She has short, slender hair and looks pure and slender.

  Most importantly, she has a pair of long legs that defy the sky.

  Fang Ze stood on the spot and looked at her so quietly.

  Qin Yun didn't come down, and leaned her arms on the railing.

  This pose is very charming.

  She chuckled and said, "Captain Fang, you forgot our old colleagues without saying a word when you came back?"

  Fang Ze said: "How dare I forget Director Qin, isn't this a new clue to the counterfeit banknote case, an urgent meeting."


  Qin Yun nodded and said, "Then you can go."

  As a member of the Yangcheng Bureau, she certainly knew about the counterfeit money case and understood its seriousness.

  Such a big case is not something Wu Fei can handle.

  Now that Fang Ze came back to take over in person, it also gave the bureau a lot of peace of mind.

  Unconsciously, Fang Ze's status in everyone's mind has been getting higher and higher.

  "See you."

  Fang Ze waved his hand, pushed the door and walked into the conference room.

  In the conference room, many people who listened with their ears raised quickly sat upright and serious.

  Fang Ze said as he walked, "Guo Xuehai's data has been transferred."

  Wu Fei operated on the computer for a while, the projector flickered, and a large screen appeared on the wall.

  On the screen are Guo Xuehai's detailed information and his criminal record nineteen years ago.

  Fang Ze came to the front of the conference table, looked at the crowd, and went straight to the topic: "Guo Xuehai, eighteen years ago, he was imprisoned for drug trafficking, and now he is released after serving his sentence. He must have been involved in printing counterfeit banknotes."

  Someone said at the right time: "Is it possible that it is just the driver?"

  Fang Ze said: "It is possible, but this kind of person will not be willing to be a driver. We will temporarily treat him as the main culprit."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded.

  Fang Ze continued: "I won't discuss the case with you. The case is different from other cases. We should handle this case in accordance with the anti-drug method."

  Having said that, Fang Ze turned around and pointed at the screen: "From now on, no one should investigate this Guo Xuehai, nor should he search for his whereabouts."

  Wu Fei's eyes lit up and said, "Captain, start the deal:?"

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "My mind is turning very fast. What is the most difficult evidence in the case of counterfeit banknotes!"

  "Even if we catch Guo Xuehai, we don't have any evidence to charge. Everyone must understand this."

  "It's the same as anti-drug, why even if the anti-drug team locks the suspect and knows the specific location of the suspect, they won't easily catch it?"


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Here's why."

  "If you catch someone, you'll just startle the snake, it's useless, and you won't be able to find drugs."

  On the other side, Xiao Hongbo said, "Boss, no, captain, if we don't check Guo Xuehai, how can we know the time and place of the other party's transaction?"

  Wu Fei was silent for a while, his face slightly condensed, and said: "Captain, you don't want to go undercover, right?"

  Fang Ze applauded and looked at Wu Fei.

  At that time, he pushed Wu Fei to be promoted to vice-captain of the criminal police, and the reason was here.

  The mind is flexible and responsive, and the thinking is sharp.

  He opened his mouth and said, "We have no way to investigate this case. No matter how much police force is spent, it will only come back in vain. There is no need for this."

  "Let's just stop checking, we just pretend to be buyers and lead snakes out of their holes."

  Everyone looked at each other, Fang Ze's jumping thinking made them not react for a while.

  Wu Fei said hesitantly: "Captain, although this method can wipe out all the counterfeit money gangs, but these people are so cautious, how could they easily trust a stranger?"

  Fang Ze looked at Wu Fei and said with a chuckle, "Didn't you catch a big buyer?"

  Wu Fei was stunned at how he had forgotten about this.

  That guy has long been transferred to the detention center, waiting for the court to start trial.

  "Captain, do you want to pretend to be him or dig someone else out of his mouth"

  Fang Ze said: "You can't pretend, the possibility of exposure is too high"

  "We need an identity now, and this identity needs to satisfy two things."

  "First, the counterfeit money gang knows this person, but they are not familiar with him and have never met him."

  "Second, this person knows the suspect you arrested."

  "I think he'll give me the answer."

  Hearing Fang Ze's words, Wu Fei nodded again and again.

  People like the other party who often buy and sell counterfeit banknotes must have many accomplices.

  There are even those who don't wash their hands.

  The identities of those people can be put to good use.

  At this moment, Tang Hui, who had been listening silently, said, "Then who will go?"

  After speaking, Tang Hui looked at the crowd, and just wanted to recommend himself.

  "I go."

  Fang Ze who spoke.

  As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed slightly and turned to look at him.

  "No, it's too dangerous!"

  Wu Fei directly refused: "Captain, let me go."

  Fang Ze looked at him and said, "You have the spirit of the rivers and lakes in you, and you will cause a big mess if you are not careful."

  "I go!"

  Tang Hui got up and said.

  "sit down:!"

  Fang Ze turned his head and said, "A child can tell that you are 3.

  7 Policeman, why are you going to send someone's head?"

  Tang Hui opened his mouth and finally sat back helplessly.

  The other party was right, his police temperament was too strong.

  Xiao Hongbo just wanted to speak.

  Fang Ze interrupted directly: "Don't talk, just stay at the police station and join in the fun"

  Let Xiao Hongbo go undercover Fang Ze can only ha ha.

  If the other party goes, all Fang Ze can do is collect his body.

  The others frequently volunteered, but they were beaten back by Fang Ze.

  "Shut up!"

  "This is not an ordinary task. The slightest flaw will lead to the loss of life. What can you do?"

  "I'll go as well."

  The sound was not from inside the conference room, but from outside the door.

  Qin Yun pushes the door and enters

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 206 The plan is confirmed [4]

  Qin Yun stepped forward, the tight jeans made her legs more slender.

  Tang Hui quickly made way for a seat.

  Qin Yun walked to Fang Ze and slowly sat on the chair.

  Fang Ze looked at her helplessly and said, "What's the matter with you? This is the task of our criminal police team."

  Everyone tacitly shut their mouths.

  Qin Yun glanced at the man on the screen and said with a smile, "Captain Fang, generally speaking, who would buy a lot of counterfeit money?"

  No waiting: Fang Ze replied, Qin Yun went on to say: "He is cruel, he spends money like dirt, and he is not bad at eating, drinking, prostituting and gambling."

  "Is there not a woman who worships money around this kind of person?"

  "If you say it, people won't believe it."

  Fang Ze originally wanted to refute Qin Yun, but these words made him stunned.

  That's right, if you are surrounded by a coquettish woman, your credibility can indeed be improved a lot.

  However, the risk will also increase accordingly.

  The danger here refers to after exposure.

  Fang Zedao: 16 I'm not worried, they are just selling counterfeit banknotes, and they can't get into his eyes.

  "Even so, I don't need you."

  After speaking, Fang Ze glanced at everyone.

  There are still some female detectives in the criminal police force.

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