They still have confidence in their own goods.

  Even Du Yuhang couldn't find anything wrong.

  Fang Ze

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  Looking at the banknote in his hand, he said, "It's a pity that it has a small denomination. Are there any goods of this quality with a large denomination?"

  Guo Xuehai nodded: "Of course there is, this is just a sample, give Brother Du a good look."

  "if you want"

  Fang Ze thought about it for a while, and said, "If Brother Hai has a product with a large denomination, I'm really interested."

  "Counterfeit notes of this quality are very rare, and in terms of profit margins, they are huge."

  "Amazing, Brother Hai."

  Guo Xuehai was full of smiles, and Fang Ze's words were very useful to him.

  It is something to be proud of for them to be affirmed by a counterfeit banknote expert.

  He waved his hand and said, "Brother Du, you're welcome, as long as you are satisfied, how can you order it?"

  Guo Xuehai directly mentioned business.

  It can be seen that Guo Xuehai is really anxious to take action.

  Because the wind in Yangcheng is too tight, if it is not kept together, an accident will happen one day.

  He must dispose of the goods in his hand and leave this place of right and wrong.

  Fang Ze pondered slightly, and said, "How many of these goods do you have?"

  Guo Xuehaidao asked back, "How much does brother Du want?"

  Fang Ze said: "If possible, I would like to take them all."

  "Take it all"

  Guo Xuehai's eyes narrowed and he said, "Brother Du has a lot of appetite."

  Fang Ze sighed and said, "It's hard to make money, Brother Hai, you know, it's a matter of losing your head."

  "There is a world of difference between the risks of taking one shipment and ten shipments."

  "Since it's done, then make it bigger at one time."

  Hearing this, Guo Xuehai nodded slightly.

  The other party is right, every transaction comes with a risk.

  Rather than solve the problem once and for all.

  After looking at Feng Guangfei, Guo Xuehai said, "How about the four seals?"

  "Four Seals"

  Fang Ze looked at Guo Xuehai and said strangely: "So few"

  Guo Xuehai was obviously stunned, as if he was thinking about Fang Ze's financial resources.

  The other party has just come out of prison for a year or two, will there be so much savings? Fang Ze frowned and said, "Brother Hai, don't hide it, how much is there?"

  Guo Xuehai took a deep look at Fang Ze and said slowly, "Then eight letters!"

  As soon as these words came out, Fang Ze nodded and said, "If you have eight seals, it's worth it, but in terms of price."


  Several people looked at each other, Guo Xuehai smiled and said, "What brother Du means?"

  Fang Ze stretched out four 44 fingers and said, "Four 44 points."

  "What did you say!"

  The faces of the three of them changed.

  Feng Guangfei's face sank instantly.

  Even Qin Yun glanced at Fang Ze.

  The price seems to be a bit low.

  Guo Xuehai frowned and said, "Brother Du, are you kidding me? Four 44 o'clock"

  "What's wrong"

  Fang Ze looked at Guo Xuehai strangely.

  Guo Xuehai said coldly: "Brother Du, you have done this business before, so you naturally know the price. Don't you think four 44 points is a bit nonsense?"

  Fang Ze shrugged and said, "I don't think so."

  Guo Xuehai took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and said, "When I talked to your uncle before, it was always 8.

  5, you now want four 44 points"

  Fang Ze did not speak.

  He took out a cigarette and lit it silently

  : Near the end of the year, frequent visits, the update may be unstable.

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 220 Negotiations at the Wine Table (2) [[-]]

  in front of the wine table.

  Fang Ze slowly exhaled a breath of smoke and said, "Brother Hai, how much did my uncle buy?"

  Guo Xuehai said: "One."

  Fang Ze chuckled: "He wants one, I want eight, do you think they are comparable?"

  "How much he measures as much as I measure!"

  Guo Xuehai stared at Fang Ze and said, "That said, four 44 points are too low, absolutely impossible."

  "Brother Du, they are all friends, I will give you a face, at least eight o'clock!"

  Fang Ze shook his head and said, "Brother Hai, it's not that I don't give you face, and you don't even look at what's going on outside."

  "The whole city is cracked down, and some shops don't even dare to accept banknotes. After the goods arrive, what do you want me to do?"

  "You sold the goods to me, but you took the money and left, but you always have to consider my "four three zeros"

  Digestive power.”

  "Eight 8 o'clock, impossible."

  Guo Xuehai looked at Feng Guangfei.

  Feng Guangfei coughed lightly and said with a smile, "Brother Du, it's not easy for us either. If it weren't for the city's crackdown, we wouldn't dare to accept such a large shipment."

  "Whether this is good or not, let's each take a step back, 7."

  Fang Ze took a sip from the teacup and said, "Is this called taking a step back? I almost asked for all of your goods and gave me this price"

  "I really doubt if you guys have any... sincerity!"

  "Four 44 points, no more than one point!"

  Fang Ze's words made Feng Guangfei's face turn cold.

  He stared at Fang Ze, suddenly slapped the table, and said angrily, "Even if you sweep the goods! That's the price!!"

  Fang Ze turned his head and stared at Feng Guangfei with burning eyes.

  The atmosphere, for a time, became: swords drawn.

  Seeing this, Qin Yun opened the mouth and said, "Yuhang, Brother Hai and the others are not easy, or else"

  "To shut up!"

  Fang Ze turned his head to stare at Qin Yun, and shouted, "A man is talking about business, if you have the chance to intervene, then get out and wait!"

  After finishing speaking, Fang Ze looked at Feng Guangfei and said coldly, "Don't do this for me. I have been with Du Yuhang for so long, but I'm not... scared!"

  "Dare to come hard with me, try it!"

  After speaking, a faint murderous aura shot out from Fang Ze's eyes.

  Feng Guangfei and Fang Ze looked at each other, as if they were about to start.

  At this time, Guo Xuehai quickly smoothed things out and said with a smile: "Brother Du, why are you angry with a woman, a man, you have to be graceful, come, come, and drink."

  He didn't mention Feng Guangfei, but took Qin Yun to resolve the embarrassment.

  "Old Feng!"

  Guo Xuehai looked at Feng Guangfei.

  Feng Guangfei stared at Fang Ze for a while, then suddenly laughed.

  "Haha, brother Du, don't be angry, don't give birth, I'm just joking with you."

  "Hey, everyone has difficulties. Be more considerate and considerate."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze's expression improved, and he raised his glass.

  This is the third cup.

  Aaron, who had been watching, got up and poured a fourth glass of wine for the three of them.

  After the glass of wine bottomed out, Feng Guangfei sighed, "Brother Du, you should give in."

  "We are so stalemate, it won't delay your earning money.


  Fang Ze shook his head helplessly, picked up the banknote just now, and said, "Brother Hai, Fei

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