Fang Ze smiled lightly: "Gong Jun is in the bureau, you can ask questions at any time, and tell the truth."

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Chapter 269 This is simply a lunatic! 【1】

  Speaking of Gong Jun, Kong Jingru's expression fluctuated.

  After being silent for a while, Kong Jingru said, "Did you lie to me with your previous words?"

  Fang Ze knew that the other party was referring to the time of arrest.

  Of course there are fake ingredients, but more of them are real.

  At least Gong Jun's feelings for Kong Jingru are not watery.

  Fang Ze: "I can't say that either. If Gong Jun didn't have feelings for you, he would have called the police long ago."

  Kong Jing was silent.

  Fang Ze waited for a while and repeated, "What is the relationship between Gong Jun and Diao Aixin?"

  Kong Jingru said, "I know."

  "But there's definitely something wrong with the two of them."

  Fang Ze: "Where did you see it?"

  Kong Jingru's voice turned cold: "I saw that they once hugged!!"

  Fang Ze glanced at her and temporarily stopped questioning.

  It seems that we still have to ask Gong Jun about this matter.

  Of course, this has nothing to do with the case, it's just Fang Ze's personal curiosity.

  Although the contact with Gong Jun cannot make Fang Ze fully understand this person, he can see something to some extent.

  The other party is not quite like the kind of person who would cheat.

  After a long time, I dare not say, at least before Diao Aixin was in college, there should be none.

  What's going on, I can only listen to what Gong Jun has to say.

  After the atmosphere was silent for a while, Fang Ze said, "Where is the killing place?"

  Kong Jingru said, "My home."

  "still there"

  "It's been dismantled."

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "In other words, you called Diao Aixin to your house and quietly put Valium tablets in her water or food."

  Kong Jingru raised her eyelids and nodded slightly.

  Fang Ze continued: "What is a murder tool, plastic sheeting or plastic wrap?"

  Kong Jingru was stunned and said, "How do you know?"

  "Answer me."

  Kong Jingru took a deep look at Fang Ze and said, "Plastic cloth, strong tape to seal."


  Fang Ze nodded.

  As a veterinarian, Kong Jingru was able to know the killing technique of total suffocation, which surprised Fang Ze.

  It seems that in college, Kong Jingru's extracurricular knowledge was quite extensive.

  In some respects, Kong Jingru can be regarded as an excellent person.

  A veterinarian is also a doctor.

  The words "the doctor's benevolence" were discarded by Kong Jingru after Diao Aixin appeared in Yangcheng.

  "and then"

  Fang Zedao.

  After talking here, Kong Jingru's mouth raised a smile again and said, "I dismembered her."

  The other party's smile made Fang Ze frown and said, "Why?"

  Kong Jingru chuckled: "This is the end of seducing my man!"

  "I want her to die without a corpse!!"

  Outside the window, after seeing Kong Jingru's smile, everyone whispered.

  This woman, mentally, is really twisted.

  Fang Ze frowned more deeply.

  To be honest, it was the first time he had seen such a murderer.

  Treating life like an ant, Diao Aixin is not regarded as a person at all, more like an animal.

  When I first took over this case, it was a little strange.

  Since random serial killings are ruled out, what kind of mentality does the murderer have to cut the deceased so finely?

  That's not to mention, after the corpse was crushed, it was fried.

  How much vengeance can you do this kind of thing? The vendetta in the past, even if the person dies, he didn't do anything to the corpse at all.

  Not in line with common sense.

  Therefore, Fang Ze had a guess at that time, whether the murderer was a woman.

  Women's emotions are more delicate and fluctuating more strongly, and it is easy to get into the horns.

  And likes to be suspicious and jealous.

  If coupled with the twisted dark side of the heart, the strong possessiveness of the partner.

  A woman who looks inoffensive,

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  Will likely turn into a murderous demon.

  Kong Jingru, completely in line with Fang Ze's previous psychological portrait of the murderer.

  Childhood is miserable.


  There is a grudge with Diao Aixin, and the grudge is likely to come from emotional entanglements.

  Good at knives.

  Calm mind.

  This calmness is more of the pleasure obtained by Kong Jingru's release of hatred.

  But no matter what, Kong Jingru is also a normal person, not a psychopath.

  After the incident has passed, it will still leave indelible traces in the heart.

  Coupled with long-term stimulation, this is also the reason why Kong Jingru has neurasthenia.

  Fang Ze stood up.

  Since Kong Jingru intends to plead guilty, there is nothing to talk about.

  Staring at Kong Jingru who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, Fang Ze said, "Why are you frying corpse fragments?"

  "Covering the smell of blood is convenient for throwing corpses"

  Kong Jingru slowly raised her head, her smile widened, and she said coldly, "I didn't think about it that much."

  "Isn't he going to be with Diao Aixin all day long?"

  "Then I'll let them be completely together!!"

  Fang Ze wanted to leave after asking this question.

  But after listening to Kong Jingru's words, his pupils suddenly shrank.

  "what do you mean"

  Could it be that his previous terrifying conjecture was true! "Haha"

  Kong Jingru smiled and recalled the scene at that time.

  January 7, 3, [-]:[-] pm at [-]:[-].

  Gong Jun returned home after a busy day.

  Kong Jingru, dinner is ready.

  "It's hard work coming back."

  "Eat now, it's cold."

  Kong Jingru walked from the kitchen with a smile, and took off her thick coat for Gong Jun thoughtfully.

  The coat is covered with a layer of snow.

  "You've worked hard too."

  Gong Jun opened his mouth with a smile, looking at the dining table as he walked.

  "I bought meat today is it pork?"

  After speaking, Gong Jun sat on the dining chair.

  Because of fatigue and hunger, Gong Jun picked up the chopsticks, picked up the meat, and put it in his mouth.

  "not like"

  Kong Jingru stepped forward and sat opposite Gong Jun, smiled and said, "Is it delicious?"

  "Well, it's okay, it's a little weird."

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