Any little detail may lead to the failure of the plan, and Fang Ze will not take this risk.

  If the other party is a little wronged, just be a little wronged.

  This is their duty and duty as police officers.

  Hearing Fang Ze's words, Wu Yang's face sank and said, "Du Yuhang, don't be too proud."

  He had already checked on Du Yuhang just now.

  He once occupied a street and also engaged in counterfeit money business, and it took only a year or two to be released from prison.

  I thought the other party would be able to reform well in prison, but I didn't expect that after he came out, he would still be domineering and beat people when he said he was hitting them.

  Originally, the conflict between Aaron and Fang Ze was just a trivial matter.

  If you have a good attitude, pay the fine and pay the medical bills and you can leave.

  Now that he knows his identity, Wu Yang really wants to arrest this family.

  Fang Ze grinned and said, "It looks like you really want to catch me."

  "Reminder, before arresting me, you'd better ask your director."

  "Goodbye, me."

  After finishing speaking, Fang Ze waved at Wu Yang, and immediately took Qin away.

  Several policemen around also glared at Fang Ze.

  Wu Yang's expression changed a few times, then turned and walked towards the director's office.

  He didn't knock on the door, just pushed the door and entered.

  "Shen Suo! Why let Du Yuhang leave!"

  "He has a serious criminal record. According to the regulations, we can detain him or even send him to the city bureau!"

  "Send to the City"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The pen in Shen Weicheng's hand was almost unsteady.

  That kind of thing really happened, Xu Liangjiang had to settle accounts with him

  With a light cough, Shen Weicheng said sternly: "Wuyang, you can leave this matter alone and do as I say."

  Wu Yang frowned and said, "Shen Suo, he won't do you any good, right?"

  Dare to ask this sentence, it is enough to show that Wuyang is not the kind of person... who goes with the flow.

  If you don't like something, you will definitely say it.

  Shen Weicheng's expression remained unchanged, and said: "I repeat, you don't care about this matter, and you are not allowed to go to Du Yuhang in the future."

  "This is an order!"

  "If I know that you dare to spy on Du Yuhang, you will be suspended immediately!"

  Fang Ze mentioned this to him, and Wu Yang must not be let loose.

  Otherwise, when the plan reaches a critical moment, this guy suddenly appears, and it will be a big problem.

  Seeing that Shen Weicheng was so determined, Wu Yang frowned, but he was also puzzled.

  He didn't understand why Shen Weicheng was so protective of that... Du Yuhang.

  But commands are commands.

  Wuyang can only obey

  At 10:[-] at night, there is a hotel room in the street.

  There were three people sitting on the bed, discussing something.

  A bald man, a man with glasses.

  And the third person is Aaron! If Fang Ze is here, he can recognize it at a glance.

  There is no doubt that the bald man is Guo Xuehai! "Du Yuhang's skills are not small. He has been in for so many years, and he is still able to send out all such hard relationships."

  Talking is a man with glasses.

  Guo Xuehai nodded slightly, looked at Aaron and said, "Aaron, what do you say?"

  Aaron was silent for a while, then said: "Identity is no problem, it must be Du Yuhang."

  "As for the director, he seems to have received money."

  "Du Yuhang came back this time, probably because he wanted to invest in some business."

  "It's just that there is no fixed direction temporarily, so I went to see the real estate first."

  After listening to Aaron's words, Guo Xuehai said: "I heard Du Jingwei mention this person many years ago. He is very good at identifying counterfeit banknotes, comparable to a banknote detector."

  "And he's very talkative about business, our price, and he won't accept it."

  Aaron nodded and said, "I mentioned it to him and said nine 9 o'clock, but he scolded me, and he was so angry that he almost didn't beat me up again."

  Guo Xuehai smiled and said, "That's for sure."

  "It's not like nine nines when you sell it to others. If Du Yuhang was the one, it would be strange if he wasn't angry."

