis."

  The middle-aged man was silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "Xiao Li, you have to think of a way."

  "Whatever you say, you should dig this guy Fang Ze to the provincial government, and why don't you waste it with Xu Liangjiang?"

  The young man held back his laughter and said, "Okay, I will find a way to recognize it."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 198 Celebration Banquet [4]


  Congratulations to the host for getting a chance to draw a lottery, whether the car is currently in the lottery, the voice in his mind made Fang Ze smile.

  He glanced at Miyagi and Luo Bixin, who were chatting in front of him, and said to the system: Draw a lottery.

  "The system is drawing a lottery, please wait"

  Ding! "The lottery is complete, congratulations to the host for acquiring the new skill: Air Piloting Proficiency, including but not limited to helicopters, fighter jets, airliners, level: Intermediate."

  After hearing the result of the lottery, Fang Ze smiled with satisfaction.

  This is called a lottery! Last time, what was the piano proficient or top level! What's the use of playing the piano, Fang Ze is completely useless.

  The co-pilot Luo Bixin turned around and looked at Fang Ze, who was smiling, and said in surprise, "Fang Ze, why are you so happy to solve the case before 570 and never see you like this?"

  "cough cough"

  Fang Ze quickly restrained his smile and said, "I remembered some happy things."

  "whats the matter"

  This question made Fang Ze almost pop out of his mouth: My wife is going to have a baby.

  Thankfully it was held back.

  It seems that the Internet buzzwords can't be read more in the future. It's easy to reflex.

  He said, "I have to accept the police rank after I go back, so I am very happy."


  Luo Bixin stared suspiciously at Fang Ze, why did she think that was not the case.

  When I learned about the promotion before, I never saw the other party smile so happily.

  "You're not lying to me, are you?"

  Fang Ze said sternly: "Why, there have been many happy things recently, the case has been solved, my position has been promoted, and my police rank has been promoted. Can you be unhappy?"

  Hearing this, the two men in Gong, who were driving, sang together, causing Luo Bixin to shake helplessly and ask more questions.

  Just laugh.

  Better than crying anyway.

  Soon the hotel arrived.

  Chen Huaiyuan and all the police officers were there, including Penghai and the people from the Guangming Municipal Bureau, there were three tables in total.

  The cost of such a big box is definitely not low, it seems that Chen Huaiyuan is really bleeding.



  "Good team!"

  Seeing Fang Ze come in, everyone stood up to say hello.

  There were even those who were emotional and directly stood at attention with a standard military salute.

  Fang Ze glanced at everyone and said with a smile: "If you don't talk about this at any party, just sit down."

  Hearing this, everyone laughed and took their seats.

  "Fang Ze, come here."

  At the big table by the window in the middle, Chen Huaiyuan waved to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze walked over and sat beside him.

  There's no need to be pretentious at this time, Fang Ze is not the kind of person who is... squeamish.

  During the chat, the dishes were served one after another.

  Chen Huaiyuan picked up the glass at the right time and said, "Fang Ze, I really want to thank you for this."

  "If it weren't for you, the mummification case would still be unresolved, and I wouldn't be able to explain it to the top."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "On behalf of Guangming Municipal Bureau, I would like to give you a toast."

  "Come on, everyone!"

  When the words fell, everyone picked up their wine glasses and stood up, looking at Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze smiled, got up and said: "Chen Bureau is not polite, we are all a family, it's a bit outlandish."

  "As long as the case is solved, it's worth drinking a glass of celebration wine. Come, cheers."


  Everyone shouted in unison, raised their heads and drank.

  After they sat down, they started chatting with each other.

  Today is mainly for party and entertainment, not to talk about work.

  This was approved by Chen Huaiyuan, which shows how happy the other party is.

  Over the years, the mummification case has really tortured him a lot.

  In front of the wine table, Chen Huaiyuan asked, "By the way, Fang Ze, is Ming Chuan okay?"

  Before, Mingchuan suffered a suspected incident, and then it was revealed that Lang Shiming was involved in the case, and finally found out that he had a murderer brother.

  This is indeed a big blow for a young man.

  No matter how strong the psychology and quality are, it will inevitably be hurt and it will take time to recover.

  Fang Ze said: "It's nothing, it's just that it's hard to accept it for a while. The resignation application was not approved, and he was given a big vacation."

  "I think after a while, when he comes back, he should be able to adjust."

  "After all, Mr. Mingchuan is an excellent forensic doctor, and Penghai cannot do without him."


  After hearing Fang Ze's words, Chen Huaiyuan nodded reassuringly: "That's good, if Mingchuan is lost because of this incident, it will be a big loss to the public security system."


  After speaking, Chen Huaiyuan changed his voice and said, "Fang Ze, I'm not surprised to hear that your police rank has been promoted to first-level police inspector, but have you considered going to the provincial office?"


  Hearing this, Fang Ze said strangely: "Chen Ju, why did you suddenly mention this?"


  Chen Huaiyuan smiled and said: "You think, after all, Yangcheng is in charge of a city, and the provincial government has a bigger stage, so you have more room to play, right?"

  Fang Ze was even more puzzled.

  He couldn't help but murmured in his heart: Even so, what does it have to do with you? The thought flashed by, Fang Ze said with a smile, "Officer Chen, someone called you, right?"

  Chen Huaiyuan's tone suffocated.

  This kid's brain is spinning too fast! It's really hard to play with his mind in front of him.

  Chen Huaiyuan smiled awkwardly and denied: "No, no, I just ask casually, if you don't think about it, forget it."

  Fang Ze smiled and shook his head.

  If Xu Liangjiang knew about this, he would probably have called him directly and scolded the other party:

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