"Today, don't think about the past, understand?"

  1 Fang Ze raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, and said slowly, "Leave my sight immediately, and don't spoil my good mood."

  "There is a limit to a person's endurance."

  The man narrowed his eyes, took a step forward, pointed at Fang Ze and said, "Don't pretend to me! To pretend in front of a woman also depends on whether you have... the qualifications!"

  "I tell you!"

  "Either take [-] yuan, or let your woman stay with me for one night!"

  The last sentence made Qin Yun's eyes cold.

  Fang Ze looked at the man calmly and blinked.

  The next moment, he stood up suddenly, grabbed the man's hand, and pressed it firmly on the table.


  Before the man could react, Fang Ze picked up the beer bottle and smashed it hard with the bottom of the bottle.

  Seeing Fang Ze's actions, the man's face changed drastically! He didn't expect the young guy in front of him to be so cruel.

  Subconsciously, he wanted to draw his hand, but Fang Ze's strength was like a pair of pliers, holding his wrist tightly, unable to move at all.

  Bang! "Ah!!!!!!"

  With a muffled sound, the man's shrill screams echoed around.

  Everyone nearby looked over.

  Seeing this, there must be a conflict.

  The waiter and security guard not far away turned their heads and ran over quickly.

  "Bastard! I'll kill you!!"

  The man's face twisted in pain, and he picked up the wine bottle with his left hand and was about to smash it at Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze threw away the wine bottle, quickly grabbed the man's wrist, and exerted a little force.


  The man screamed again, the severe pain made his left hand lose strength, and the wine bottle slipped to the ground and shattered.

  At this time, the security and the waiter had already arrived.

  Under the city bureau's crackdown, there have been far fewer nightclub incidents.

  Once it occurs, it must be stopped as soon as possible.

  Otherwise, if things get bigger, maybe the police will be alerted and the normal business of the nightclub will be affected.

  "Don't be impulsive, gentlemen, don't be impulsive"

  The security quickly stepped forward to persuade him to fight.

  Fang Ze glanced at him and said, "Go away! Don't mind your own business!"

  Everyone around could see that Fang Ze was angry.

  It seems that there is a lot of trouble between the two sides

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  the contradiction.

  The security guard's face trembled.

  This kid seems a little crazy.

  I don't know where the boy came from.

  I don't dare to provoke, and the security guard can only laugh: "Sir, we are a place to play. If you have something to say, you can let go first."

  At this moment, the man's right hand was still pressed on the table by Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze ignored the security guard, turned to look at the man and said, "It's been so many years, no one has dared to point at me like that."

  "I want your hand."

  After finishing speaking, Fang Ze picked up a wine bottle again and was about to smash it.

  Qin Yun next to him glanced at Fang Ze, a little surprised.

  It's really a pity that the other party doesn't act in TV dramas.

  The temperament is a piece of shit.

  Seeing Fang Ze smashed down again, the man's face finally showed panic.

  This kid, wouldn't he really want to abolish his hand? I haven't seen such a crazy person in many years! Around, people who knew the man all cast their surprised eyes at Fang Ze.

  Guys who dare to cause trouble in such a place are either fools or justified.

  I just don't know which one Fang Ze belongs to.

  "Sir sir! Don't don't don't"

  The security guard was startled, quickly grabbed Fang Ze's arm, and persuaded: "A misunderstanding, calm down, calm down."

  Fang Ze let the security take off the wine bottle in his hand, stared at the man and said, "Get out of here now!"

  After speaking, Fang Ze let go of his left hand.

  The man who was freed quickly took a few steps back, looked at Fang Ze in horror, then turned around and walked away quickly.

  Seeing that the man didn't say anything harsh, the waiter who received Fang Ze before was relieved and said helplessly: "Sir, why don't you go, that person just now"

  Fang Ze sorted out his clothes, glanced at the waiter, and said, "What happened to that person just now?"

  The waiter sighed: "They are watching this scene secretly. I'm afraid something will happen in a while, or I'll give you a [-]% discount on wine."

  The owner of the nightclub has made repeated orders to them, and must not be rude to Gu 227 customers. Even if there is a conflict, the main thing is to persuade them.

  If it involves people watching the venue, then let the customer leave quickly.

  Now is 202, not the rampant era of the past.

  If you want to do well in business, you have to be honest and useless.

  With the boss's warning, the waiter will of course choose more than one less thing.

  Fang Ze glanced at him, sat back slowly, and said, "The nightlife has just begun, and you are just doing business by driving guests away."

  The waiter opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

  That's right, in business, there is no reason to drive customers out.

  In the end, he smiled helplessly: "Well then, you drink well."

  After speaking, the waiter bowed and walked away.

  But it didn't go far.

  He was worried that something would happen soon.

  Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, a group of people walked quickly towards here.

  The leader was a man in his thirties.

  Some tattoos can be seen faintly on the exposed skin.

  "Brother, it's him!"

  Fang Ze looked up.

  The tattooed man came to the elegant seat, and after seeing Fang Ze's face clearly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

  "Du Yuhang!"

  "Why are you here"

  Fang Ze frowned.

  And Qin Yun, who was next to him, immediately became nervous.

  This guy knows Du Yuhang and Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 212 Wan Peng [2]

  Nightclub, bar lounge.

  Fang Ze stared at the tattooed man for a while, then chuckled and said, "Who am I supposed to be, it turns out to be Brother Peng."

  “Long time no see, how are you doing?”

  Hearing Fang Ze's words, Qin Yun was relieved.

  It's good to know.

  It seems that Fang Ze really remembered Du Yuhang's information in great detail.

  Otherwise, it will definitely show its legs just now.

  Wan Peng glanced at Fang Ze and said, "Thanks to you, it's not bad."

  After speaking, Wan Peng glanced at the man beside him, the latter's right hand was wrapped in a thick bandage.

  It only took ten minutes, and the wound was treated very quickly.

  "Old Du, what's going on?"

  Fang Ze glanced at the somewhat confused man, and said lightly, "It's just a lesson for a mad dog that bites people. You should thank me."

  "Otherwise, this kid will cause you trouble sooner or later in the future."

  The voice just fell.

  "What did you say!"

  "Dare to talk to our brother Peng like that!"

  "Boy, look for death!"

  Behind Wan Peng, many people spoke angrily.

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