  At this moment, the man with glasses said, "That kid Wan Peng released the news that Du Yuhang got back, did he want to attack him?"

  Guo Xuehai said: "It's very possible."

  "He knows very well who Du Yuhang is. If Du Yuhang goes back to his old job after a long time, he can't be his opponent with Wan Peng's ability."

  "If Du Yuhang is really going to grab the spot, those nightclubs, sooner or later, even if they bring money, they will have to be named Du."

  Having said that, Guo Xuehai looked at the two and said, "Stay away from that guy Wan Peng, don't let him use him as a gunman."

  "Whether it's calling the police or blackmailing, he can do it all."

  The two nodded.

  Aaron hesitated and asked, "Brother Hai, do you want to find a chance to talk to Du Yuhang?"

  "This person is not easy to deal with, I'm afraid you need to talk to him personally."

  Guo Xuehai thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay."

  "But one has to be careful, it cannot be ruled out that he was a hook from the police."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 218 Negotiations at the Wine Table (4) [[-]]

  Time flies, and five days have passed.

  Fang Ze was very patient and did not deliberately inquire about counterfeit banknotes.

  During these five days, Fang Ze and Qin Yun went out late at night, went in and out of major bars, discos, and nightclubs, and made generous moves.

  During the day, continue to travel to and from the real estate sales office.

  In addition, three sets of deposits were also paid.

  When you have spare money in your hand and want to make a return in a short time, investing in real estate is the safest way.

  At least, no loss.

  Day 7 at [-]:[-]pm.

  The sun had set on the horizon, and it was already dark.

  Fang Ze and Qin Yun had just left a restaurant when they met someone.


  After seeing Aaron, Fang Ze's face sank, and he said, "Do you think I'm joking?"

  "If your skin is itchy, I can give you a good relaxation."

  After speaking, Fang Ze let go... Holding Qin Yun's hand, he took a step forward.

  Aaron smiled and waved his hand quickly: "Brother Hang, don't get me wrong, I'm here to find you on business!"

  "There's nothing serious between us, just get out of here!"

  Aaron didn't care about Fang Ze's attitude, and said with a chuckle: "Brother Hang, I can see that this time back to China, I want to make a good profit."

  "With all due respect, Yangcheng's real estate is actually not very good, and there is little room for appreciation. 213."

  Fang Ze said in a low voice, "It's none of your business, just take care of yourself."

  Aaron's smile did not change, he glanced around, and after making sure it was safe, he stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Brother Hang, I have high-quality counterfeit banknotes here, if you are interested."

  Fang Ze glanced at Aaron and said slowly: "Yangcheng is investigating so closely now, you are not too brave."

  Aaron said: "Brother Hang, I already told you at the police station last time. There is a lot of money in my elder brother's place."

  "It's much better than investing in real estate, what do you think?"

  Fang Ze watched Aaron seriously for a while, and said, "How much does it cost?"

  Seeing that Fang Ze had an idea, Aaron looked overjoyed and said, "Brother Hang, my eldest brother has already hosted a banquet in the hotel, so I'll be waiting for you."

  "Who is your brother?"

  "Brother Hang may not know him, Guo Xuehai."

  Half an hour later, a single room on the third floor of a hotel.

  Aaron walked in front to open the door and said sideways, "Brother Hang, please come in."

  Fang Ze looked calm, and walked into the room with Qin Yun.

  In the room, it was the former Guo Xuehai and the man with glasses.

  After seeing Fang Ze, Guo Xuehai got up quickly, walked over with a smile on his face, and said as he walked, "Oh, brother Du, I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

  Holding Fang Ze's hand, Guo Xuehai continued: "I have heard it for a long time. Back then, Brother Du was in Yangcheng, but he was the one who was the master. No one dared to provoke him. Seeing him today, he is really famous."

  Hearing these polite remarks, Fang Ze said with a light smile: "Brother Hai is very polite, brother's eyes are an honor for Yuhang."

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