"Yu Bureau."

  After saying hello, Fang Ze asked directly, "What's the situation?"

  Seeing that Fang Ze came up, he asked about the case without any delay.

  In addition to admiring, Yu Guoxing omitted the polite words and handed the information to Fang Ze.

  "Captain Fang, it's all here, let's take a look first."

  Fang Ze took it and turned it over.

  Yu Guoxing said: "Captain Fang, Shen open their judgment"

  Fang Ze looked at the information without raising his head and said, "It's absolutely correct."

  Yu Guoxing was stunned, and hesitantly said, "Can the third victim be?"

  Fang Ze said: "It can't be saved, he is already dead."


  Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 310 Killing Code [3]

  "already dead!"

  Fang Ze's words changed Yu Guoxing's face.

  "Captain Fang, are you sure?"

  Fang Ze didn't answer, but turned to look at Shen Kai next to him, and said strangely: "Shen team, you didn't expect it"

  He is really weird.

  It shouldn't be.

  Although I don't know much about Shen Kai, the preliminary process of handling the case is enough to show that the other party is a criminal policeman with flexible thinking.

  With such a simple reason, one would wonder if Yu Guoxing also looked at Shen Kai.

  Shen Kai was stunned for a moment, then frowned in thought.

  After a while, his face froze, and he nodded quickly: "Yes, yes, the third victim is indeed very likely dead."

  Seeing that both of them said so, Yu Guoxing said, "Why?"

  Shen Kai's face was solemn: "I have been investigating the second deceased for the past two days, and I almost forgot about it."

  "According to the killing methods of the two murders, the murderer's third crime should be in the same way."

  "That is to suffocate the victim alive in the sculpture."

  Yu Guoxing nodded slightly.

  Shen Kai continued: "But carving takes time, three days is already very short, it can't be faster."

  "According to our inference, if the day after tomorrow is the time when the third sculpture appears, then the murderer is now,"

  Hearing this, Yu Guoxing blurted out: "Completing the carving!"

  "That's right."

  Shen Kai nodded.

  He looked at Fang Ze with admiration in his eyes.

  He, who had never participated in the investigation, was able to reveal the crux of the problem in an instant.

  It seems that his understanding of Fang Ze is still only in rumors.

  Fang Ze chuckled lightly and took over the conversation: "Shen team is worthy of being the captain of Dongli's criminal police, the response is really fast."

  "Yes, the murderer is finishing the engraving."

  "In other words, the third victim, is dead."

  "We're still too slow."

  "But then again, the three-day interval is really a bit short."

  Shen Kai sighed and said, "It's my problem."

  Fang Ze said: "Shen team don't have to blame themselves. Before the second sculpture appeared, no one knew that this was a serial murder case."

  He did not mention his speculation at the exhibition, worried that Shen Kai would be stimulated.

  Facing Fang Ze's comfort, Shen Kai gritted his teeth and said, "But since the second sculpture has appeared, I should realize that there will be a third person!"

  "It should also be realized that the murderer did not stop at all!"

  "The focus should be on preventing new dead from appearing, not investigating the killer!"

  Three 3 "should" in a row

  , making Shen Kai's face a little ugly.

  Fang Ze didn't speak any more.

  Since Shen Kai admitted his mistake, he doesn't need to continue to be hypocritical and comfort.

  Yu Guoxing glanced at Shen Kai, but in fact Shen Kai was already a very good criminal policeman, and there were not a few criminal cases under his control.

  It's just the suddenness and complexity of this case, which adds to this.

  In contrast, the open one has almost gone out.

  After Shen Kai took a deep breath, he said solemnly, "Captain Fang!"


  Fang Ze turned his head.

  Shen Kai bowed and said, "I'll leave this case to you. From now on, the command will be handed over to you!"

  "Dongli Criminal Police Team, all under your command!"

  "Please order!"

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Fang Ze was silent for a while, then nodded.

  Regardless of

  Whether it was Liang Yongzhou's order or his duty as a criminal policeman, he had no shirk.

  Then, he turned to the last page of the information, which was the characters left by the second sculpture.


  Fang Ze said silently.

  "I remember the first sculpture, it was 0"

  Shen Kai was surprised by Fang Ze's memory, nodded and said, "That's right, it's not bad at all."


  Fang Ze nodded and said to himself: "On the chest, the third sculpture that is about to appear is 3, and there are 4."

  "what does it mean"

  "Why four victims."

  "What's the connection between the four victims?"

  Shen Kai couldn't answer Fang Ze's question and stood beside him and waited quietly.

  "Excuse me, give me five minutes."

  After Fang Ze finished speaking, he turned and sat on the sofa, staring at the string of characters in deep thought.

  What exactly does this homicide code represent the changed letters, and why five minutes later, Fang Ze didn't come up with any clues and stood up.

  Shen Kai hurriedly said, "How is it?"

  Fang Ze frowned and shook his head: "I can't think of it temporarily, but"

  Shen Kai lifted his spirits and looked at Fang Ze expectantly.

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "But inspiration will always appear inadvertently, so don't be in a hurry."

  "The seemingly complicated killing code is actually not as mysterious as we thought."

  "As long as you find the entry point, everything will be clear."

  Shen Kai nodded silently.

  If nothing else, Fang Ze's mentality is much stronger than his.

  The day after tomorrow is very likely the date when the sculpture appears, and the other party can still be so calm, it is worth his study.

  Keeping a good attitude will not affect judgment and thinking.

  This is a compulsory course for police officers.

  He said, "Fang team, what's the next step?"

  "Since the characters cannot be decrypted for the time being, should we start investigating the latest deceased?"

  "Do not."

  Fang Ze stretched out his hand and said, "Don't worry about the second deceased, I need to see Kang Pingxing's teacher, Xu Yuanwu."

  "Xu Yuanwu"

  Shen Kai was stunned for a while, and said, "Is there any problem with Xu Yuanwu?"

  Fang Ze chuckled: "He has no problem, but he will help me solve the problem."

  "Can you take him to the police station?"

  Shen Kai nodded: "Of course, I'll go right away."

  After that, Shen Kai turned around and left the office.

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