Fang Ze lit a cigarette, got up and walked over.

  After a quick glance at the contents on the screen, Fang Ze said strangely: "It's been so long, and there are still people paying attention to this case"

  This is a post with a byline and an address without a hidden title: A little thought on the corpse dismemberment case of Yangcheng University.

  The content of the post described the Yangcheng corpse dismemberment case in detail, and used very careful language to describe the murderer's appearance, personality, modus operandi, motive, and even psychology and activities.

  This is not the only point, the most popular post reply is an anonymous netizen.

  This netizen analyzed the content, language, and mental journey of the post, suggesting that the author of the post is likely to be the murderer of the Yangcheng Corpse Dismemberment Case, or at least an insider.

  He also speculated on the reasons for posting, such as the loneliness of masters, showing off the achievements of committing crimes, etc.

  The heat is very high.

  Xu Liangjiang said: "It was discovered by the Internet police, what do you think?"

  Fang Ze retracted his gaze and said, "Hurry up and delete it, don't bother."

  "It's grandstanding, and some of the content can't stand up to scrutiny at all, and even contradicts itself, which also deceives laymen and netizens watching the fun."

  Xu Liangjiang said in surprise: "Is it useless? Why do I think the analysis is quite reasonable."

  Fang Ze shook his head with a smile, and said, "I have already thought about what he said, and it is impossible."

  "However, one thing is consistent with my idea, that is, there is a medium of mutual connection between the deceased and the murderer."

  "As for what this medium is, I haven't found it yet."

  Xu Liangjiang said: "Can you see who posted this?"

  Fang Ze pondered for a while, then said: "From the perspective of language organization, 1.

  He should have some knowledge of criminal investigation, and he has good attainments in psychology."

  "Especially, this guy also made a psychological portrait of the murderer. Although there are too many discrepancies, it is also very rare."

  "Probably a college student who majors in psychology and likes to solve crimes in detail."

  Xu Liangjiang asked: "In other words, this person cannot be the murderer"

  As soon as these words came out, Fang Ze smiled and said, "The possibility can be ignored."

  "Oh, all right."

  Xu Liangjiang nodded.

  To be honest, he was really influenced by the replies to the post.

  Fang Ze repeated his previous words: "Hurry up and delete this post. If he reposts it, he will be warned in the name of the police."

  "Absolutely not to let: this case is hot again."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 226 Is there any misunderstanding? 【4】

  Inside the office.

  Xu Liangjiang nodded and said, "This is a trivial matter. Look at the next page. Someone has left a message on the official Weibo account. It must have been influenced by the post."

  Fang Ze's eyes moved slightly, he raised his hand and slid the cursor, and clicked on the second page.

  The screen shows the official Weibo of Yangcheng Bureau.

  The most popular one in the comment area is still about the Yangcheng corpse dismemberment case.

  The content is probably: The prosecution period for the Yangcheng University corpse dismemberment case is approaching, do the police just ignore it?

  In this case, even if the murderer is caught, he will no longer be held criminally responsible. I hope the Yangcheng police will give a clear answer.

  Fang Ze was surprised.

  That's all for the post just now, I didn't expect anyone to remember the statute of limitations for the corpse dismemberment case.

  The law expressly stipulates that cases where the maximum sentence is life imprisonment or the death penalty will not be prosecuted after [-] years.

  That is to say, as long as [-] years have passed, even if the real culprit in the case of dismembering the corpse is found, it cannot be sentenced.

  Of course, this is not absolutely correct.

  If it is deemed necessary to prosecute at that time, it can be reported to the Central South Supreme Procuratorate for review.

  After the review is passed, the murderer can still be sentenced in accordance with the law.

  But there are few such examples, after all, twenty years is a long time.

  Although it is not the vicissitudes of life, it is also different.

  Looking at this comment, Fang Ze said: "It won't be an acquaintance of the deceased, right?"

  Xu Liangjiang nodded and said: "It is possible, there are many people who comment and follow, do you think we need to reply?"

  This question, he needs to ask Fang Ze.

  If anyone can solve this case now, it is Fang Ze.

  A promise is not something that can be given lightly.

  Fang Ze was silent for a while, then stepped forward to open the backstage of the Municipal Bureau's official Weibo account.

  After entering the password, Fang Ze typed a line.

  Yangcheng University's corpse dismemberment case will always be pursued to the end - Xuan.

  Ringing the carriage return, Fang Ze gave a clear answer in the official name.

  With his back to the computer, Xu Liangjiang didn't know what Fang Ze had posted.

  But he didn't stop it, and he could guess.

  According to his understanding of Fang Ze, he would never allow unsolved cases to appear in his hands.

  Fang Ze will definitely investigate this case.

  It's just that time doesn't matter.

  Liang Yongzhou said that half a year, he felt a little hanging.

  Fang Ze, turned the laptop back.

  Seeing Fang Ze's recovery, Xu Liangjiang smiled and said, "I'm so confident."

  Fang Ze raised the corner of his mouth and said, "The more confident we are, the more panic the criminal will be."

  "well said."

  Xu Liangjiang closed his laptop and said, "After the counterfeit money case is over, let the people from the Criminal Police team be involved in this case."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze was stunned, and said, "Isn't I the only one investigating this case?"

  The old case is different from the new case.

  If there are too many people, it may not work.

  "You are going to re-investigate this case"

  From the perspective of social value, re-investigating the Yangcheng corpse dismemberment case is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is very likely that no results will be obtained.

  This is also one of the many cases of dust.

  The police force is limited, and it is impossible to stay in the past forever.

  New crimes never stop.

  Xu Liangjiang waved his hand and said, "No, on the premise of not affecting the normal work of the Municipal Bureau, you should find a few people to help."

  "My own words, don't you get stretched sometimes?"

  Fang Ze glanced at Xu Liangjiang and hesitated.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  After a while, he nodded slightly and said, "Alright then, I will take a few people to Penghai and let Wu Fei stay at the city bureau, while paying attention to some possible clues."

  "At the meeting, I will thoroughly analyze the case with them before leaving."


  Xu Liangjiang nodded and said hesitantly, "How long do you think it will take?"

  This sentence made Fang Ze frown.

  Xu Liangjiang had never asked this question before.

  Because the dismemberment case has basically been classified as an unsolved case, there is no time limit to speak of.

  Fang Ze opened his mouth and asked, "Lao Xu, is someone paying attention to this case?"

  Xu Liangjiang hurriedly said, "No, no, I'm just curious, so I'll ask."


  Fang Ze looked suspiciously at Xu Liangjiang, but said truthfully, "I don't know."

  "Time has passed too long, there are no clues, and the direction is not unique."

  "Whether it can be broken five, and when it will break five, can only be said to see the will of God."

  Xu Liangjiang nodded to show his understanding, and said, "Okay then."

  The case is really difficult.

  Even Fang Ze would probably have a headache.

  Three days later, the counterfeiting case was basically completed, all documents were accurate and complete, and all were handed over to the procuratorate.

  Guo Xuehai has been detained in Yangcheng Detention Center, awaiting prosecution by the procuratorate and trial in court.

  The death penalty is certain.

  As for whether to execute a suspended death sentence or immediate execution, it depends on the arguments of the lawyers on both sides and how the jury judge decides.

  However, Guo Xuehai was the second person in the palace after all, also possessed guns and ammunition, and intended to kill the police.

  In general, it should be executed immediately.

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