Before I knew it, an hour passed.

  Fang Ze was fine, he took out a few photos from his pocket and watched quietly.

  Luo Bixin came over curiously and said, "This is"

  Fang Ze: "Photos of the incision of the deceased's neck, as well as the head."

  "So neat"

  Luo Bixin was surprised.

  The wound is so smooth, you can imagine how sharp the weapon the murderer used to cut.

  Scalpel Luo refill first time 0.

  8 Think of these three words.

  Fang Ze said: "It seems that the murderer is a master with a knife."

  "indeed so."

  Luo Bixin felt the same way.

  "By the way, is there any record of Diao Aixin's cause of death?"

  Fang Ze turned his head and said with a smile: "There are records, but there are also mistakes. At that time, the forensic doctors in Yangcheng were average."

  Luo Bixin said: "Is it related to modern technology?"

  Fang Ze shook his head: "No, it has to do with personal ability."

  "Can you guess the cause of death of the deceased based on these photos?"

  "you want to test me"

  Luo Bixin gave Fang Ze a blank look.

  She took the photo and took a closer look.

  Fang Ze waited quietly.

  After a while, Luo Bixin's eyes narrowed and he approached again.

  "There seem to be blurred lines near the cut."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 236 Strangled?suffocated? 【3】

  Fang Ze applauded and glanced at Luo Bixin.

  The other party can become the captain of the criminal police team, and he still passes the test in terms of observation.

  That's right.

  In addition to the knife cut, there are other marks on the incision.

  "go on."

  Luo Bixin took the photo, frowned and pondered for a while, her eyes lit up.

  "Stretch marks"

  She pointed to the right side of the deceased's neck incision, and said, "It's five centimeters long and dark in color."

  "Although frying conceals most of the marks, it is vaguely discernible, which is the streak."

  Fang Ze nodded: "It is indeed a streak."

  According to common sense, the rope marks should be reddish-brown or yellow-brown.

  However, the murderer carried out secondary processing on the body fragments, that is, high temperature frying.

  It directly causes the color and shape to change, becoming a dark color strip.

  At first glance, it looks like it was painted.

  When the murderer cut the deceased's head, it was along this streak.

  Or because of negligence and deviation, and finally left this five-centimeter mark.

  Luo Bixin said: "The deceased, after being strangled to death, the one who was brutally dismembered should not be wrong."

  Fang 26ze didn't answer the question and said, "Look at the other photos."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin lowered his head and continued to read.

  The rest of the photos are of the deceased's head.

  Although it has been processed twice, it is still possible to judge Diao Aixin's expression when he died.

  His mouth opened slightly, his eyes widened.

  After a while, Luo Bixin said, "It should be mechanical suffocation."

  The so-called mechanical suffocation refers to the suffocation caused by the breathing disorder caused by mechanical violence.

  Obstructing human respiration, resulting in hypoxia and accumulation of carbon dioxide in the body, resulting in death.

  Strangulation is a typical case of mechanical death.

  After looking at it for a long time, Luo Bixin didn't see anything.

  She is still lacking in forensic science.

  "Isn't it strangled?"

  Luo Bixin turned to look at Fang Ze, asking for advice humbly.

  Seeing that he touched the blind spot of Luo Bixin's knowledge, Fang Ze pointed to the photo and said, "My mouth is slightly open and my eyes are slightly widened. Do you think it is strangulation?"

  Luo Bixin was stunned for a moment, and fell into deep thought.

  After a while, she seemed to remember something and said, "Yes, if it was strangled, the deceased would definitely struggle with all his strength, and it would be very painful."

  "In that case, the expression must be extremely ferocious, instead of calming down a lot like it is now."

  Fang Ze smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes, but mechanical death is certain."

  "In addition to observing the expressions of the deceased, the dossier has a detailed autopsy report."

  "The forensic doctor performed a craniotomy on Diao Aixin and found that there were large bleeding spots in the meninges, and the same was true for the internal organs."

  "There is only one possibility, Diao Aixin died of suffocation."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Luo Bixin suddenly said, "I was strangled to death when I was in a coma."


  Fang Ze looked at Luo Refill in surprise, and said, "How can you still think of this?"

  Luo Bixin pouted and said, "Look at me, I'm the captain of the dignified criminal police team."

  The other party's efforts to prove his appearance made Fang Ze laugh.

  He said: "Yes, if you are in a coma, you can indeed be strangled."

  "But there is a premise that deep sleep is necessary."

  Luo Bixin thoughtfully said, "A lot of sleeping pills"

  Fang Ze nodded: "If you want to forcibly strangle the deceased to death when he is asleep, without reacting violently, you need a very large amount of sleeping pills."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Let's talk less, it will take thirty or forty pieces."

  "Thirty or forty, what is the concept of film"

  "That can no longer be said to be sleep, and suspended animation is not an exaggeration."

  Luo Bixin smiled: "No sleeping pills were found in the stomach of the deceased, or only a small amount"

  "that's right."

  Fang Ze gave a thumbs up to Luo's refill.

  Luo Bixin took a light breath and said, "That's not strangulation."

  "After Diao Aixin's death, the murderer was afraid that the other party would not be dead, so he used the rope again to execute the second strangulation."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Exactly."

  Luo Bixin was not happy because of this, and frowned, "How did Diao Aixin die?"

  "Fang Ze, tell me all the causes of death by mechanical suffocation."

  Fang Ze said: "Death by mechanical suffocation probably includes hanging, strangulation, strangulation, drowning, suffocation, suffocation, compression of the chest cavity, or foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract, sexual asphyxia, etc."

  After listening to this sentence, Luo Bixin pondered for a while and said, "Does the deceased have emphysema?"


  Fang Ze shook his head.

  "That's not drowning"

  Luo Bixin muttered to himself.

  Hanging doesn't happen, only suicide can happen.

  Strangle has been ruled out.

  If there is no palm print on the neck, it is excluded.

  "Is the airway blocked?"

  Luo Bixin asked.


  "Then rule out blocking."

  "What about the chest?"

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "There is no trace of external force breaking."

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