As soon as I walked in, a shopping guide stepped forward to ask.

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "Hello, is Boss Zheng there?"

  The beauty shopping guide was stunned for a moment, and said, "What's the matter with our boss?"

  Fang Ze said: "That's right, we are business friends of Boss Zheng Wendong Zheng, and we have something to discuss with him."

  He added his full name.

  After hearing the three words of Zheng Wendong, the shopping guide's attitude improved and smiled: "Okay, please wait."

  After speaking, she turned and left.

  Luo Bixin took a look at the surrounding environment and said, "This place is not bad, I guess I make a lot of money a year."

  Fang Ze said: "After all, they have been in business for [-] years, and their experience is not comparable to ordinary people."


  Luo Bixin nodded.

  After a while, the shopping guide came with a middle-aged man.

  Zheng Wendong wore glasses, dressed casually, and had black hair.

  Just looking at the appearance, it is much younger than the actual age.

  The shopping guide did not participate in the conversation and went to work on other things.

  Zheng Wendong came to Fang Ze alone, looked at the two of them suspiciously, and said, "My business friends, I don't know you."

  Looking at the man in front of him, Fang Ze only said three words: "Diao Aixin."

  Hearing this name, Zheng Wendong's expression changed slightly.

  Fang Ze's eyes have been on: catching the other party's expression.

  At this moment, a fact is confirmed.

  This person in front of me, I know Diao Aixin! Please download Fei Lu's novel to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 239 Nineteen years ago [3]

  Zheng Wendong's expression quickly returned to normal.

  His abnormal reaction is very subtle, and ordinary people can't see it at all.

  At least, Luo Bixin didn't find anything wrong.

  "Diao Aixin"

  "What is Diao Aixin?"

  "I don't know."

  Seeing this, Luo Bixin sighed slightly.

  However, Fang Ze's face turned cold at this moment.

  He directly took out his credentials and said, "Zheng Wendong, we are from the Criminal Police Force, I advise you not to play tricks with me!"

  "I'm quite sure that you definitely know Diao Aixin and have a good relationship."

  "If you refuse to cooperate with the police, don't blame me for taking coercive measures against you!"

  As soon as these words came out, Luo Bixin was stunned and looked at Zheng Wendong subconsciously.

  And Zheng Wendong's face changed in an instant.

  This change is so obvious that anyone can see it clearly.

  Immediately, a trace of vigilance rose in Luo Bixin's heart.

  Zheng Wendong was silent for a while, and his footsteps couldn't help but move back.

  Fang Ze could naturally notice it.

  His eyes narrowed slightly.

  Luo Bixin, who wanted to run away, was ready to start arresting people.

  However, Zheng Wendong did not run.

  He sighed deeply and said, "Okay, I do know Diao Aixin."

  "Please two police officers, come to my office."

  After speaking, Zheng Wendong turned around and walked towards the inner room.

  The two looked at each other and took steps to keep up.

  Inside the office.

  Zheng Wendong wanted to pour water, but was interrupted directly by Fang Ze: "Mr. Zheng, don't be polite, we'll leave after we ask."

  Next to the water dispenser, Zheng Wendong paused, then turned around and said, "You two, please take a seat."

  Beside the coffee table, three people sat opposite each other.

  Luo Bixin stared at Zheng Wendong, thinking that the other party was an imaginary suspect in his heart.

  Judging from the denial just now and her subconscious running, she definitely had reason to think so.

  If you are calm in your heart, is it necessary to lie? In addition, Luo Bixin also sighed secretly about her and Fang Ze's luck.

  This is the first person, and unexpectedly found a major clue that had been missed.

  It's a great reward for investigative work.

  "When did you meet"

  Fang Ze was the first to speak.

  Zheng Wendong swallowed and seemed a little nervous.

  He took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms and handed it to Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze glanced at it and said, "No."

  Zheng Wendong smiled embarrassedly and took out one of his own to light it.

  After relieving his emotions for a while, Zheng Wendong asked back, "How do you know that I know Diao Aixin?"

  He was really weird.

  It stands to reason that only he and Diao Airen know about this matter.

  Fang Ze said lightly, "I'm asking you now!"

  Zheng Wendong took a puff of cigarette and exhaled the smoke: "I remember, it was in the autumn of nineteen years ago."

  "Why do you remember so clearly?"

  Fang Zedao.

  Zheng Wendong said: "There is a song just released, the sea."

  "It is because of this song that I know Diao Aixin."

  Fang Ze leaned forward and said: "The specific time, place, process, don't miss any place."

  "Okay, let me think about it."

  Zheng Wendong fell into memory while smoking a cigarette.

  It's been almost twenty years.

  No matter how good a memory is, people also need to think.

  Fang Ze was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

  Regardless of

  Does Zheng Wendong and Diao Aixin's death have anything to do with it?

  opponent next

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  It is very likely that it will play a major role in the detection of the case.

  After a long time, Zheng Wendong pressed: put out the cigarette butts, and said, "I was just thirty years old, and the video store has been open for more than two years."

  "At that time, "Sea of ​​Autumn" was just released."

  "This song is not particularly popular, and the popularity is not high, but I like it very much."

  "I like the lyrics of this song, I like the melody of this song, so I often play this song on loop in the store."

  "I remember very clearly that a train had just entered the station that day. It should have been October [-]th."

  "Ten minutes later, a girl, Diao Aixin, came to the store."

  "She was drawn to this song."

  Having said this, Zheng Wendong sighed.

  When he mentioned Diao Aixin, his voice seemed to be a lot softer.

  I don't know if it is an illusion.

  Fang Ze did not interrupt.

  Zheng Wendong paused for a while and continued, "We have known each other since that day."

  "She is a student of Yangcheng University, returning to school during the holidays and transferring from Penghai."

  "She likes music very much, her family is not good, and she rarely listens to DJs, so we have a common topic."

  "Over time, our relationship has become closer and closer."

  After speaking, Zheng Wendong looked at Fang Ze.

  Fang Zedao: "I met in autumn"

  "That is to say, during the winter vacation that year, Diao Aixin left home early and returned to school because of you."

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