Fang Ze said with a light smile: "Of course not, just a reminder, it's best not to mess with me, otherwise there will be an accident."

  "I give face to Cen Xue and face of the Li family. I have to be low-key, understand?"


  Jia Lu sneered and said, "Officer Fang, I am a good citizen who obeys the law, do you want to abuse your power?"

  Luo Bixin's eyes turned completely cold.

  Fang Ze's smile remained unchanged, and he said slowly, "What happened in the case three years ago?"

  Hearing this, Jia Lu's smile immediately froze.

  Shifeilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 200 is not important anymore [2]

  Jia Lu stared at Fang Ze, and said coldly, "What do you mean by that!"

  Fang Ze said: "I don't mean anything, I just ask you to restrain yourself a little bit. If you do too many things that go against your conscience, there will be retribution."

  When speaking, Fang Ze kept a smile on his face.

  She was not angry at all because of Jia Lu's words.

  In Fang Ze's eyes, the other party was just a jumping clown.

  There is a gorgeous appearance, but the heart is not clean.

  These bewildering words made Jia Lu frown even deeper, and said, "What the hell are you trying to say?"

  "Nothing, when I didn't say it."

  Fang Ze picked up the teacup, stopped looking at Jia Lu, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with her anymore.


  Jia Lu snorted coldly, and said, "Pretend to be a ghost, pretend to be mysterious, you captain of the criminal police, you paid for it."

  "What do you say "zero seven seven"

  ! "

  Luo Bixin looked angry.

  Jia Lu, who always speaks with thorns, as if they offended each other in some way.

  Fang Ze glanced at Jia Lu, slowly put down the teacup, and said, "I remind you one last time, listen carefully."

  "A false accusation and perjury, with serious consequences, may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years. This crime is not trivial."

  "Now Cen Xue has slowly found himself, Li Ruicheng has died, Ruan Hongyi has been imprisoned, and this is the end of the matter."

  "If you talk nonsense again, I will immediately.

  Go to Zhongnan and re-examine the rape case of Ruan Hongyi three years ago."

  "Don't doubt my ability, as long as there are facts, the truth will be revealed."

  "If you don't believe me, try it"

  A series of words made Jia Lu's face slightly pale.

  She picked up the cup in a panic, almost didn't hold it.

  The tea was poured and spilled all over the table.

  After slowly cleaning up, Jia Lu silently lowered her head, not daring to look at Fang Ze again.

  As for what's going on in her heart, I'm afraid only she herself knows.

  Cen Xue came back soon. She glanced at the mess on the table and asked in confusion, "What's the matter, Jia Lu?"

  Jia Lu hurriedly said: "It's nothing, just accidentally knocked over the water glass, it's okay."


  Cen Xue nodded, but didn't ask any further questions.

  The dinner was over soon, and after Cen Xue paid the bill, she left with Jia Lu.

  Tomorrow, the other party will leave Penghai.

  Maybe in the future, they will never come back.

  Before leaving, Jia Lu took a peek at Fang Ze.

  There was panic and a hint of fear in his eyes.

  At the door of the restaurant, Fang Ze watched Cen Xue's car leave, took out a cigarette and lit it.


  Slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, Fang Ze raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

  Luo Bixin retracted her gaze, turned her head and said, "Why does Jia Lu look so scared?"

  Fang Ze said: "Ruan Hongyi is in.

  There are not a few friends who are close to him."

  "What would they do if they knew that things were tricky back then?"

  Luo Bixin said, "Naturally, I won't let Jia Lu go."

  "Oh yes."

  Fang Ze nodded and said: "Zhu Jiamu's case is right in front of us, and similar things should not be repeated."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin hesitated: "It's because of this that you don't want to re-investigate"

  Fang Ze said: "Besides, there are Cen Xue and Li Ruisi, the matter is over, we will not

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  It's going to trouble them again."

  Luo Bixin also sighed, and Fang Ze's move was done with good intentions.

  "How did you know there was something wrong with Jia Lu?"

  In the restaurant before, when Fang Ze just mentioned this incident, Luo Bixin was really shocked.

  Because she has never heard Fang Ze mention it, and she has never seen the other party turn over the relevant files.

  When I said it suddenly, the contrast in my heart was too great.


  "Ah guess what"

  Luo Bixin was a little speechless.

  "There must be some evidence"

  Fang Ze pondered for a while, then said: "I was a little strange when I interrogated Ruan Hongyi, but I didn't ask him, it has nothing to do with the case, and since the other party doesn't want to say it, there must be something hidden."

  "Who is Ruan Hongyi?"

  "That's one of the richest second generation in Central South, a very good young man."

  "I'm also very curious, what kind of fairy girl would make the other party not have a choice and use force directly"

  "Meet Jia Lu, I'm utterly disappointed."

  Referring to Jia Lu, Luo Bixin also said with disdain: "Don't talk about Ruan Hongyi, even other men have to hide away."

  "Compared to Cen Xue, she's not...a star and a half."

  "That's right."

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Cen Xue was Ruan Hongyi's girlfriend at the time. Do you think he would do such a thing? What's the purpose?"

  Luo Bixin thought about it and said, "Li Ruisi said that the relationship between these people is complicated, maybe it's for revenge."

  Fang Ze chuckled: "What does Li Ruisi know? It's all Li Ruicheng's private affairs. I only see a small part of it."

  "You mean Ruan Hongyi was framed"

  Fang Ze shook his head: "It's hard to say, it must be true, I was just trying to scare Jia Lu."

  "If there are no facts, with Ruan Hongyi's energy in Zhongnan and the status of the Ruan family, no one can falsely accuse him."

  "But Jia Lu's reaction just now, it's obvious that things are not that simple."

  "Only Ruan Hongyi and Jia Lu know what happened."

  "This secret is destined to be buried, and we don't care about it anymore."

  Luo Bixin nodded.

  If there is no proportionality between what you give and what you get, there is really no need to check again.

  Otherwise, it may lead to more adverse consequences, affecting the whole body.

  At that time, the Li family and the Ruan family will all be involved.

  Even Jia Lu's parents will suffer unpredictable disasters.

  The gains outweigh the losses.

  Luo Bixin stopped thinking about it and opened 1.

  3 mouths: "Alright, I guess what you said just now will make Jia Lu unable to sleep in the future, and it's also a disguised punishment for her."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "It's not just that she can't sleep, she probably won't even dare to walk at night in the future."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin felt very relieved.

  Jia Lu's face just now really made her dislike it.


  Luo Bixin seemed to have thought of something and asked, "If there is a problem with this matter, then Li Ruicheng may not be as gentleman as he seems."

  "Is it possible that he did it?"

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