That was a huge case enough to cause shocks in Suhai and even Zhongnan.

  How dare you be so daring! If you find out, the police will have the right to kill you! Zhong Yi stood up and said solemnly: "Captain Fang, this is a big deal, I suggest you go back quickly. ."

  "The current Yangcheng Criminal Police Team can't be without a leader."

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "I'm here to tell you about this. After all, I was transferred here and I need your consent."

  Zhong Yi waved his hand: "What are you asking for my opinion? Go back right away! If you knew this, you should have called me last night."

  The situation is so serious, how dare she delay.


  Fang Ze stood up and said, "I'll go first, let Team Luo and Team Ding handle the matter of Penghai themselves."

  "rest assured."

  Fang Ze, who had left the office, informed Ding Chunqiu and the others, and quickly left the city bureau hall.

  At the gate, Luo Bixin was already waiting.

  Throwing the car keys to Fang Ze, Luo Bixin said, "Drive my car first, it's more convenient."

  Fang Ze grabbed the key and said, "What about you?"

  Luo Bixin said: "The community is not far from the city bureau. You can take a taxi or bus. I don't care. Maybe I can run and exercise."

  Fang Ze smiled, stepped forward to give Luo Bixin a hug, and whispered in his ear: "Wait for me to come back."

  After speaking, Fang Ze opened the door and got in the car.

  With the roar of the engine, the white cross-country galloped away and quickly disappeared from Luo Bixin's sight.

  Luo Refill, who stayed in place, had a trace of worry on his face.

  People who can do this kind of thing are no less fierce than those drug dealers.

  She believed in Fang Ze's ability and would definitely be able to find the culprit, but the two sides would inevitably clash in the end.

  Even a gunfight.

  Luo Bixin couldn't help, and could only pray silently.

  "Hope everything goes well."

  After getting on the elevated, Fang Ze turned on the bluetooth and called Wu Fei.

  "Boss, are you here yet?"

  Fang Ze: "Not yet, I just set off, I will be there in a few hours, first tell me what the provincial government said yesterday."

  Wu Fei: "The provincial department did not embarrass Bureau Xu, but set a deadline for solving the case."

  Fang Ze: "How long"

  Wu Fei: "Two months!"

  Fang Ze subconsciously said, "It's so long"

  There was silence on the phone for a while, and then Wu Fei said faintly: Da, are you kidding me?"

  Others are worried that the deadline is too short and too late. You are talking shit with me here. Fang Ze realizes that he has made a blunder, but no outsiders care.

  "I'm driving, you tell me about this case in detail now, don't omit any details, especially how far you have investigated."

  When it comes to the case, Wu Fei said solemnly: "Okay!"

  "Since the last counterfeiting case was solved, the suspect has given all the counterfeit money locations and printing machines."

  "I brought people to confiscate and destroy them, you know this."

  Fang Ze didn't speak, and listened silently while driving.

  Wu Fei continued: "But within a few months, the city bureau received a report of counterfeit money again. The reporter was not the common people, but the bank!"

  "The new counterfeit banknotes are highly simulated and cannot be seen by the naked eye."

  "That's not enough, even the money counting machine can't check it out!"

  "So I judged that the printing press and template in the last counterfeit banknote case were just the rest of the game."

  "Better people are here!"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "In just half a month, nearly one million counterfeit banknotes have been discovered. Banks have even replaced the banknote detectors, and some have changed to manual banknotes."

  "The whole Yangcheng almost caused chaos because of this incident!"

  "There are even many shop owners who have begun to refuse to accept [-]-yuan bills, and only accept electronic payments or small denominations."

  "Do you think the provincial government can ignore it?"

  Hearing this, Fang Ze opened his mouth and said, "I understand, tell me how much you have checked."

  Wu Feidao: "There are two major developments. The first is that the buyer of the counterfeit banknote gang has caught one."

  "The second is to lock up a car used by the counterfeit money gang."

  Fang Ze said: "Be specific."

  Wu Fei said: "A white van with black patterns on the side, and the license plate number is Yang."

  "I have dispatched all the police stations in Yangcheng. I must find this car."

  "But it's been almost a month and I still haven't found it, what a pity!"

  "If I found it at the time, maybe I could find the trace of the other party!"

  Wu Fei spoke for more than half an hour, and Fang Ze, who had understood all the situation, said: "I see, waiting for me at the city bureau."

  "it is good."

  Fang Ze hung up the phone and stepped up the accelerator again.

  Two hours later, Fang Ze entered the Yangcheng area.

  Instead of taking the national road, he chose a remote shortcut and rushed towards the city bureau.

  Looking at the surrounding buildings, Fang Ze's eyes fluctuated.

  Although it didn't take long for him to leave, he still felt a sense of intimacy when he came back.

  At this moment, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed, and after confirming that the rear was safe, he quickly stepped on the brakes.

  In the corner not far from the right, there is a car parked.

  White van! License plate number: Yang 8.

  Fang Ze's face darkened, he took out his mobile phone and called Wu Fei, saying: ".

  No. [-], Huamen Street, immediately.

  Bring someone here, right now!"

  Although Wu Fei was at a loss, hearing Fang Ze's tone didn't seem right.

  So after hanging up the phone, he quickly brought people from the criminal police team and rushed here.

  After half an hour.

  The surrounding area is temporarily blocked.

  Everyone looked at the white van in front of them and fell silent.

  Wu Fei was an ordinary-looking young man, his eyes were slightly downcast, and he didn't dare to look at Fang Ze.

  Behind him were some of Yangcheng's criminal policemen, who belonged to Fang Ze's own team.

  We should have been happy to meet again after a long absence, but no one spoke at this time.

  Fang Ze glanced at everyone coldly, his eyes stopped, and he said, "Who are these two people?"

  Wu Fei hurriedly said: "Li's newly recruited criminal police officer, bring him here to exercise."


  The two wanted to call Fang Team, but when they saw each other's faces, they quickly lowered their heads.

  Fang Ze glanced at the two of them and retracted his gaze.

  At this time, the people at the nearby police station had finished their inquiries.

  "Captain Fang, this car has been parked for more than half a month."

  Hearing this, Wu Fei's face became even more ugly.

  Fang Ze said in a low voice, "Who is the film police officer in charge?"

  "Wang Xingchao! Come here, the team calls you!"

  In the distance, a young man rushed over in a panic and said straightly, "Captain Fang! I'm Wang Xingchao!"

  Fang Ze stared at him for a while, then pointed at his clothes and said coldly, "Take off his siren and epaulettes for me!!"

  As soon as these words came out, Wang Xingchao's face changed, but he didn't dare to say a word.

  On the other side, the two new detectives were also trembling and looked at Wu Fei subconsciously.

  Didn't you say that Captain Fang is approachable? This rumor is wrong. Song

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 203 Trace Inspection Expert Xiao Hongbo [1]

  The police next to him were very fast, and they went up to three, down, five, and two, and they tore off Wang Xingchao's siren and epaulette.

  Fang Ze said in a cold voice, "Suspend and wait for the result!"

  Everyone present did not dare to breathe.

  They also did not expect that the white van they had been looking for for nearly a month was met by Fang Ze as soon as he arrived.

  If it's hard to find, that's fine, it's still under my nose! With such a big car, even a blind man can see what the policeman in charge is doing! Wu Fei gritted his teeth, his expression changed, staring at the station Wang Xingchao was overwhelmed there.

  The biggest clue in this case just slipped away in vain.

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