Dongli City.

  One of the four 44 municipalities directly under the Central Government in China, with the Yangtze River in the north and the East China Sea in the east, it is the center of China's economy, finance, trade, shipping, and technological innovation.

  Here, it is known as the Magic Capital of China.

  In terms of status, it is second only to the capital Zhongnan.

  There have been countless international events held here, and the modernization level is extremely high.

  Of course, the prices are also terribly high.

  I don't know how many young people come to Dongli with their dreams to develop.

  But there are very few who can emerge.

  More, still struggling at the bottom, struggling with rent and firewood, rice, oil and salt.

  Dongli Road.

  This is the most prosperous commercial street in Dongli, which originated from the Garden Lane in the last century.

  Nowadays, it has developed into a characteristic pedestrian street integrating the five functions of shopping, tourism, business and culture, with a total length of several kilometers.

  For those who come to Dongli, this place is a must-see punch card.

  Fang Ze, wearing sunglasses, walked alone on Dongli Pedestrian Street.

  The noise in his ears made him feel extremely happy.

  "I haven't been so relaxed in a long time."

  Fang Ze chuckled softly and looked at the shops on both sides of the road.

  I have spoken to Luo Bixin on the phone before, saying that I have a case and I cannot go back.

  He didn't want to be seen by the other party with the wound on his chest, which only increased his worry.

  Although it's not a big problem, the shocking gunshot wound is real.

  Anyway, the body's recovery ability is good, it is estimated that after a while, it will not look so serious.

  Fang Ze strolled slowly and leisurely.

  Finally, his footsteps stopped in front of a luxurious hotel

  Looking up, three big characters come into view.

  Royal Society.

  One of the top restaurants in Dongli.

  It would be a shame not to try Cantonese food here.

  Fang Ze took off his sunglasses and was about to go in.

  "Fang Ze"

  At this moment, a familiar voice came.

  Fang Ze turned his head subconsciously.

  After seeing the person coming, Fang Ze said stunned, "Qin Yun, why are you here?"

  This is too coincidental, it was all negotiated to travel to Dongli. Qin Yun did not expect to meet Fang Ze here.

  "You are here to travel"

  As Qin Yun spoke, she looked around.

  "Where's the refill?"


  Fang Ze smiled and said, "I came by myself."


  Qin Yun looked at Fang Ze suspiciously and said, "Are you all right?"

  Fang Ze asked back, "You don't seem to have anyone to accompany you."


  Qin Yun sighed and said, "I'm used to myself."

  "Hey, I'm used to myself too."

  Fang Ze said with a smile.

  "I came out to relax."

  "I also came out to relax."

  Qin Yun glared at Fang Ze: "Don't imitate me!"

  Fang Ze: "Who learned from you?"

  The two stared wide-eyed.

  Fang Ze pointed to the left: "Can you eat Cantonese food? I'll treat you to me."

  Qin Yun turned around and walked into the restaurant, saying as she walked, "Bring me five foie gras!"

  Looking at Qin Yun's arrogant back, Fang Ze smiled and shook his head

  Wan Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 300 Gossip [1]

  After half an hour.

  Royal Society.

  Fang Ze looked at the table full of dishes in front of him, and said speechlessly: "I said Qin Yun, you are sure you can eat it"

  When he handed over the menu to Qin Yun, the current result appeared.

  Foie Gras Scallop:, Li Rong Honeycomb Taro Corner:, Quick Sand Bun, Yipin Pot, etc.

  Qin Yun ordered almost all dishes with a price of more than [-] plates.

  Not counting drinks, at least [-] or more.

  Although Fang Ze didn't feel bad about money, it was indeed a bit extravagant to eat three thousand for two.

  If this is photographed and posted on the Internet, the attention of netizens is estimated to be diverted again.

  Qin Yun picked up the chopsticks and said, "All the meals you owe me are almost the same."

  "Since you were promoted to the captain of the Yangcheng Criminal Police Team, how many times have you told me to invite me to dinner?"

  "Be kind to yourself" Zero Ninety Seven

  Well done."

  After speaking, Qin Yun picked up a small piece of foie gras and put it in her mouth.

  Qin Yun's words made Fang Ze scratch his forehead.

  If you think about it, it really is.

  Whenever a case was over, he said that he would invite the other party to a meal to thank him and so on.

  But after that, it was all thrown to the back of his head.

  The only time was after the counterfeit money case.

  Thinking of this, Fang Ze sneered and said, "Isn't this busy with work?"

  "It's my fault, okay?"

  "Is this enough, not enough, go on!"


  "Alright, alright!"

  Qin Yun hurriedly interrupted Fang Ze, and the waiter rushed over and waved apologetically.

  Afterwards, she turned to look at Fang Ze: "I'll serve you, that's enough, why, I've made a fortune recently"

  "To be honest, how much is the bonus in this case of Yang Da's corpse dismemberment?"

  Fang Ze was stunned: "There are bonuses as well!!! Why don't I know?"

  Qin Yun looked at Fang Ze while eating, and said strangely, "How could there be no bonus?"

  "Don't you have bonuses for those old and old cases that you broke five in the past?"

  "Yang Da's corpse dismemberment case has such a big impact, so the provincial department will be proud of it."

  Fang Ze said seriously: "There is really no bonus"

  Hearing this, Qin Yun thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes, you have been transferred to the provincial department as the chief captain, so the bonus doesn't matter."

  "Come on, have a drink."

  Qin Yun picked up the wine glass and touched Fang Ze.

  Fortunately, Fang Ze's injury is no longer a serious problem, otherwise the intake of alcohol will inevitably cause some pain.

  Qin Yun said, "Speaking of which, you really came from Dongli yourself."

  Fang Ze put down the wine glass and nodded, "Really."

  Qin Yun wondered: "Why is it a holiday now, why didn't Luo Bixin accompany you?"

  When it comes to Luo Refill, Qin Yun's face is a little unnatural.

  Kind of: the masochistic feeling of shooting yourself in the foot.

  Fang Ze didn't know how to explain it, so he could only perfunctory: "I've been under a lot of pressure recently, and I want to go out and walk by myself."

  Qin Yun glanced at Fang Ze, took a sip from the red wine glass, and said, "You two are not quarreling, right?"

  Fang Ze shook his head: "No."

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