Luo Bixin spit out aloud: "Reread."

  At this moment, she also figured this out.

  However, with such an obvious resume, the police would have no reason to know.

  Immediately, Luo Bixin said: "After Diao Aixin's death, her family will definitely come to Yangcheng. You will know as soon as you ask, how could you miss such an important clue?"

  "Let me think about it."

  Fang Ze raised his hand and stopped Luo Bixin from speaking.

  Luo Bixin didn't say any more and waited quietly.

  After a few minutes.

  A possibility gradually formed in Fang Ze's mind.

  He opened his mouth and said, "Diao Aixin's family didn't know that Diao Aixin had reread."

  "In their perception, Diao Aixin is a sophomore."

  "Actually, she's a freshman!"

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin widened his eyes and said, "No way."

  "Is it necessary to hide from my family about going to school? What is the reason?"

  This kind of thing, anyway, Luo Bixin has never heard of it.

  A university is a university, and repetition is repetition.

  Why do you have to hide things related to your studies? Can you hide it? Fang Ze said: "It's not wrong, it must be the case."

  "Yangcheng police didn't find this time wrong."

  "Their attention is focused on the cause of Diao Aixin's death and the investigation into where the body was thrown."

  "We just need to re-check Diao Aixin's education file, and we'll get confirmation right away."

  Luo Bixin was silent for a while, then said, "What's the reason?"

  Fang Ze said: "It's very simple."

  "What is the reason for repeating, of course, to get admitted to a better university."

  "Yangcheng University is not an ordinary school, no matter what

  Whether it was before or now, the admission line is very high.”

  "Diao Aixin's first year, he should have fallen off the list."

  "However, she is determined to be admitted to Yangda University, but her family does not agree to repeat it because the cost is too high."

  "So, Diao Aixin hid her family and chose to repeat it."

  "Money is a trivial matter, as long as you go to college, there is time and opportunity to make up for it."

  "If you miss it, it's a lifetime."

  "Diao Aixin made the most important decision in her life."

  "And the result, satisfactory."

  Luo Bixin whispered to herself: "How dare a high school girl in a rural area have such great courage?"

  Fang Ze smiled lightly: "You asked about the point. I'm afraid she didn't make this decision herself."

  Luo Bixin's eyes narrowed: "that person"

  Fang Ze reached out and interrupted Luo Bixin's words.

  "Everything is an inference now, and nothing else is mentioned."

  "Let's go to Yangcheng University right now to check Diao Aixin's student status."

  Luo Bixin started the car and said, "Why don't we go to the city bureau, we have the authority to investigate the case."

  Fang Ze said: "I'm worried about the omission of information on, so I go directly to Yangda."

  "it is good."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 244 Dossier Dossier: Car Tire Traces [2]

  The car quickly got on the elevated and drove towards Chaoyang City.

  The journey takes several hours.

  The two chatted.

  "You mentioned Diao Aixin's family just now, did they take away the body?"

  Luo Bixin asked while driving.

  Fang Ze said: "No, except for the preservation of human tissue samples, everything else was cremated."


  Luo Bixin said strangely: "This doesn't seem to meet the regulations."

  Fang Ze nodded: "Well, it does not meet the regulations, but it is understandable."

  "How to say"

  Luo Bixin stared at the road ahead and said, "Actually, the Yangcheng police should give the family of the deceased a whole body."

  "The Whole Corpse"

  Fang Ze raised his brows and said, "Where there are whole corpses, there are more than a thousand fragments."

  Luo Bixin didn't care about these details and said, "I mean that even if it is broken like this, it should be returned to the family, right?"

  Fang Ze said: "The rules are set by people, they cannot be set in stone."

  Luo Bixin was silent for a while, then said: "That is to say, the family of the deceased has not even seen the last face of the deceased."


  Fang Ze nodded and said, "I support their approach."

  "You think about it, even a forensic doctor has some adverse reactions when facing the body fragments of the deceased. Ordinary people?"

  "When Xu Chunhua went to recognize the corpse, it was good that he didn't faint."

  "And later the city bureau forensic doctor opened up on the deceased's head. It is really inappropriate to present these things to the deceased's family."

  Luo Bixin did not speak.

  Fang Ze continued: "Although it is not in compliance with the rules, it must have been carefully considered by the superiors to minimize the psychological burden on the family of the deceased."

  "Unreasonable and unreasonable."

  "Sometimes, love is more than reason."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin nodded and was persuaded by Fang Ze.

  Ugly words.

  If the corpse was not cremated, the family of the deceased saw it, and a heart attack came out. Who was responsible for the situation at that time? Cremation is the most reasonable method.

  Time passed quickly, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

  But the journey is only halfway through.

  Luo Bixin turned to look at Fang Ze, and found that the other party was still thinking.

  She can understand.

  This case is too special.

  Inference is the main, investigation is the supplement.

  If there is no careful thinking, trying to solve the unsolved case nineteen years ago is simply wishful thinking.

  Even Fang Ze, didn't he get into trouble many times? "What are you thinking?"

  Luo Bixin was a little curious.

  She wanted to know what else was suspicious about the case.

  Might as well help.

  Fang Ze didn't stop thinking, and said, "Tire print."

  "Tire Marks"

  Luo Bixin was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood, "Is it the tire marks left by the murderer after throwing the body?"


  Fang Ze nodded.

  Luo Bixin said strangely, "Why do you still leave the car behind?"

  Halfway through speaking, Luo Bixin suddenly remembered that the time of throwing the body was in January.

  In winter, what kind of snow do people generally look forward to! "It was snowing then"

  Luo Bixin asked.

  Fang Ze said: "When the first handbag was discovered, it happened to snow for three days in Yangcheng."

  "Although it is light snow, the snow layer is very thin, but it is enough to leave very clear marks."


  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Xin nodded to show his understanding, and said, "I remember you mentioned that the murderer seemed to be throwing the body on a bicycle."

  Fang Ze said: "That's what the file said, I didn't say that."


  "You mean, there are other possibilities"

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