Qin Yun: "That's not true. It feels a bit coincidental that we just caught up with us."

  Fang Ze smiled: "A lot of things are so coincidental, so what can be done."

  Qin Yun took a sip of tea and said, "What do you think the murderer came from? He actually turned a person into a statue."

  "Is he using art to kill?"

  "Definitely a perverted sculptor."

  Fang Ze glanced at her and said, "Don't think about it."

  "If you're really curious, when the case is solved, I'll call you and ask."

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

Chapter 308 The Second Corpse Sculpture [1]

  Time flies, two days have passed.

  Qin Yun's vacation time has come.

  Fang Ze sent Qin Yun to the train station.

  At the ticket gate, Qin Yun said, "you are going to Ninghang"

  Fang Ze nodded and said with a smile, "I can't afford to waste the holiday that Liang Ting has approved."

  "There is heaven above and Ninghang below, you must go."

  The scenery of Ninghang is one of the best in China.

  Qin Yun said: "Well then, there will be time to reunite in Yangcheng."


  Chong Fangze waved his hand, Qin Yun turned around and entered the waiting room.

  When Qin Yun's back disappeared from sight, Fang Ze stretched out, with a smile on his face.

  "It's just different how others feel when they go to work and take their own vacation."

  "Play in Dongli for a few more days and leave for Nanjing and Hangzhou!"

  October 2th, [-]:[-] PM.

  Dongli City, Plaza [-].

  As the largest and most prosperous commercial district in Dongli, the status of Plaza [-] can be imagined.

  Here, a large number of flagship stores of world-renowned fashion brands are concentrated, with extremely high consumption.

  At this moment, in front of the fountain in the center of the square, a large group of people gathered in the distance and whispered.

  Several police cars were parked 107 miles away, within a radius of [-] meters.

  Everyone could see that something had happened.

  Shen Kai's face was very ugly.

  He stared at the sculpture in front of him, and the corners of his eyes kept shaking.

  He never imagined that the case of the exhibition had not yet been revealed, and another corpse sculpture appeared.

  This gave Shen Xin an ominous premonition.

  That's a serial murder case.

  Completely consistent killing methods, such a short time interval, basically conforms to the characteristics of serial killings.

  If you find something similar to a strange character on the sculpture, you will think of this, and you will get closer and look at the chest of the sculpture.

  It can be clearly seen from the above that:.

  The last sculpture was 1 and now it's 2! Shen Kai gritted his teeth, stepped to the side of the sculpture's right arm, and bent over to check.

  Immediately, his face sank completely.

  Engraved on it: Reader ignores the horizontal line, the number cannot be displayed.

  Except for two different letters, the format is exactly the same as the characters on the corpse three days ago.

  If this is a coincidence, who will believe it! Shen Kai is almost certain, this is a brutal serial murder case! The murderer placed the corpse sculpture in a conspicuous crowd gathering place twice in a row, which is a great humiliation to the police And provocation! At this time, in my heart, the fire of anger has already ignited.

  "Son of a bitch!"

  Three words popped out of Shen Kai's mouth, "You wait for me!"

  "Forensic doctor! Trace examination! Don't do it yet! Shen Kai snorted softly.

  There was a deep emotion in his voice.

  "Yes, yes, Shen team."

  Seeing Shen Kai's anger, everyone remained silent, not daring to get in trouble at such a time.

  They are also very clear that the characterization of the serial murder case in the same scene twice in a row cannot escape.

  The pressure of sinking can be imagined.

  It would be fine if there were only two dead.

  Once new dead people continue to appear, the entire Dongli Criminal Police Force will have to walk around.

  October [-]th, nine o'clock in the morning.

  Dongli City Bureau.

  The sculptures in the square were not damaged in the square

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  , but transported it back to the Municipal Bureau for a comprehensive survey.

  The identity of the deceased has been revealed.

  Zhan Yuesheng, male, 32 and [-] years old, is an ordinary worker by profession.


  ordinary worker.

  Is there any connection between the two? Shen Kai is puzzled.

  A murder method with such a strong purpose should not be a random murder.

  However, preliminary investigations showed that there was no intersection at all between Kang Pingxing and Zhan Yuesheng.

  The only doubt is that both have an eight-year unemployed period.

  In the past eight years, it is impossible to verify what the two are doing and what the source of income is.

  If it can be found, it will be the key to solving the case.

  But five days have passed since the fifth day, and the case still has not made any substantial progress.

  Chief's Office.

  Yu Guoxing threw the information on the table, looked at Shen Kai and said coldly, "I'll just ask you, when will this person be caught!"

  The five words of the serial murder case touched Yu Guoxing's sensitive nerves.

  Once the dead continue to appear, the police have nothing to do.

  Then he, the director of the Dongli City Bureau, is to blame.

  Once the above finds that the situation is out of control and sends a task force to Dongli, Yu Guoxing will face serious accountability.

  Facing Yu Guoxing's questioning, Shen Kai opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't speak.

  He dared not speak.

  Because there is no certainty at all.

  The killer left no clues.

  Those strange characters can only be half guessed after discussion by the entire criminal police team.

  Seeing that Shen Kai was silent, Yu Guoxing picked up the cigarette and lit it, saying, "You said that the number is the time when the sculpture appeared"

  Shen Kai nodded: "After we all held a meeting to discuss, it should be like this."

  "It's the exhibition murder case."

  "It's the Plaza Murder."

  "I think the next time should be October [-]th, which is the day after tomorrow."

  "This is the murder notice of the murderer."

  Hearing this, Yu Guoxing slammed the table and said angrily, "Arrogant!!"

  "The murderer dared to be at the scene, leaving time to kill, this is a serious provocation to our police!!"

  "Sink open!"

  "I don't care what method you use, before the eleventh, the murderer must be caught!"

  Shen Kai: "I"

  He smiled bitterly and said, "Juju"

  In less than two days, he really had no confidence at all.

  Yu Guoxing glanced at Shen Kai and said, "Shen Kai, the exhibition event is already fermenting, and the corpse sculpture in the square is added."

  "The masses are not fools, you can guess."

  "Once the third or even the fourth deceased continues to appear in the downtown area, what do you think the fishing reels will become, will the public panic?"

  Of course Shen Kai knew the seriousness of the matter.

  But he has more than enough heart, but not enough strength.

  Of course there are directions.

  The kill code on the sculpture can also be slowly unlocked.

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